You all have made it so easy now to find vendors, that it's almost impossible to believe that the information is all right there on page 1!! When I joined last fall, this did not exist, or if it did, I missed it entirely. I did, however, after MUCH READING, find reputable vendors for legit vitamins. Thank you all moderators, and thank you to the forum. I just made a little donation recently b/c you guys have helped me so much and been so patient as I stumble around, and you've all been kind in your corrections for me and suggestions, I just wish I had more to give. Unfortunately, that one BAD company that went rogue wiped me out and it took a while to get some finances together to try out some new vendors. Everyone that you all have vouched for have come through with flying colors. Now I need to get on the other threads to notify of my good transactions. I appreciate everyone so much! Your information has saved me from countless scams....Have a great night! Leigh Anne...scrolling across the top of the home page.
You've made it so easy now, you see that page and just overlook it seems crazy, but it's so awesome you guys have compiled all this information and given the info on reputable vendors...Thank you so much to you and all the moderators! Have a good night! Leigh AnneClick on the banner.......
When you arrived!!!!! ???I could have sworn this use to be a good forum? Am I mistaken? If I am not mistaken when did it go rogue?
I appreciate the humor sir!