Richard Prior - turning pain into laughter. So influential, so real. Live at the Sunset Strip was filmed over 2 nights. Knowing he BOMBED the night before, so bad they couldn't use any of the material... and he came back and crafted that set... Man.
George Carlin - another genius.
Steven Wright - total weirdo, but original and funny as hell. "I bought some powdered water, I don't know what to add...?"
Louis CK - I find myself quoting him way too often. I love that whatever topic he seems to bring up, he attacks from all sides, apparently supporting nothing, including himself!
The Collective of WKYK. In syndication, SNL always comes across lame to me. I recall enjoying it at the time, but it doesn't stand the test of time (IMHO). The Whitest Kids You Know has never gotten old to me, their skits are
Bo Burnham - I consider him an artist, but it's comedy set to music... regardless - I'm SO happy that I stumbled across him years ago. Like the others on this list, they've shaped my sense of humor and my life. Their ability to make one laugh out loud through the roller coaster of mental states we endure, especially the painful ones - on many occasions became the hand that pulled me from darkness into a new day, where there is always the possibility of a new perspective.
And that is what makes Robin Williams situation so sad.