pain management

Funny thing happened on the way here.......ran into some student docs talking about , what to do with cpp"s!  How to just say no......push alternatives...they know the deal also, sending patients to pd, is futile, as they know they will be told no also..s[ it seems they all on board with rxs dont help long term pain anymore, causes more pain studies say, lol, looks like we will keep on as long as we can find what helps us...future looks bleak for people hurting, told to just suck it up....hey, one can distract, suck it up, tough it out for so long b4 one loses their mind and bites the big one...maybe what i hear is true, passive genocide, order of the day?  Try telling someone hurting to just put it out of yer mind, well ok, but its gotta go somewhere until eventually, enuf is enuf. Thing is, everyone knows its happening, but, lookin the other way till we sheeple...
yep i have tried explaining that to my Dr and my friends, its not all of the time but some times it just makes you lose your mind. The worst for me is when I'm watching tv laying down reading and then I suddenly get that either stabbing pain or that pain that throbs with your heartbeat. Shit will make you insane, lol. We better all start writing congress.

I'm able to talk about it. When a Pharmacy chain no less on how dictates how they will fill Doctors orders. Actually the Doctor will have to write 4-5 rxs a month for each C-2. How long do You think that M.D will be able to keep up w/ his patients calling in that they don't have this won't fill this etc. They are targeting the wrong people. They shouldn't even be treated that way. Only compassion educatiion & treatment will those WHO WANT IT. This goes way past the current "epidemic" it's always been like this it's just now every one has cell phones w/ pictures & stats galore. The changes they are proposing go beyond crazy. All this is going to do is cause further delays & more frustration between MD's insurance company's & pharmacy's. Of course this is the obvious intent. To make it so dammed hard to get your legit & needed medications It'll be an all day affair. The people among us who need these medications just to survive already jump thru hoop after hoop. I shudder to think what will it be like this time next year. I'm as fed up as @ rosealso. RXPRO
I think what is funny is that they say heroin use is caused by people who were over prescribed pain meds. I think there are two other reasons, 1 people are in pain and can't get pain meds anymore so they resort to heroin for pain because it is affordable. And I forgot my second point, lmfao. Chronic pain causes memory issues, the other day I forgot my phone number.

I think what is funny is that they say heroin use is caused by people who were over prescribed pain meds. I think there are two other reasons, 1 people are in pain and can't get pain meds anymore so they resort to heroin for pain because it is affordable. And I forgot my second point, lmfao. Chronic pain causes memory issues, the other day I forgot my phone number.
I know 2 people that started using heroin that had no addiction to pain meds at all. But they started alcohol first then alcohol and marijuana then threw heroin in to the mix. 

True enuf! The way things are goin, more ppl in pain , untreated , will go to other ways to get relief, streets or wherever. Dont get it, over 100 million cpp , and a few thou addicts, which there always be, and we pay the huge price. And like how are these cpp gonna fight to get help for pain, when without meds , wont be able to get outta bed. Hmm, seems like somebody`s plan, eh? Sorry, folks, but, this is a sore subject for me, and dont wanna bring ya`ll down. Jmo, is all.

I'm in a similar situation myself. MY med's that have remained at the same level same drug same amount for nearly a decade & the cuts I maybe facing are insane at best.  I certainly agree that all this hype about these OD's for the most part there really isn't a hike in OD deaths at all. In this tech age, where people are caught on U-Tube etc. 25 years ago addicts were dying at about the same rate. Most didn't get an autopsy or mentioned in the paper. They were sent to potters field or cremated or what ever. Only one's that had people looking for them,& were found were the great majority that were deemed OD deaths. The others were natural causes. Unsolved or just not followed up on.

I'm in a similar situation myself. MY med's that have remained at the same level same drug same amount for nearly a decade & the cuts I maybe facing are insane at best.  I certainly agree that all this hype about these OD's for the most part there really isn't a hike in OD deaths at all. In this tech age, where people are caught on U-Tube etc. 25 years ago addicts were dying at about the same rate. Most didn't get an autopsy or mentioned in the paper. They were sent to potters field or cremated or what ever. Only one's that had people looking for them,& were found were the great majority that were deemed OD deaths. The others were natural causes. Unsolved or just not followed up on.
In the legal issues thread I posted a sample letter you can send to your congress person, you should take a look.

I can't join pain management because I use medicinal marijuana for meneries disease induced daily nausea.


My doctor prescribed my Ibuprofen for ,,,,get this.... a torn rotator cuff.  I can't sleep on my right side, putting on t-shirts is hard for me and I can tell you that the motrin does NOT work.  I wonder what pain med I'll get after my surgery.  Extra strength Tylenol?!?

I'd find another surgeon and FAST!  Tell them what your med experience has been and that OTC medicine doesn't touch the pain. Ask what they can prescribe and what exactly you will get post op for pain. It's not supposed to be a mystery how who we hire is going to treat us! This "opioids crisis" has turned patients into fearful meek "take what crumbs" we're offered!

