Probably a stupid thread but I have been feeling crap in the last two years. Weight loss, poor appetite, ibs, anxiety, joint pain neck, shoulder and back pain . Thank fully no depression thanks to Lu$tral
I went to 2 docs one just laughed at me and took bloods, which were all 'fine', little bit low in bit D bit that was it.
The other doc I got bloods find a month earlier and he said i was borderline anemic put me on iron tabs, v. High folic acid, very high cholesterol, put me on statins, can't remember anything else that was wrong, I was just shell shocked!
I am reluctant to go on statins any advice? Took one galfer nearly died lol tmi.
Then I went to a health food shop and told the nice lady all my ailments.
She recommended Vit D, Iron, cal, mag, sea buckthorn, omegas. Vic t zinc. I just got the bit D cause I would like your experiences with health supplements.
Would it be worth just getting something like pharmaton/ complete multi vit.
I can't take much food unfortunately.
Any help would be so much appreciated
Probably a stupid thread but I have been feeling crap in the last two years. Weight loss, poor appetite, ibs, anxiety, joint pain neck, shoulder and back pain . Thank fully no depression thanks to Lu$tral
I went to 2 docs one just laughed at me and took bloods, which were all 'fine', little bit low in bit D bit that was it.
The other doc I got bloods find a month earlier and he said i was borderline anemic put me on iron tabs, v. High folic acid, very high cholesterol, put me on statins, can't remember anything else that was wrong, I was just shell shocked!
I am reluctant to go on statins any advice? Took one galfer nearly died lol tmi.
Then I went to a health food shop and told the nice lady all my ailments.
She recommended Vit D, Iron, cal, mag, sea buckthorn, omegas. Vic t zinc. I just got the bit D cause I would like your experiences with health supplements.
Would it be worth just getting something like pharmaton/ complete multi vit.
I can't take much food unfortunately.
Any help would be so much appreciated