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I actually was forced to be on a program for years where I had to piss clean to get off.  I came off 8-16mg dose of bupe everyday for 4 years,  I was still not normal When I went to treatment for 90 days.    don't know how to explain it.   

I am actually thinking of getting back on it at a low dose.  I don't need it really but want to try 1-2mg in the morning and see how that goes.  Better than buying for the prices people are paying for the other stuff.   

I’m down to 2MG a day. This shit is so evil though. I’m TRULY debating getting back on pain pills and then withdrawal off those instead. 

What’s the feedback on that? Has anyone tried to go that route. I’ve been on Suboxone for 14 years, was going to try to switch to straight opiates for a month and then coming off that?

Thanks, much love! ✌🏼
Sounds kinda dangerous if you ask me. I know if that was me I probably wouldn't stop taking the opiates and things would go full circle.  If you never tried Kratom I'd highly recommend it.  Kratom has been amazing to me whenever I was in between days taking opiates or transitioning of subs.  Maybe try that first?  I also have a friend who used Tramadol to transition off opiates and that worked well for them also.

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Bupe is the worst of the worst I've kicked Smack, Methadone & Bupe though the other two are more intense it's short lived Bupe just friggin lingers its easily atliest a 90 day detox that's why I have no intention on getting off of it even though I'm 29 I've come to just accept it. I heard kratom was great but your just switchin on for another.

I’m down to 2MG a day. This shit is so evil though. I’m TRULY debating getting back on pain pills and then withdrawal off those instead. 

What’s the feedback on that? Has anyone tried to go that route. I’ve been on Suboxone for 14 years, was going to try to switch to straight opiates for a month and then coming off that?

Thanks, much love! ✌🏼
I’m taking both daily . I have one strip left and two pain pills and after this idkxwtf to do thinking about it makes me nervous :(  btw it’s from getting off the devil drug that I won’t say directly but you get my point. This shit is so hard not kidding ...

I started at 8mgs and was on them for 8 months....I started to taper at 1mg and went down to .25 or at least what I thought was .25 and jumped.  I realize everyones experience is different but I found it to be quite easy.  Much easier than my 5 day, medically supervised detox.  I experienced depression, anxiety and a few other things but it was a walk in the park for me.  I just made up my mind to quit and did just that.   I think subs are a godsend and would recommend them to anyone trying to kick a habit.   From what I have read, and I read a lot, they are different for each person.....I guess I got lucky.   Good luck to anyone trying to kick....I am now on an antidepressant and buspar but I wouldnt change it for the world.

Congratulations @aintnouse!!!  That's awesome as I can only imagine what a difficult road its been for you.  

Just stay strong and lean on those who love you.  Don't forget to look in the mirror every day and say, "Damn I'm good looking!" 


@aintnouse that's awesome.  This is my 2nd time getting off Subs and both times were not bad at all.   I've been completely clean for only about 5 days and I'm feeling pretty good all things considered.   

I have heard such terrible stories (which I believe) from long term sub users once they decided to quit.  I can totally understand the fear to be completely off the stuff but if you don't want to be on it for life taper as fast as possible and make sure you have a strong support system so you don't fall back into old habits.  I'm looking forward to remembering what it was like to have a clear head :)  

Congrats @ozzy13!!!  That's great your 5 days clean!!  Very brave I must say as I don't have that kind of courage in me right now.