Good luck man. Hope you get some help soon.

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@Nitetrain your 100% correct. even if the doctors want to help with pain, by law they only can give so much. its a failed system.

@Meowtown I was surprised to find pain mgmt would oppose medical marijuana.  My state just legalized medicinal use for marijuana with clinics finally opening now.  I had to return to my former pain mgmt clinic for some paperwork and saw they began selling CBD oil (at ridiculous rates) at the front counters, then learned they came out with a company-wide proclamation against marijuana for pain relief.  

My current doctor is all for anything that helps with the pain- even if it just helps enough to reduce the amount of opiates needed.  Unfortunately I have a CDL which means federal guidelines trump all.

Howdy all, and hoping ya`ll had a super Christmas! I see this subject still active here. I do not know if this is place to post this, but, i havent seen topic , called what happens to untreated pain, lo,. So here ya might have read bout me, as many here , was treated and actually helped by pain management for years, but, suddenly , laws changed and because of my constant withdrawals every month of lets see how fast i can titrate patient without killing, lol. Had major panic attack, i think, bcuz never had one b4. Bp, sky hi, doc asks , but, uh why? Roflmao, do you really wanna know?  YOU! Tells me come back next day, only to uh, hmm, let me find a doc i could get along with, "better for both of us" , as you are so uncomfortable with me. So, fast forward almost 4 years, been used kratom,  got my ducks aligned, once again, sought pm loaded with documentation, thought ok, im ready, uh, no, laws tightened, wth? So, finally been about 2 years, seeing every doc to get said documents , was finally able to get 2 whole pills , 5mg, for each day, they are vikings.btw. But, of course , exctatic(sp?] But still in pain, so did what advised, ibuprophen, and lots of it of course, bcuz my 2xday, did help, for oh about an hour or 2, so, rest of day, still in pain. On bad days, pffft! So, kept taking advils. Guess what fellow warriors? Now im in stage 3 ckd, chronic kidney disease! Yup! So, now im even afraid to go to pd appt jan 8th. My silly brain thought, hmm, maybe now they give just a lil more? So, like any self respecting dummy, googled it, guess what? Yup, may be cut more? Any of you dealing with said prob with pain doc, please advise? In meantime, pain warriors, quit taking advil types for pain as suggested , bcuz the amount you need to lessen pain at all, will cause even bigger problems! And ive been taking only few years, can you imagine? I found out by buggin my pcp, cuz felt so exhausted, even more than usual chronic fatigue, yea, bad, felt like had bug of sorts, which btw, now had for well, b4 tanksgiving, so doc ordered blood tests, again, which each time got worse. So be warned all! It DOES and CAN happen! So now what? Suggestions? Thanks in advance all, sorry bout size of post, but, best way to explain. Hey! Wishes for a better new year than last year!  

As a chronic pain patient I can identify with each and everyone of you. I recently lost my pm Dr and he was the only one to prescribe medication, where the rest want to do steroid injections only. It's nice to see I'm not alone but on the other hand I don't wish this on anyone. I'm glad I found this site and fellow pain warriors. Going to try and get some sleep so I can dream of robbing a pharmacy!! 😉😂

My doctor prescribed my Ibuprofen for ,,,,get this.... a torn rotator cuff.  I can't sleep on my right side, putting on t-shirts is hard for me and I can tell you that the motrin does NOT work.  I wonder what pain med I'll get after my surgery.  Extra strength Tylenol?!?
Thats insane, I would ask for or see a different Dr. Some things qualify for real pain meds and I think this is one of them its what our system has become and its only going to get worse.

As a chronic pain patient I can identify with each and everyone of you. I recently lost my pm Dr and he was the only one to prescribe medication, where the rest want to do steroid injections only. It's nice to see I'm not alone but on the other hand I don't wish this on anyone. I'm glad I found this site and fellow pain warriors. Going to try and get some sleep so I can dream of robbing a pharmacy!! 😉😂
I had a Dr that would only do a procedure I forgot the name of but its where they go in and use a lazer to burn the nerve endings. Its supposed to get rid of the pain and last for years, I did some research and online even Drs said it was like caveman medicine lol. They said that sometimes the pain from this procedure ends out being worse then the original injury, so I said no thanks I will find another Dr. That is so funny because I have days where I am sitting here thinking I should just go rob a pharmacy there is only one employee at 8am lmfao. Great minds think a like.

Thats insane, I would ask for or see a different Dr. Some things qualify for real pain meds and I think this is one of them its what our system has become and its only going to get worse.
I concur aarons.  Sad situation.   Next thing ya know I'll get my wisdom teeth pulled and get told to take an advil every four hours.

Weird thought came to mind when reading these posts, just like the old tv show, millions of stories , but, the one we have is only one of many. Sad. 

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
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  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for