
Anyone try the XMAS discount code since we are past the holidays (US)? If so, still working or what?


just recieved my order of 90 today, it was shipped on the 14th of dec. pretty satisfied, they are clean, good quality bars.

I dont know call me old fashion but there is nothing wrong with the 2mgs U94s from Pfizer.

Or am I way off and these coveted Gadors are that much better!

Please tell me oh wise ones!!!!

Personally I am not an alp man but when I want to be sleeping for a few hours then 2 mgs...........of a bar and bam it is lights out.
Well of course there's nothing WRONG with Upjohn 94s, after all they are the original patent holder! But Xanax, I assure you, or Tafil, or Xanor, all are imprinted with the original Upjohn code numbers of 27, 55, 90 & 94, despite that, are most definitely inferior to Ksalol and Alplax.

Someone wrote that this site sells Gador, but as far as I can see, Alplax is the ONLY Gador product they sell. I can't find either Somit or Insomnium anywhere. Just says 'generic'. If anyone knows if these are in fact Gador, please post. My friend will not buy any other zolpidem EXCEPT Gador Somit.

Oh dear. No blisters. Meaning no batch number or expiry date. Not good. One note though, the only people I have ever heard moaning about crushed or broken tablets of any kind are American, so the problem seems to be with the US postal service. A few years ago I used to use PharmaciaLatina for my Alplax. They were, with their mother company, Farmakos, the only place sending loose Alplax but quality was the best bar my email sources, who usually send better goods than websites anyway. Not once did I receive a single broken tablet. The USPS must have a habit of not taking care of the mail, playing football with it, or maybe they use machinery nowhere else uses which mangles letters and packets. I don't know anyone here who has ever had a complaint about broken tablets from ANY source at all.

So, as long as the writers are familiar with Alplax, it would appear that with the 28% off, this company is worth buying from, only problem being that they send in multiple small quantities, meaning I must wait for at least ten deliveries by the sound of it.

I will have to get them to send to multiple addresses because our Post Office only serves my village of 2,000 people and all those packets to unknown Argentinian names is bound to arouse suspicion. As long as they arrive at the rate of at least two, hopefully three daily to my safe addies I'll be happy. But as has been noted, it's easy to send 25-30 blisters per pack, cutting the order down to a max of four packs. Another drawback of tiny quantities in many envelopes. I only hope they send at least three a day, since I'd like my order to arrive within a few days and not be hanging around for over a week still waiting for nos. 9 & 10 to arrive!

Otherwise we've hopefully established that despite lack of blisters the goods are what we expect from Alplax. Can anyone let us know any benefits of the many small quantity pack method? I hope sincerely that the timings of arrivals of small orders split into even smaller ones are the exception and that they were all to the same mailing address... I'd get two sent to each of five addies ideally so they arrive in a couple of days and no waiting. That's my only worry. It's good to be seeing the best alp made being sold, even though I'd baulk if not for a 28% discount - the quoted price of $440 for 300 is ridiculously high for Alplax. The 1mg Alplax prices are crazy too; look at the differences. Only a fool would buy less than 120 pinkies. Or 300 bars, come to that.

Anyway, I'll let you know how things go, how long the full order takes using five addresses, and the quality compared to the best source I ever had. Ordering next Friday.

Back to the Xanax question: they would be my third or fourth choice of brand. Alplax and Ksalol first. I'm half thinking that Helex should be in front of Xanax too. What do others think? And would Denver Farma and Frontin be next? One thing's for certain, Parke Davis' licenced Xanax with the 'XANAX' marking and Onax would be bottom of the list! Never in the field of online pharmacy has such poor alpraOlam been offered, yet people STILL buy them! Must have too much money and frazzled GABA receptors!

I don't know about the GG 249's that are being distributed now. I do know that they were bootlegged a few years ago, and were being mass produced in China. I bought a good amount off of tradekey, or alibaba. Those GG's back then were NOT alprazolam. They were tested and and the results came back phenazapam. This is before phenazapam became available on every RC site that there was. You use to be able to buy phenaz by the kilos. Apparently the bunk GG's are of the past,,,, and the new ones are legit.

