New medication


Jul 31, 2014
I was taking Fentanyl 100mcg/15 per month and Hydro for breakthrough. Because of my loss of insurance my doc pulled me off both and switched me over to Oxy 30mg 6 per day/ 180 per month. Normally I'd be looking at $950 monthly combined for those 2 medications compared to $190 for the Oxy. That helps me out big time as I just couldn't afford the Fent. The Fent was a little scary at times as I woke up with a headache from having such shallow breathing and the Hydro is bad because of the Acetaminophen.

From what you guys have dealt with would you consider this to be pretty generous? I ended up getting the generic Activis A215 brand which is a good one.

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Agreed. How has the switch felt?

I have a very strict doctor who has cut my meds monthly since my old doc retired. Living in a rural area, I'm lucky to have a doctor at all.

Sounds like you have a compassionate, generous doctor. That's a huge savings!

Not to bad. I'm actually happy to get off the Fent. I went 5 days without it as I had a few fall off and it was torture. For some reason the w/d off Fent is absolutely the worst thing imaginable. Other pain meds aren't nearly as bad. Another weird side effect of the Fent was crazy dreams. Not a bad thing per se but the dreams were just off the charts wild. I don't miss the Hydro either. I know in the higher dosages the Acetaminophen was not good for me at all. I gotta say I actually feel normal. The bad thing with Fent was that you really felt lethargic all the time. Over one weekend I slept over 20 hours straight. I feel like I can do stuff again now. I guess that's the main goal, being happy and optimistic again.

I was taking Fentanyl 100mcg/15 per month and Hydro for breakthrough. Because of my loss of insurance my doc pulled me off both and switched me over to Oxy 30mg 6 per day/ 180 per month. Normally I'd be looking at $950 monthly combined for those 2 medications compared to $190 for the Oxy. That helps me out big time as I just couldn't afford the Fent. The Fent was a little scary at times as I woke up with a headache from having such shallow breathing and the Hydro is bad because of the Acetaminophen.

From what you guys have dealt with would you consider this to be pretty generous? I ended up getting the generic Activis A215 brand which is a good one.

View attachment 1810

You are very lucky.  When I had to go to a pain doctor here in Florida when my old doctor retired and the new doc sent me.  I went from 4 8mg dilauded a day that I had been on for several years to  2  4mg a day.  No cutting down slowly.  I can't make it until the end of the month.  I always run out 7-9 days before I can get my script filled.  Here you they won't even let you drop the script off until the 30th day after your last fill.  The bad thing is the price is so high and I'm on SSI.  Anyway, it is great that you have a good doctor

Not knowing what medical probs you're dealing with I hesitate to use the word "lucky" but in today's war on pain patients ... er .... drugs, yes you are very lucky to be receiving these meds on a regular basis. 

For some reason the w/d off Fent is absolutely the worst thing imaginable. Other pain meds aren't nearly as bad.
Try Opana or methadone.  They make fent look like a codeine.  hahaha.

Glad your transition went ok - and yes, you are "lucky."  Hope you continue to get the relief you need.  :D

@US Army Veteran great seeing you or maybe I missed you it's been a busy week. Glad to see you looking forward to reading your post. Especially did I see food and Mardi Graw can't wait wit to read! @Cloudy I'm in Florida where the doctors around here give you a month and detox you to barely nothing. My doctor says the DEA raids his place a few times a month and gets his clinic shut down all day and is slapped with a fine and the poor people who visited that day are screwed. I agree Florida sucks I love the weather but the doctors suck or the FDA is crooked I just can't understand why they give a crap how much a person needs for pain relief! Jesus they treated my cat with suboxone you could tell he was in no pain after being hit by a car. That's said when animals are treated better than human beings l!

