
I have a pretty extensive knowledge on the subject and would like to inform whats happening nowadays.  There is pure MDMA, which pure clear rock crystal, and is 90% pure MDMA.  Hard to find but i've got it quite a few times recently believe it or not.  You also have the "black cherry soda" MDA/MDMA mix, which mixes some purer MDMA with mostly MDA / Sass... much stronger than pure MDMA where i can easily take 300mg no problem.. Sass, i can only take maybe 100mg, make 150mg, and im completely roasted.. There is a few mixes of the MDMA, but you can tell its pure just like xanax in its bitterness.. just take a tiny amount and taste... the purer MDMA will have a bitter almost you want to puke taste.  The sas is more congealed if you will, where it needs to be mixed well with water and taken down like a champ, still tastes like absolute shit...

Difference here is potency.  The pure rock crystal form of MDMA is just all love.  Touchy feely(like the E pills days) where all you want to do is talk about anything, and you blab all the time you are tripping along with the fact that youre body feels amazing... I especially encourage mixing this with the top shelf cannabis that will really increase this amazing body high...

I had some recent rock crystal a few months ago and just sat on the kitchen floor with my buddy and spoke for an hour about i can't even remember, it was just fun as hell and we reminisced on it and we were like" dude, we just sat on the floor indian style on the floor and just talked lol" on the hard ass kitchen floor... :) :)

The black cherry sode, or MDA/MDMA mix is a LOT stronger.. i took 250 mg and found myself babbling about my grandma, world wars.. and just completely scattered thoughts i couldnt control.... if you come across this type of MDA mostly/molly mix, only take 80-100mg max and wait... see how you feel... i was great after i took about 100-115mg, and loved it... had a drink and smoked a doob of some chem4 and was great..

There is access to this stuff but I am new here and don't want to cause problems... sorry guys.. maybe down the road sometime..but i've had my share of good and bad experiences with this shit.. it's much better for me than bangers and cid, which friends have tons of... great times, but maybe 15 years ago lol.. ill stick with the feel-good stuff... ;)

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Cola MDMA is much weaker for sure. First time at EDC was a brown Molly kinda week but still eventful. Second time was pure and magical with all my friends and the music just flowed through my blood. I could feel everything. Suddenly the world stopped and I could breath again. That's the difference. It's been a while since I've seen any but you never forget. 

If you need some best bet is to go to EDC, ULTRA or Tomorrowland or some major Electro Dance festival. You won't regret it. I wouldn't trust anything without proper vetting and I've only seen it on the Dark web. Not a fun place to bet IMHO
Hey bro,

The stuff you had was def MDMA but also had stuff we call sass, which MDA, pure party shit, keeps you more active, alive and ready to party for hours... What they have been doing as of lately according to an old friend who retired but knows the game better than ever on advising what is in all these diff types of Mol/Sass/MDA/MDE... you can test them on your own, they full spectrum kit is is like 100$maybe a dash more if you are concerned....

The darker brown sugah as we call it has MDA in it which runs a lot stronger than pure MDMA.  You only need 80mg -100mg of the sass to get you off, some maybe a dash more... you can smell it heavily in the fact that it has that cherry soda smell... meaning it has a good amount of sass... more energetic, not as touchy /feely as pure mol, but still a  lot of fun... and you need less so i guess it stretches longer ;)

Sorry to dig up an old thread but I have been reading and reading I have found many things I have been looking for but this is one thing among 2 others that I can not seem to find. I struggle with the Dark net. I'm not computer savvy. Any direction would be greatly appreciated!

There are several MDMA us to sources if you just do some research. Personally I like hexen over MDMA.

I have been researching, I'm struggling and could use some direction. I found someone and messaged them but their reputation is very low so idk about that source.

Its definitely still around and the browner/cola one we can attest to what others have stated is more MDA than the lighter one.

I need to find my a reliable vender for mda and mdma have not had either in a while love em both

I had some of the clear shard stuff out in ibiza a month or so ago,ive not really taken pills for around 15 yrs (the American pie days)and WOW what a rush off the mdma over there @ around €40-50 a G it was intense with no "come down" sniffed a little bit (Ahhh) and bombed the rest with a mate.

I never expected to take pills or molly again and deffo no bath salt crap in it as ive tried that before and my eyes seemed to be having fits as I just couldn't focus as my eyes were flickering all over the shop😨😨

Nice as a one off I must say as it took me straight back to how I felt in the late 80s - early 90s 😀👏👏👏


IdK but what’s being discussed here reminds me so much of something we used to do 100 yrs ago. We called it “Extuh see” and it originated in Dallas, TX. From what I understand, called a designer drug.  It may have been a legit script at the time, maybe for depression?  Or when they used to have “frigid wife syndrome” (yes they really had the nerve to diagnose something like that !

My bf gave me one, he had one, drank some OJ w it. They said not to drink alcohol w it...

I worked in an all-night dance club by the beach but was released from my shift early. 

