Theres nothing wrong with them, in fact having one as a friend can be helpful. I once had a 6'' 10'', 240 lb SBM this cracker ass would go clubbing with. In the deepest darkest areas of the 'hood. Just felt comfy enough to go anywhere with him. EXCEPT a bedroom. Friends are friends, but for me friends with benefits are ladies. And snuggling is very beneficial to me.Hey now, there's not a damn thing wrong with hairy dudes! Particularly 7' 3" fictional ones trained to fly various spacecraft.
I originally sign up using an alias but when I found out I had to pay with cc, I tried to re-sign up using real name.intresting been 3 weeks now ive been trying to sign up they sent me a bull email saying ive already signed up with this unknown email adress they sent me and they will not accept my registration WTF???
I have tried the 60 caps and they worked fine, 1 was ok 2 was better. I used to get the 60's tabs from S/L and only had to take 1 1/2Steveb66 said:Those who ordered the co-d. Was it caps or tabs? 30 or 60's? I've tried the 60 they are legit. Hard to judge quality though since haven't even seen one since the 80's. however I can say some in the bunch are "light" when you dump them out. Even had an empty one. Just wondering how the caps compare to tabs if anyone has tried both.
Hi Bloom,Based on the positive feedback from this forum I placed my first order with TT today (5/3)!! I registered yesterday and received confirmation this morning to access their website - so registration was easy and quick! Does anyone know if you have to sign for packages? My mail lady is a 50+ Mary Poppins and I'd be mortified signing for packages she brings to my door!!
Anyway - thank you for sharing all your good comments and your experiences with TT! I think I'll go get a pedicure, now!!
Bummer!! I wish you had a better mail day. I've been ordering IOP for over 10-years and my experience has always been 2-3 weeks for shipping...when it gets past 3-4 weeks either your IOP has gone awry or your package was seized. If you want to PM me the meds you need I can send you any extra from my stash - I don't know what the shipping cost is to Canuck Land - but if I can help and I have the supplies I can Express Mail and let you know the cost. Don't want you to stress about it - been there, done that - and it totally sucks.Thanks Bloom..but no mail at all today....the mail lady just left.
I have a question though...why would it take longer to arrive because they have more customers if they've already mailed it on the 22nd?
Do you know what I mean??
I'm confused....