@US Army Veteran great seeing you or maybe I missed you it's been a busy week. Glad to see you looking forward to reading your post. Especially did I see food and Mardi Graw can't wait wit to read! @Cloudy I'm in Florida where the doctors around here give you a month and detox you to barely nothing. My doctor says the DEA raids his place a few times a month and gets his clinic shut down all day and is slapped with a fine and the poor people who visited that day are screwed. I agree Florida sucks I love the weather but the doctors suck or the FDA is crooked I just can't understand why they give a crap how much a person needs for pain relief! Jesus they treated my cat with suboxone you could tell he was in no pain after being hit by a car. That's said when animals are treated better than human beings l!
Totally agree @Heavenlee It's funny you say that about your cat (not funny that he got hit by a car of course) but when I picked up my dog from getting neutered a few months ago I noticed on the bill they itemized all of the medications that he received before, during, and after surgery.  One was buprenorphine - the active ingredient in Subutex and one of the active ingredients in Suboxone.  I had no idea they used it in veterinary practice.  Interesting.

BTW - It's not FDA that is crooked in this case (yes, they are crooked but not regarding this issue because they do not regulate it).  FDA just approves/rejects drugs.  Drug dispensing (practice of pharmacy) is regulated by state boards of pharmacy; the practice of medicine/prescribing is regulated by state medical boards; and criminal matters (when it comes to controlled substances) are enforced by the DEA (agency within the U.S. Dept. of Justice).  Among all of those agencies, DEA is, without question, the most crooked.  I am generalizing but it is, for the most part, a horrid group of stupid, narrow-minded a&&holes.

I take SuB U tex (for pain). I have to go to Cleanslate and get it through their because of the laws. The drug was first used as a post-op pain killer in the 60's. They still use it but it comes in Ampules of 0.2 and 0.3mg and is called Bu-Pre Nex.

Where I live (Western Massachusetts), H is the purest, you get A LOT, it is really cheap, and it gets delivered. You can literally get almost any amount you want! Scary right. Unfortunately, they are mixing in Things like f u f, Bromo Dol and Fent An alogs in with the H. It is scary stuff.

Totally agree @Heavenlee It's funny you say that about your cat (not funny that he got hit by a car of course) but when I picked up my dog from getting neutered a few months ago I noticed on the bill they itemized all of the medications that he received before, during, and after surgery.  One was buprenorphine - the active ingredient in Subutex and one of the active ingredients in Suboxone.  I had no idea they used it in veterinary practice.  Interesting.

BTW - It's not FDA that is crooked in this case (yes, they are crooked but not regarding this issue because they do not regulate it).  FDA just approves/rejects drugs.  Drug dispensing (practice of pharmacy) is regulated by state boards of pharmacy; the practice of medicine/prescribing is regulated by state medical boards; and criminal matters (when it comes to controlled substances) are enforced by the DEA (agency within the U.S. Dept. of Justice).  Among all of those agencies, DEA is, without question, the most crooked.  I am generalizing but it is, for the most part, a horrid group of stupid, narrow-minded a&&holes.
  Wow. This reminds me of a situation that is very close to home for me. Yes,  rocketman is very correct… my old very sweet old-school doctor got shut down by the DEA about four months ago.  He went from having a full practice with 85 patients to being shut down in one day, with a line of patients waiting outside for medications they desperately needed. He did not lose his doctor's license  entirely, but he lost his license to prescribe Suboxone and other substance abuse/pain related treatment drugs... from my understanding he is not allowed to prescribe any controlled substance. He was in the process of retiring, very slowly referring patients to other pain clinics or cutting a few patients that did not show up for appointments or who were "problem patients", as he put it.  The patient who reported him to the board was caught selling her medication and taking heroin.  Repeatedly. He gave her multiple chances, put her in special groups… She continued to break rules that risked his license. She'd been kicked off of the program for very valid reasons.  But she was pissed and she reported him for "sexual-harassment" and a bunch of other false drug related issues. He was 81 years old, a devout Catholic and would never sexually harass anyone!  His wife worked in the clinic with him  as a receptionist. The mere idea of it is laughable it's so absurd.  His memory was going a bit due to his age, so he did break the law by pre-writing scripts before patients came in, leaving them blank so he could fill them in  depending on how they did on their urine screen, their current dosages, etc... When the DEA went in to his office they found the scripts that were pre-written  and a bottle of medication that he  had confiscated from a client that had been abusing other drugs where the combination was potentially lethal.  I guess that both of these things are illegal and were there reason for him being shut down on the spot.  It's very possible there is more to the story, but that's all that I know. The officials that  shut him down that day couldn't have cared less about the patients outside or the rest of his clients.  I was lucky enough to find another doctor due to having a good record, a lot of people were left without a doctor and ended up going back to street drugs. I know that my old doctor didn't do everything by the book, he was very old but was truly was trying to help his patients. I will admit  that he was very liberal with his prescribing... especially  if you were a compliant patient that didn't miss appointments,  run out of medication early, didn't have dirty urine screens and didn't cause him problems. 