About 100 of us; some regulars, some amazing DJ’s and some who had these things we’re just together like we all knew each other forever...would dance all night (in front of mirrors-why did we do that? Lol) and we loved each other. I mean a deep, spiritual love! (you know what I mean-“I love you, and I love you)

It was the most fun ever. It wasn’t Paranoid, self concious or apprehensiveness either. We were in full control- not like we were drunk, not tripping either. (I saw some tracers though).

Just so in love with life and everyone around you- you couldn’t hold it all in. (Some softly cried, they were so happy) Music sounded like a new gift-it never sounded like that before or since, like a dimension of one of the human senses

Not too much of a hangover the best day- or should I say when you woke the next night.

Then I read there were housewives becoming dependent on it, not taking care of their kids or something wack like that so it wasn’t sold anymore, in about ‘93?

I think these must have been early Raves, but there were groups from NYC and LA and a few Londoners there...very hip group they were. I was just with my bf dancing lol

Maybe that was when Billy Idol was up and coming, he was there too. Just a night.

Was that what’s called MDMA or MDA now? Or a shadow of it? Or even related to it? 

Would love to do that again on vacay but seems they just don’t have things like that anymore. If they do, they need to come out with it-there are some traumatized people in the world who could maybe benefit from something like this. 

I mean, do they have it?

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IdK but what’s being discussed here reminds me so much of something we used to do 100 yrs ago. We called it “Extuh see” and it originated in Dallas, TX. From what I understand, called a designer drug.  It may have been a legit script at the time, maybe for depression?  Or when they used to have “frigid wife syndrome” (yes they really had the nerve to diagnose something like that !

My bf gave me one, he had one, drank some OJ w it. They said not to drink alcohol w it...

I worked in an all-night dance club by the beach but was released from my shift early. 

About 100 of us; some regulars, some amazing DJ’s and some who had these things we’re just together like we all knew each other forever...would dance all night (in front of mirrors-why did we do that? Lol) and we loved each other. I mean a deep, spiritual love! (you know what I mean-“I love you, and I love you)

It was the most fun ever. It wasn’t Paranoid, self concious or apprehensiveness either. We were in full control- not like we were drunk, not tripping either. (I saw some tracers though).

Just so in love with life and everyone around you- you couldn’t hold it all in. (Some softly cried, they were so happy) Music sounded like a new gift-it never sounded like that before or since, like a dimension of one of the human senses

Not too much of a hangover the best day- or should I say when you woke the next night.

Then I read there were housewives becoming dependent on it, not taking care of their kids or something wack like that so it wasn’t sold anymore, in about ‘93?

I think these must have been early Raves, but there were groups from NYC and LA and a few Londoners there...very hip group they were. I was just with my bf dancing lol

Maybe that was when Billy Idol was up and coming, he was there too. Just a night.

Was that what’s called MDMA or MDA now? Or a shadow of it? Or even related to it? 

Would love to do that again on vacay but seems they just don’t have things like that anymore. If they do, they need to come out with it-there are some traumatized people in the world who could maybe benefit from something like this. 

I mean, do they have it?
Yup.  Pretty much.  But it's the pure form I think. 

I agree with you.  Best times.  Good times.  Maybe too many times.  :)

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Yup.  Pretty much.  But it's the pure form I think. 

I agree with you.  Best times.  Good times.  Maybe too many times.  :)
So that IS MDMA? Just wow.

If that became widespread in the US again, they wouldn’t have the so-called war on Pain Patients! I mean opioids.

Is it along the lines of cid? Or has some in it?

what about that stuff I think from Russia or Germany, “crocodil?” Is this that too? 

Oh I I’ll stick with a sweet football and a glass of wine anyway.

thanks for letting me know!

So that IS MDMA? Just wow.

If that became widespread in the US again, they wouldn’t have the so-called war on Pain Patients! I mean opioids.

Is it along the lines of cid? Or has some in it?

what about that stuff I think from Russia or Germany, “crocodil?” Is this that too? 

Oh I I’ll stick with a sweet football and a glass of wine anyway.

thanks for letting me know!
Web search crocodil and you will see some horrific images, a drug of desperados who have nothing left by the look of it. 

Web search crocodil and you will see some horrific images, a drug of desperados who have nothing left by the look of it. 
Hey folks..

Here is the Damage Krocodil does to people.


It's been around in Russia and mostly Ukraine for many years, but it has reared it's ugly head in the US over the last few years.

About a decade ago, Russian doctors began to notice strange wounds on the bodies of some drug addicts—patches of flesh turning dark and scaly, like a crocodile's—in the hospitals of Siberia and the Russian Far East. It didn't take them long to discover the cause: the patients had begun injecting a new drug they called, predictably, "krokodil." (Some accounts suggest the name was derived from one of the drug's precursor chemicals, alpha-chlorocodide.) Videos showing the effects of the "flesh-eating" drug—christened desomorphine when it was invented for medical use in 1932—quickly went viral online. There are now alarming stories that the monster could be at large in the U.S.