Stay strong!!! :)

@ozzy13  I agree with everything that you said in your post and I wanted to say Congrats!!     I kinda found the taper to be pretty easy.  Everything I read  said the last jump was the hardest and be prepared for days of hell but that never happened for me.   I kept waiting to feel like shit but the only thing that happened was night sweats and the depression.  I think the depression was always there as Ive had a rough go of it for the past couple of years.   I will add that I am not completely clean because I still smoke the wacky terbacky but my therapist said it was ok as long as it helps me.  My therapist also said that I am genetically pre disposed to be an addict.  I have done everything under the sun but the pills were my "love"  until they weren't lol.......I was able to quit everything on my own or I just stopped because they no longer had the desired effect.   Honestly I am fairly happy with where I am now and can live with being a dopehead as I know there will always be some sort of substance in my life.    Oh well :)  

I started at 8mgs and was on them for 8 months....I started to taper at 1mg and went down to .25 or at least what I thought was .25 and jumped.  I realize everyones experience is different but I found it to be quite easy.  Much easier than my 5 day, medically supervised detox.  I experienced depression, anxiety and a few other things but it was a walk in the park for me.  I just made up my mind to quit and did just that.   I think subs are a godsend and would recommend them to anyone trying to kick a habit.   From what I have read, and I read a lot, they are different for each person.....I guess I got lucky.   Good luck to anyone trying to kick....I am now on an antidepressant and buspar but I wouldnt change it for the world.
Missed you, ain’t.  Send me a pm sometime. 

I started at 8 mgs probably 10 years ago and they made me so ill.  For me what worked is starting out by cutting them to 2mg pueces and that worked back then.  Less is more.  If I still had a lot of symptoms at 2mg, i would cut and take 1mg till I felt better.  It helps you be able to function if you can’t take off work and cold turkey it.  You must wait till you’re in withdrawals before starting, be off of all opiates for at least 24 hours. If you are throwing up, then lower the dose.  Other people say it’s better to take the whole 8mg  because it will get you off the up and down of a pill every few hours and it will be a slow release.  It did not work that way for me.  I did take other opiates with it but much, much less and that lowered my tolerance.  Stayed clean for 11 years after I jumped at .25 twice a day.  The bad sciatica put me worse and back on,   They did teally help once I found the right dose. 

Sounds kinda dangerous if you ask me. I know if that was me I probably wouldn't stop taking the opiates and things would go full circle.  If you never tried Kratom I'd highly recommend it.  Kratom has been amazing to me whenever I was in between days taking opiates or transitioning of subs.  Maybe try that first?  I also have a friend who used Tramadol to transition off opiates and that worked well for them also.

I’m down to 2MG a day. This shit is so evil though. I’m TRULY debating getting back on pain pills and then withdrawal off those instead. 

What’s the feedback on that? Has anyone tried to go that route. I’ve been on Suboxone for 14 years, was going to try to switch to straight opiates for a month and then coming off that?

Thanks, much love! ✌🏼
I’ve never heard of that working for anyone.  They just get back on pain pills.  You would have to be pretty disciplined with a plan to lower the subs as you went back on short acting pills and then taper off short acting.  I tried it with vikes but just ended up on vikes again and cold tiurkeyed that.  2mg a day is pretty low and 14 years on is pretty long.  Is it the end of the world if you stayed on 2 mg?  Going down to 2mg is a very big accomplishment.  Good for you!! 

I’ve never heard of that working for anyone.  They just get back on pain pills.  You would have to be pretty disciplined with a plan to lower the subs as you went back on short acting pills and then taper off short acting.  I tried it with vikes but just ended up on vikes again and cold tiurkeyed that.  2mg a day is pretty low and 14 years on is pretty long.  Is it the end of the world if you stayed on 2 mg?  Going down to 2mg is a very big accomplishment.  Good for you!! 
If I hadn’t found Suboxone I’d probably be homeless, jobless and have a needle in my arm.

Ive been on them for several years now. Own a home, have held down the same job where I’ve been promoted several times. I have a social life, friends, and a positive outlook on the future. The pain pills were never enough. I always needed more and spent a lot of time and money figuring out how to keep my supply topped off. Not anymore.

Will I be on subs forever? I can’t answer that question. All I know is the life I have now is 1000% better than the one I was living. 