 I truly felt bad for the way he was shut down like that, and I saw a lot of people hurting due to being cut off without notice.  The officials on the scene told the patients outside to go to the emergency room… where of course they were not helped in any way if they did go.  Honestly, he probably should have retired years earlier but he felt responsible for his patients and knew that in our area there are few to almost no other Suboxone doctors around.  I got very very lucky in that I  went in once a month and I had seen him two days prior to him being shut down.  It bought me some time. Others weren't so lucky.  The DEA agents that shut my old doctor down were cruel to the patients outside, treating them like they were the scum of the earth.  You would think that these people would have some sort of training when it comes to addiction.  It didn't stop there. The DEA went through the doctors files, found people that were labeled as problem patients and went to their houses asking to search their property.  They never came to my house, but I heard about it from a few patients. Crazy and sad.  That doctor had devoted his life trying to help people suffering from addiction and acute pain disorders, he was not a perfect doctor but his heart was in the right place.  It was sad to see his career end on such a sour note.  They even put an article in the paper about it, I'm sure that his entire family felt disgraced.  So I ended up with the doctor and I currently have now. I think in the end it will be a good thing for me and terms of detoxing off of subs, but there's no doubt it was a shock of a change. 

 In my experience, the DA is filled with a bunch of heartless assholes who see addicts  in recovery and pain clients as losers, criminals and scumbags.... they seem to have zero empathy for their battle with addiction. 

 The fact that all it took was one illegitimate call to the state board to shut down at Dr. that had been practicing for six decades says a lot.  Sadly, my doctor didn't even realize he was doing anything illegal. 

 On a happier note, my drug screen came up completely normal and my new doc is very happy with me for being honest with him regardless of the fact that I knew that odds were in my favor for passing my urine test if I had lied about it.  I will have to be careful in the future, but I only go in once a month.  So a happy ending there… 

 I admit I am extremely relieved and happy with the decision that I made to be honest with him. 

 And now I am off to go roller skating! Have a great night everyone! 

@US Army Veteran great seeing you or maybe I missed you it's been a busy week. Glad to see you looking forward to reading your post. Especially did I see food and Mardi Graw can't wait wit to read! @Cloudy I'm in Florida where the doctors around here give you a month and detox you to barely nothing. My doctor says the DEA raids his place a few times a month and gets his clinic shut down all day and is slapped with a fine and the poor people who visited that day are screwed. I agree Florida sucks I love the weather but the doctors suck or the FDA is crooked I just can't understand why they give a crap how much a person needs for pain relief! Jesus they treated my cat with suboxone you could tell he was in no pain after being hit by a car. That's said when animals are treated better than human beings l!
I thought Florida was the best place to get decent meds? Or at least that is that's how it used to be? I remember friends of mine traveling to Florida to see doctors to get meds they needed but this was probably a decade ago and a lot has changed obviously.