American drug-enforcement officials say fears of an imminent krokodil epidemic are overblown. But it's hard not to be frightened of a drug that leaves a reptilian mark on its victims. Especially when it is so easy to make: an addict can cook up krokodil using ingredients and tools bought from the local pharmacy and hardware store. The active ingredient, codeine, is a mild opiate sold over the counter in many countries. Users mix codeine with a brew of poisons such as paint thinner, hydrochloric acid and red phosphorus scraped from the strike pads on matchboxes. The result—a murky yellow liquid with an acrid stink—mimics the effect of heroin at a fraction of the cost. In Europe, for example, a dose of krokodil costs just a few dollars, compared with about $20 for a hit of heroin.

But addicts pay dearly for krokodil's cheap high. Wherever on the body a user injects the drug, blood vessels burst and surrounding tissue dies, sometimes falling off the bone in chunks. That side effect has earned krokodil its other nickname: the zombie drug. The typical life span of an addict is just two or three years.

The drug quickly became popular among Russian addicts. In 2005, the country's counternarcotics agency reported catching only "one-off" instances of the drug; six years later, in the first three months of 2011, the agency confiscated 65 million doses, up 23-fold from two years earlier. At its peak that year, krokodil use had spread to as many as a million addicts in Russia.

A ban on over-the-counter codeine sales that was introduced on June 1, 2012, has brought numbers down sharply, but Emanuele Satolli, an Italian photographer who has been chronicling a group of Russian addicts, says many now score that key ingredient on the black market. For the past year, Satolli has focused on the industrial city of Yekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains, a place notorious in Russia for drug abuse, photographing about a dozen krokodil addicts.

The krokodil epidemic may have peaked in Russia, but the drug's use has already been reported elsewhere. In October, a report published online in the American Journal of Medicine confirmed the case of a 30-year-old addict in Richmond Heights, Mo., whose finger "fell off" and whose skin began to rot after he began injecting krokodil. The monster has crossed the ocean.

Here's a Nasty video showing it's affects -

Regards,  T.

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Krokodil is a horrific looking and on paper even worse drug. As PTFC states, you really are on deaths door when injecting industrial strength detergent and window cleaner.

IdK but what’s being discussed here reminds me so much of something we used to do 100 yrs ago. We called it “Extuh see” and it originated in Dallas, TX. From what I understand, called a designer drug.  It may have been a legit script at the time, maybe for depression?  Or when they used to have “frigid wife syndrome” (yes they really had the nerve to diagnose something like that !

My bf gave me one, he had one, drank some OJ w it. They said not to drink alcohol w it...

I worked in an all-night dance club by the beach but was released from my shift early. 

About 100 of us; some regulars, some amazing DJ’s and some who had these things we’re just together like we all knew each other forever...would dance all night (in front of mirrors-why did we do that? Lol) and we loved each other. I mean a deep, spiritual love! (you know what I mean-“I love you, and I love you)

It was the most fun ever. It wasn’t Paranoid, self concious or apprehensiveness either. We were in full control- not like we were drunk, not tripping either. (I saw some tracers though).

Just so in love with life and everyone around you- you couldn’t hold it all in. (Some softly cried, they were so happy) Music sounded like a new gift-it never sounded like that before or since, like a dimension of one of the human senses

Not too much of a hangover the best day- or should I say when you woke the next night.

Then I read there were housewives becoming dependent on it, not taking care of their kids or something wack like that so it wasn’t sold anymore, in about ‘93?

I think these must have been early Raves, but there were groups from NYC and LA and a few Londoners there...very hip group they were. I was just with my bf dancing lol

Maybe that was when Billy Idol was up and coming, he was there too. Just a night.

Was that what’s called MDMA or MDA now? Or a shadow of it? Or even related to it? 

Would love to do that again on vacay but seems they just don’t have things like that anymore. If they do, they need to come out with it-there are some traumatized people in the world who could maybe benefit from something like this. 

I mean, do they have it?
The XTC as we call it here was of far superior quality back then,the pills were made with much more mdma back then. Once the rave craze kicked in the quality of the dance drugs took a nosedive and became cheaper and of less quality obviously.One pill could last you all night in the late 80s early 90s at around £20 a tab.Later on you could get 2 for £20 then 3 ect (the quality had dropped) dramatically with so many "dealers " trying to outsell each other. Now you may find good quality MDMA and ive heard you can buy more expensive pills with a higher amount of MDMA included.When I was in Ibiza recently I got some nice MDMA shards and it brought back many good memories and feelings I'd forgotten about .It was nice to re-visit those feelings for perhaps the final time (I'd never expected to revisit) my MDMA days but it was very nice I must admit 🙌🙌🙌😊. Bliss.....

Pretty cool history lesson here. Some of us had no clue. It's always been MDMA since I've been around. They seriously made housewifes take it for being frigid?! Wow...

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Hey folks..

Here is the Damage Krocodil does to people.

It's been around in Russia and mostly Ukraine for many years, but it has reared it's ugly head in the US over the last few years.

Here's a Nasty video showing it's affects -

Regards,  T.
WTH??!!! I was reading this post, looking at the pics and feeling nauseous. So of course I clicked the link there to see more (I know) and a pop up came up on my PC, saying, in a mans voice “You’re computer has been blocked! Asked me to enter my MS user name/Password but I couldn’t get it off my screen! What the hell is that link T?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone