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- Oct 14, 2019
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I hope I am appropriately posting this here. I never really risk newish sources, and once enough guinea pigs have ordered and reported back over time, I will reap the fruits of their bravery. I decided to give back to the greater good on another forum and tried out a new source. I have placed two orders from Bodypharm.com within the last couple months, and I want to spread the word on how top notch I found them to be. The site is new as of this year, and I don't think they are affiliated with the ".biz" or ".net" varieties of the domain name, so be sure it's ".com" when you check them out.
After messaging a fair amount with the site admin/rep, I found them polite, responsive, and very well connected. They took suggestions to improve their store, and within a few weeks expanded from strictly pharma brand product lines to a fully equipped pharmacy and AAS shop. There are two factors that distinguish them from other sites; mainly, their rhGH and their mastery of processing and shipping speed.
1. rhGH - Bodypharm.com has reliable inventory for all major pharmaceutical brand rhGH manufacturers, in most of the varying doses and formulas (powder vs. liquid solutions, pens, etc.), and price these things better than anywhere I've seen. I initially went for some Norditropin after privately messaging site admin to send clearer pics with NDC/lot numbers so I could better scrutinize for counterfeiting. They were happy to do so, and the site has since improved the image quality for its products. Norditropin worked as well as the Pfizer brand I am used to, and several familiar sides accompanied the benefits according to expectations.
2. T/A - I placed an order on a Thursday around 3:00pm my time, and sent payment within the hour. I was able to use the live chat on their site to pretty much instantly receive confirmation they received payment. Chat told me it would be shipped out within a few hours and they'd already began processing. I forget about it and enjoy my weekend, only to step outside Monday evening and have a professional looking, tightly secured box put in my hands. I was stunned, and still waited three more days for a couple domestic injectables to come from several states away, not 6000+ miles in about 3-4 business days!
The other pharma brand products I ordered are similarly well priced and in perfect condition. The bodypharm.com vials and orals are available from US domestic shipping origin as well as internationally. The prices of almost every product is substantially better than anywhere else, with the exception of their Viagra and Cialis. I also hope they continue to expand their product line, and I am curious to see what the general reviews turn out like for the UG lab made gear they offer. I just sent in a second order for a few Pfizer rhGH pens, which weren't much higher per IU than the other main brands. Typical prices per IU was just under 4 to just under 5 USD per IU, but I may have that a dollar too high, actually. I, for one, am enamored with bodypharm.com for now, and I pray they don't disappear and scam me after a few smaller orders. I don't believe this will be the case, and believe me I looked into everything I could find about them, and even discovered a few details about their organization that led me to at least see how sophisticated and well connected globally they are. I won't reveal more here about that, though.
So, what are you gonna do next time you want to check for pharmaceuticals? How about a Russian UGL's rhGH, so long as you trust them to save money using lactobacillus recombinant procedures over the E.Coli gold standard. You could go shop for a Chinese lab's rhGH, and you'll probably be okay, too. Experiment with short fragments of rhGH or secretagogues and peptides to save money; but reliability is out the window between different batches of the same product, and who knows how an extra amino on the sequence affects things anyway? Add the risk of handling errors, degradation, completely inactive fakes, and at best you have a product coated in a few extra fragments and develop some antibodies mostly inconsequential in the moment but not entirely without risk of receptor dampening and inhibited secretion years down the line. Even brand name products can be junk in a deceptive counterfeit packaging, and it's way too much money to play around for months with something less than you planned and paid to have. I agree that a source who lives or ships from nearby you is a perfect option if they're trustworthy. But the price will be nowhere near competitive with the prices I received. Again, I realize the store may gradually up the price tag on things, and may not have longevity after it's all said and done. But I am sincerely impressed enough with bodypharm to write up a few thoughts here and announce my find. Make of it what you will, but I do hope word continues to spread and promote this place while it's a gem.
After messaging a fair amount with the site admin/rep, I found them polite, responsive, and very well connected. They took suggestions to improve their store, and within a few weeks expanded from strictly pharma brand product lines to a fully equipped pharmacy and AAS shop. There are two factors that distinguish them from other sites; mainly, their rhGH and their mastery of processing and shipping speed.
1. rhGH - Bodypharm.com has reliable inventory for all major pharmaceutical brand rhGH manufacturers, in most of the varying doses and formulas (powder vs. liquid solutions, pens, etc.), and price these things better than anywhere I've seen. I initially went for some Norditropin after privately messaging site admin to send clearer pics with NDC/lot numbers so I could better scrutinize for counterfeiting. They were happy to do so, and the site has since improved the image quality for its products. Norditropin worked as well as the Pfizer brand I am used to, and several familiar sides accompanied the benefits according to expectations.
2. T/A - I placed an order on a Thursday around 3:00pm my time, and sent payment within the hour. I was able to use the live chat on their site to pretty much instantly receive confirmation they received payment. Chat told me it would be shipped out within a few hours and they'd already began processing. I forget about it and enjoy my weekend, only to step outside Monday evening and have a professional looking, tightly secured box put in my hands. I was stunned, and still waited three more days for a couple domestic injectables to come from several states away, not 6000+ miles in about 3-4 business days!
The other pharma brand products I ordered are similarly well priced and in perfect condition. The bodypharm.com vials and orals are available from US domestic shipping origin as well as internationally. The prices of almost every product is substantially better than anywhere else, with the exception of their Viagra and Cialis. I also hope they continue to expand their product line, and I am curious to see what the general reviews turn out like for the UG lab made gear they offer. I just sent in a second order for a few Pfizer rhGH pens, which weren't much higher per IU than the other main brands. Typical prices per IU was just under 4 to just under 5 USD per IU, but I may have that a dollar too high, actually. I, for one, am enamored with bodypharm.com for now, and I pray they don't disappear and scam me after a few smaller orders. I don't believe this will be the case, and believe me I looked into everything I could find about them, and even discovered a few details about their organization that led me to at least see how sophisticated and well connected globally they are. I won't reveal more here about that, though.
So, what are you gonna do next time you want to check for pharmaceuticals? How about a Russian UGL's rhGH, so long as you trust them to save money using lactobacillus recombinant procedures over the E.Coli gold standard. You could go shop for a Chinese lab's rhGH, and you'll probably be okay, too. Experiment with short fragments of rhGH or secretagogues and peptides to save money; but reliability is out the window between different batches of the same product, and who knows how an extra amino on the sequence affects things anyway? Add the risk of handling errors, degradation, completely inactive fakes, and at best you have a product coated in a few extra fragments and develop some antibodies mostly inconsequential in the moment but not entirely without risk of receptor dampening and inhibited secretion years down the line. Even brand name products can be junk in a deceptive counterfeit packaging, and it's way too much money to play around for months with something less than you planned and paid to have. I agree that a source who lives or ships from nearby you is a perfect option if they're trustworthy. But the price will be nowhere near competitive with the prices I received. Again, I realize the store may gradually up the price tag on things, and may not have longevity after it's all said and done. But I am sincerely impressed enough with bodypharm to write up a few thoughts here and announce my find. Make of it what you will, but I do hope word continues to spread and promote this place while it's a gem.
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