My wife is gorgeous, great ass too but small breasts. I love her, her body, her petite breasts (and really love her ass!) but is extremely self conscious and has been hounding me for a boob job since we first got serious. I am only in agreement now after she convinced me that she started abusing drugs at such a young age (due to abusive adults in her life, started on pharmaceuticals at 9 and her mother first shot her with H at 12) These almost certainly stunted her growth in ways and so I am searching for a good solution to get her the breasts she needs (I might make use of them too XD) I know that some estrogen agents cause men to grow breasts- Is there a safe way for a woman in her early 30s (unfixed, but done having kids and will get fixed soon) to grow larger breasts through hormones/ sarms/ hgh/ steroids/ etc? I feel it would be more beautiful for her body to finish growing in the way God designed her. But is there a safe way to do this?