Believe me, it didn't change what I was going to say. It just made it hard as hell to type it. /default_wink.png^ Hey no benzo posting! Remember you told us to remind you. It is the same as drunk dialing. LOL
Yes, every time I received several emails, but the first time I to get it out of my Spam Folder.Does everyone get emails when orders are shipped etc? Just wondering coz I have NEVER received an email from them about anything, ever. Not a problem really, it's easy enough to check the status. And I received something much better from them today /default_wink.png
Yeah, you better check your spam filter. Also, if you are like most you have more than one email acct, make sure you're checking the right one and the junk/spam folders on them all.Does everyone get emails when orders are shipped etc? Just wondering coz I have NEVER received an email from them about anything, ever. Not a problem really, it's easy enough to check the status. And I received something much better from them today /default_wink.png
I have not personally dealt with this issue with this particular vendor, but I'm told that they do in fact restock. At least they have been known to in the past. Hope that helps, and don't forget to spread love. It's the Brooklyn Way!do they restock products? I'm interested in something that's currently listed as out of stock and was wondering if anyone had experience with this issue ?