@US Army Veteran great seeing you or maybe I missed you it's been a busy week. Glad to see you looking forward to reading your post. Especially did I see food and Mardi Graw can't wait wit to read! @Cloudy I'm in Florida where the doctors around here give you a month and detox you to barely nothing. My doctor says the DEA raids his place a few times a month and gets his clinic shut down all day and is slapped with a fine and the poor people who visited that day are screwed. I agree Florida sucks I love the weather but the doctors suck or the FDA is crooked I just can't understand why they give a crap how much a person needs for pain relief! Jesus they treated my cat with suboxone you could tell he was in no pain after being hit by a car. That's said when animals are treated better than human beings l!
I know what you mean  @Heavenlee.  I have been here a little over 3 years.  I couldn't believe how hard it is to get any medication.  I see a pain doctor every month who has whittled me down to where I am in constant pain.  He keeps going on each month about me having back surgery.  He doesn't get it, even though he has the files, I had problems with a surgery 2 years ago and have 16 procedures since then.  I still have a hole in my stomach that doesn't want to heal from last fall.  Talk about constant pain.  I'm addicted now, so I don't see what difference it makes if I am comfortable.  Ready to go research my rc to go with my pain med. Anyway, enough of my complaining.  I'm only one of thousands in the same boat.  Take care my friends 

Wow. This reminds me of a situation that is very close to home for me. Yes, rocketman is very correct… my old very sweet old-school doctor got shut down by the DEA about four months ago. He went from having a full practice with 85 patients to being shut down in one day, with a line of patients waiting outside for medications they desperately needed. He did not lose his doctor's license entirely, but he lost his license to prescribe Suboxone and other substance abuse/pain related treatment drugs... from my understanding he is not allowed to prescribe any controlled substance. He was in the process of retiring, very slowly referring patients to other pain clinics or cutting a few patients that did not show up for appointments or who were "problem patients", as he put it. The patient who reported him to the board was caught selling her medication and taking heroin. Repeatedly. He gave her multiple chances, put her in special groups… She continued to break rules that risked his license. She'd been kicked off of the program for very valid reasons. But she was pissed and she reported him for "sexual-harassment" and a bunch of other false drug related issues. He was 81 years old, a devout Catholic and would never sexually harass anyone! His wife worked in the clinic with him as a receptionist. The mere idea of it is laughable it's so absurd. His memory was going a bit due to his age, so he did break the law by pre-writing scripts before patients came in, leaving them blank so he could fill them in depending on how they did on their urine screen, their current dosages, etc... When the DEA went in to his office they found the scripts that were pre-written and a bottle of medication that he had confiscated from a client that had been abusing other drugs where the combination was potentially lethal. I guess that both of these things are illegal and were there reason for him being shut down on the spot. It's very possible there is more to the story, but that's all that I know. The officials that shut him down that day couldn't have cared less about the patients outside or the rest of his clients. I was lucky enough to find another doctor due to having a good record, a lot of people were left without a doctor and ended up going back to street drugs. I know that my old doctor didn't do everything by the book, he was very old but was truly was trying to help his patients. I will admit that he was very liberal with his prescribing... especially if you were a compliant patient that didn't miss appointments, run out of medication early, didn't have dirty urine screens and didn't cause him problems.

I truly felt bad for the way he was shut down like that, and I saw a lot of people hurting due to being cut off without notice. The officials on the scene told the patients outside to go to the emergency room… where of course they were not helped in any way if they did go. Honestly, he probably should have retired years earlier but he felt responsible for his patients and knew that in our area there are few to almost no other Suboxone doctors around. I got very very lucky in that I went in once a month and I had seen him two days prior to him being shut down. It bought me some time. Others weren't so lucky. The DEA agents that shut my old doctor down were cruel to the patients outside, treating them like they were the scum of the earth. You would think that these people would have some sort of training when it comes to addiction. It didn't stop there. The DEA went through the doctors files, found people that were labeled as problem patients and went to their houses asking to search their property. They never came to my house, but I heard about it from a few patients. Crazy and sad. That doctor had devoted his life trying to help people suffering from addiction and acute pain disorders, he was not a perfect doctor but his heart was in the right place. It was sad to see his career end on such a sour note. They even put an article in the paper about it, I'm sure that his entire family felt disgraced. So I ended up with the doctor and I currently have now. I think in the end it will be a good thing for me and terms of detoxing off of subs, but there's no doubt it was a shock of a change.