Just my .02 cents 

Here I am again clean of regular opiates for 9 days and on subs.  Sometimes I feel I am done with the roller coaster and think, shoot, I'm already on the roller coaster most of my life.  At 9, I had my first codeine pill for migraines (thanks, doc, you were the only one who cared about my excrutiating pain -- I don't blame you).  Now as long as I'm not on the roller coaster and have a kind doctor who does not seem to want to take me off the subs, it might be time to just stay on them.  With insurance, they will cost seven dollars fifty cents per week.  Maybe someday I will care to get off or the doc will make me.  However, for now, with chronic pain and tolerance through the roof, I am going to ride straight and sort of clean.

I wanted to mention for those here who have anhedonia from subs, anything above a 4 mg dose(from what I’ve read and also experienced), actually takes away from the experience. It becomes dysphoric at high doses and in my opinion doesn’t do anything more for pain.

Best regimen for me is twice a day so I can sleep ok at night(I believe I metabolize quickly), at .25mg-2mg per dose, depending on where I am at and how long I have been been taking it.

When I was a teen I used to get the 8 mg orange pentagon shaped pills for like a dollar or two and would do a whole one because I didn’t know better.  They made friends of mine very sick at that dose but I didn’t have any issues.  

Also, I tend to swish a little bit of alcohol in my mouth to aid absorption.  I keep a little thing of sweet breath around just to make sure I don’t waste anything and get that gross orange flavor out.

i can understand the suboxone nightmare.. been there.. the way i tapered down from 12mg a day for a year, was kinda easy but hard at the same time.. what i did was after a year of 12mg, i went down to 8mg for a month then 6 for a month, then well, i started to divide one strip into "8ths" one strip would give me 8 pieces.. i would then take one of these every morning for 2 weeks.. and ya know i never really felt too bad during this.. i just always told myself i felt BETTER actually-- i know one thing, i started to get my "you know what" drive back and it seemed my mind was clearer and i would just tell myself that i felt BETTER and i DID!!   THEN..  i would SKIP a day without ANY and then take an 8th every OTHER day..then i would go jogging if i felt ANY kind of withdrawal which by this time was very minor..and eventually i just would forget about taking them.. and now im off them.. and i feel fine.. :0) sometimes just telling yourself you feel better can really help..

Thank you, Drone Racer, for the reply.  I am still headed in this direction, but am craving like crazy.  This doc is only a once a month guy so maybe I can cure some of my cravings and pain for part of the month and break for part of the month.  It sounds kind of crazy, but is it worth it to keep me off of more expensive, higher dosage things?  I'm trying to find an answer where none exists, I know this.  It's just an excuse to try and stop yelling at everything all the time.  On other opiates, I don't do that as much

I have a question and need some help. 😵

I was accidentally sent some of these 8 mg Suboxone films a while back. I normally take 10 mg of oxycodone for chronic leg pain on a regular basis (about 2-3 times per week). I'm currently out of my regular oxycodone so I (stupidly!) tried the Suboxone film tonight. I cut it so it was about 6 mg instead of the full 8 and put it under my tongue about 4 hours ago.

I'm not feeling great. Some typical opiate signs and symptoms like pinpoint pupils, kinda floaty, but I'm also just really drowsy like I took a couple of benadryl and a little nauseated, dry mouth. Is this normal or have I taken some absurdly large dosage and need to be worried? Any advice would be appreciated. I'd rather not panic if it's not warranted. How long do the effects of a single dose normally last? 😨


sorry that happened bud.

yeah subs are powerful and they give it as “maintenance” in absurdly high doses. There’s a reason they come in .8mg strips too.

youll be fine though, I used to take full 8 mg orange stop signs as a teen not knowing and the so worst to happen was nausea.

it is pretty long lasting, but by the time you read this you will probably be fine already

@myalias Thanks for your input! I do feel better than I did. But I still feel awful. You're right it is super long lasting. It's been like 19 hours now since I took it and still can't sleep, cold sweat, headache, just awful. Nasty stuff. I don't think I'll be messing around with the subbies anymore. ☹️  But I'm pretty sure I'm ok now at least. Just uncomfortable.

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  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
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  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone