Howdy all, and hoping ya`ll had a super Christmas! I see this subject still active here. I do not know if this is place to post this, but, i havent seen topic , called what happens to untreated pain, lo,. So here ya might have read bout me, as many here , was treated and actually helped by pain management for years, but, suddenly , laws changed and because of my constant withdrawals every month of lets see how fast i can titrate patient without killing, lol. Had major panic attack, i think, bcuz never had one b4. Bp, sky hi, doc asks , but, uh why? Roflmao, do you really wanna know? YOU! Tells me come back next day, only to uh, hmm, let me find a doc i could get along with, "better for both of us" , as you are so uncomfortable with me. So, fast forward almost 4 years, been used kratom, got my ducks aligned, once again, sought pm loaded with documentation, thought ok, im ready, uh, no, laws tightened, wth? So, finally been about 2 years, seeing every doc to get said documents , was finally able to get 2 whole pills , 5mg, for each day, they are vikings.btw. But, of course , exctatic(sp?] But still in pain, so did what advised, ibuprophen, and lots of it of course, bcuz my 2xday, did help, for oh about an hour or 2, so, rest of day, still in pain. On bad days, pffft! So, kept taking advils. Guess what fellow warriors? Now im in stage 3 ckd, chronic kidney disease! Yup! So, now im even afraid to go to pd appt jan 8th. My silly brain thought, hmm, maybe now they give just a lil more? So, like any self respecting dummy, googled it, guess what? Yup, may be cut more? Any of you dealing with said prob with pain doc, please advise? In meantime, pain warriors, quit taking advil types for pain as suggested , bcuz the amount you need to lessen pain at all, will cause even bigger problems! And ive been taking only few years, can you imagine? I found out by buggin my pcp, cuz felt so exhausted, even more than usual chronic fatigue, yea, bad, felt like had bug of sorts, which btw, now had for well, b4 tanksgiving, so doc ordered blood tests, again, which each time got worse. So be warned all! It DOES and CAN happen! So now what? Suggestions? Thanks in advance all, sorry bout size of post, but, best way to explain. Hey! Wishes for a better new year than last year!