In my experience, the DA is filled with a bunch of heartless assholes who see addicts in recovery and pain clients as losers, criminals and scumbags.... they seem to have zero empathy for their battle with addiction.

The fact that all it took was one illegitimate call to the state board to shut down at Dr. that had been practicing for six decades says a lot. Sadly, my doctor didn't even realize he was doing anything illegal.

On a happier note, my drug screen came up completely normal and my new doc is very happy with me for being honest with him regardless of the fact that I knew that odds were in my favor for passing my urine test if I had lied about it. I will have to be careful in the future, but I only go in once a month. So a happy ending there…

I admit I am extremely relieved and happy with the decision that I made to be honest with him.

And now I am off to go roller skating! Have a great night everyone!
I know this is old and I should be looking for the above mentioned but i'm adhd too so I got distracted reading this. OMG' I thought this was about my old Dr. I knew he was old so I was hording supply as I only needed small amount. Tablets were better when I figured that out (nasal) so when the do-gooders turned him in for not weening folks off or prescribing Opies also (he gave me morphine sr when i had surgery because he knew the Vs 5 wouldn't do squat). He lost his son to H and devoted his life to helping us with chemical imbalances. I don't like the stigma of word addict. I horded Subs and was able to get therapist (yes I paid for private back then because of stigma of AA and having to publically announce to world you're an addict and some of us could loose our other licenses) to diagnose Adhd which he was going to give me both but I thought I could ween off Subs. A year later on Rit and he vanished because he was forced into retirement, lost license, fined, publically shamed in paper also. Why? Other medical professionals found out he allowed us to stay on a maintenance dose!!!! they called him all kinds of drug pusher etc. I had to go to urgent care and that's what they said. "Can you beilieve some were on Subs for 9 years?" They don't get it. Most of us loved opio s the 1st time because they filled a void inside us and made us feel normal! (dopamine is implicated in this but there's different kinds in body, stimulants dump dopamine too. that's why many of us are adhd also. Sleepy brain but Bupropion only does so much) And Once your brain chemistry is altered or supplemented for decades, it's not going to go normal. there's no reason to ween off. Stabalize. I can't tell you how many mothers in my grief group had a child who was clean for years, on nothing then OD'd. the hole, the monster was still in there!. (Just like food addicts who get stomach surgery. The real issue isn't fixed, also dopamine issue and many gain back) This bull.... that we shouldn't need anything is crap! the shame is unreal. Where i live in a small community, I'd die before going to clinic. My ex used to trade drugs in parking lot and say who he saw there because they make you publically humiliate yourself unless you have lots of $$$ for private DR. and therapy. I don't anymore. I'm old and tired. but bills need paid and I can't work without supplement. I'm running out of stash so here I am in need. Oh, Kratom is crap. I had to consume so much I was sick. it gums up intestines. I even made my own extract but only buzz from alcohol. I also thought about giving up adhd meds and get online script but laws are changing again that they have to see you at least once in person. (I'll meet my adhd provider in Nov after almost 2 years with her!). In case I wasn't clear about issue, laws passed a few years back require all controlled substances prescribed and filled to be reported to state! That's why when I first met with her she and had my bottles ready to show her, she said oh, I see this at this drug store, filled then at that store, etc. I had been to urgent care a week prior so because of Dr. vanishing, so she saw that script filled too. I didn't question how she was seeing that without me giving permission or a release of info. it's the law. So that's why many of us won't just easily go online and get a script anywhere as someone posted elsewhere. It's not that easy. If you find one that will also fill script and send, let me know! I'm not proofreading all this.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!