If and when I take any alprazolam,,, it is either a Gador or a Denver. Denver klonopins are great too.

One word of wisdom from someone who has been there,,,,Benzos have talons,,,and when you are hooked,,,,the only way off those benzos is a slow, very slow gradual taper. Respect the Benzos.

As far as club alp goes.

They run there operation very carefully. The reason for mutiple packs is,,, if one or 2 get snagged,,, you and club alp are not burned to bad. The seem like a very safe IOP. I have never ordered from them. Hope they kerp up the great service.

I don't know about the GG 249's that are being distributed now. I do know that they were bootlegged a few years ago, and were being mass produced in China. I bought a good amount off of tradekey, or alibaba. Those GG's back then were NOT alprazolam. They were tested and and the results came back phenazapam. This is before phenazapam became available on every RC site that there was. You use to be able to buy phenaz by the kilos. Apparently the bunk GG's are of the past,,,, and the new ones are legit.

If and when I take any alprazolam,,, it is either a Gador or a Denver. Denver klonopins are great too.

One word of wisdom from someone who has been there,,,,Benzos have talons,,,and when you are hooked,,,,the only way off those benzos is a slow, very slow gradual taper. Respect the Benzos.

As far as club alp goes.

They run there operation very carefully. The reason for mutiple packs is,,, if one or 2 get snagged,,, you and club alp are not burned to bad. The seem like a very safe IOP. I have never ordered from them. Hope they kerp up the great service.
I don't know about the GG 249's that are being distributed now. I do know that they were bootlegged a few years ago, and were being mass produced in China. I bought a good amount off of tradekey, or alibaba. Those GG's back then were NOT alprazolam. They were tested and and the results came back phenazapam. This is before phenazapam became available on every RC site that there was. You use to be able to buy phenaz by the kilos. Apparently the bunk GG's are of the past,,,, and the new ones are legit.

If and when I take any alprazolam,,, it is either a Gador or a Denver. Denver klonopins are great too.

One word of wisdom from someone who has been there,,,,Benzos have talons,,,and when you are hooked,,,,the only way off those benzos is a slow, very slow gradual taper. Respect the Benzos.

As far as club alp goes.

They run there operation very carefully. The reason for mutiple packs is,,, if one or 2 get snagged,,, you and club alp are not burned to bad. The seem like a very safe IOP. I have never ordered from them. Hope they kerp up the great service.
As far as the talons you are correct but I conquered them using the Ashton method.

You need a ton of product to do it correctly and most drs will laugh you straight out of their office. Now however with the internet you can do it easily.

BUT if done right it must be done to the letter as I am living proof it works.............

I needed around 700 +- 1000 valium last time to get through it

That was in 2005 I remember when I was down to the last 2 mgs It was a piece of cake!

I was off them completely until Feb of 2011. Something went down seriously & bam right bk on the train.

I could probably half the 2 week drop off and go with one week spreads so I would only need about 500 more.

But at $50 a pop per 100 diaz from Vogue it is easily accomplished.

Good point though

As far as the talons you are correct but I conquered them using the Ashton method.

You need a ton of product to do it correctly and most drs will laugh you straight out of their office. Now however with the internet you can do it easily.

BUT if done right it must be done to the letter as I am living proof it works.............

I needed around 700 +- 1000 valium last time to get through it

That was in 2005 I remember when I was down to the last 2 mgs It was a piece of cake!

I was off them completely until Feb of 2011. Something went down seriously & bam right bk on the train.

I could probably half the 2 week drop off and go with one week spreads so I would only need about 500 more.

But at $50 a pop per 100 diaz from Vogue it is easily accomplished.

Good point though
would it be possible to get address for Vogue, I am new here, but many years in the trenches and this is a new one.

The Ashton method is Great. It can be altered to your liking. I tapered a couple of years ago using klonopin. Klonopin have a long half life like valium does. Towards the end of my taper I had my Dr. perscribe me the .25 mg. disinegrating wafers. I wanted even dosing,,, breaking pills does not give you accurate doses. When tapering the doses have to be accurate. Those damn wafers were more expensive then the 1 mg pins. I was able to finish the taper and still had some wafers left when I was done.

