I haven't had any issues with places to usa so far. Recently. Even from uk, and etc. Ch.em.ag.or.a is a new. 1st time with them. Still waiting. I cant guarantee anything from them yet. Hoping for the best since they are closer. It's all at your own risk. But, I haven't had any problems yet. T.r.r.c so far has been the best. Only 2 requests from them so far. Less then 3 weeks and stealthy. But they are stopping soon so they could do an exit scam if they wanted to. I'm not saying they would do that. They seem very honest. Enough that I made another request. Just be careful. Ra.re,ch.ems arrived about 1 month after request. Everything seems good. I have a nother with them also. Not expecting it quickly though. Happy I requested before they went on vacation. Just FYI. if they all get it from the original liz.ard.la.bs. I found a few squares from 8 years ago hidden in my dresser when they used to ship to US. Took 1 and still had the same effect. Good shit