I was really hooked on xanax back in the early 2000. You could get 1000 Gadors for 750.00

I had 2 packages siezed in the same week. I was taking 3 bars a day. You just cant stop taking them like that. I had to admit myself into a detox center. It was rough. I had siezures up to a month after I detoxed. High doses of phenobarbital were given to me in detox,,, but when I was released 7 days later

I was still in bad shape,,, and was not perscribed anything to keep from convulsing. So yes Benzo

addiction sucks,,, and benzo WD's are way, way, worse then opiate WD's.

As far as CLUBALP goes,,,, they are very reliable. They have been around for along time,,,but under a different name,,,as mentioned earlier.. There Alp Gador bars are reasonbly priced. Can't find any better deals unless you go with an email sorce. Vogue has been around for probobly 10 years or more. Sherwood is right. They carry the best valium manufactured.

I think I will get some bars from Club Alp while Im waiting to see how Ambar is. Im sure she is going to be a great bulk source. The bars are not for me. A friend of mine who is very ill wants them. I will taste test 1. I no better now adays to be extremely cautious when chillin with any benzo. I no once I was clean from the benzos that I really appreciate life alot more. I dont get bent out of shape to bad,,, and have learned to laugh it off sort of speak. I do get pannick attacks when driving,,, sometime,,,, and that is not

a good thing. You see I am retired,,,but to kerp from going insane, and to keep in shape,, I drive flatbed semi part time.

A friend of mine has a trucking firm 2 miles up the road,,, and he is always short on drivers. Pannick attacks in a semi are not good,,,, but I have them not very often.

ClubAlp is this thread,,, I know Stay on topic,,,, This resource is good to go folks.... not bad prices...

Yeah I just got my price list with this

I wonder if anyone has received from ambar33 yet? Even though I do not want to go any stronger than v's those gadors sound mighty fine!

I think that since she is a argentina source that it could take a couple of weeks to receive.

Visa accepted will kerp us posted on that,,, as we all know he took one for the team and placed an order.

Het prides are where its at.

I think that since she is a argentina source that it could take a couple of weeks to receive.

Visa accepted will kerp us posted on that,,, as we all know he took one for the team and placed an order.

Het prides are where its at.
damn touch pad computer,,, if I go back to fix typos the cursor doesn' t go where I want it to. sorry for the typos,,, everyone can figure out what I'm saying,,, I keephitting the t or r when i want to hit the E,,,lol technology,,, gotta love it,,, who would have ever thought that we would be sitting in our home able to buy about any medicine we want and not leave the house. life is good,,,,i love D B G
Yeah I just got my price list with this

I wonder if anyone has received from ambar33 yet? Even though I do not want to go any stronger than v's those gadors sound mighty fine!
i was thinking of her too as she has denvers,gadors

I think they are well overpriced and up tp 25 days delivery?? nah thanks

Does club alp include them in the original blisters or are they Eh hmmm loose as they say?

Ordered 120 gado bars with Xmas discount.

Shipped jan 9

Received jan 23


I'm like 10/10 with PCU I mean club alp.

Non blistered bars fresh and real deal.

These guys better be legit I am giving two new IOPs a go this week since that MF'er Ambar turned out to be sour...

bamalegend79 said:

Sorry to hear about Akbar. However I am glad to finally find out if she is legit.

On another note. Does anybody have a contact email for club app. I was having trouble with

My WU transfer but got a message saying it is ready. However all my emails to clubalp are getting returned

If so please pm me.

Thx Peeps
haambaris is

bamalegend79 said:

Sorry to hear about Akbar. However I am glad to finally find out if she is legit.

On another note. Does anybody have a contact email for club app. I was having trouble with

My WU transfer but got a message saying it is ready. However all my emails to clubalp are getting returned

If so please pm me.

Thx Peeps
legit huh

has he delivered? to anyone?

u trust this newbies word? you are a moron I am done with this thread

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!