Does anyone remember Argentina meds

The Gator brand Alprazolams and ambien where the best.
That company made them real good.

It's been maybe years since I haven't seen one anymore. They where very frequent back in the day with COD deliveries.

That used. To be the best source for the gator bars. Are they still in business anywhere?
No, the days when Gadors flowed like wine from Argentina are long gone as the US pressed their government to crack down and all those sources disappeared :(

Them and Kob from serbia were my favorite vendors from around 2010.. damn i miss them

Omg I use to get the best everything from Argentina. Everything was potent and stellar. Man I miss those days! 

Not sure how far back everyone in this thread goes but I was under the old DGB's forum before it shut down.....I never knew what happened with that. But anyway, I was there going all the way back to 2006/2007. 

Man, the Argentina vendors were beast. None of my goods were ever taken by LL....that's how good they were. I use to get bennies that were rare here in the states and they were topnotch. Bars, blue ovals were in abundance back then and were amazing. I actually had to split the blues in half cause they were so potent. Heck, even the low dose pink ovals were super potent.

I also remember when the Serbs hit. I'd never in my life heard of the c@ys@lols, tried em and wowsers! So potent I had to split em half also. I'll never forget their sending style...brilliant!

I don't see why the US g0v't doesn't admit this war on druugs is fruitless. Crack down on one area, another issue pops up. I'm old enough to remember the "Just S@y No" campaign....and where has that gotten us? Kr@ck, koke, meff, peeoids are a bigger problem than they've ever been, so what's the use?

You close one door, people simply find another door to open and walk through.

But anyways, yep, those were the days. I've kept one or two souvenirs from those sources as a reminder of the good ole days. Actually took a blue oval and a c@ys@lol some 11 years later one time and they were still as potent as can't beat that!

Not sure how far back everyone in this thread goes but I was under the old DGB's forum before it shut down.....I never knew what happened with that. But anyway, I was there going all the way back to 2006/2007.

I also remember when the Serbs hit. I'd never in my life heard of the c@ys@lols, tried em and wowsers! So potent I had to split em half also. I'll never forget their sending style...brilliant!
Are you talking about the old Drugbuyers board? I started on there back in '99 when they still had the old EZboard format. That place was crazy, with massive flame wars and such going on every day. I used to drive the mod Melody (aka River, aka Charon) crazy and she tried to ban me multiple times but the owner wouldn't let her because he liked me. He eventually got busted for a bunch of stuff, including alleged kiddie porn, and the site was shut down.

The serbs were pretty great. Kob, DR. Roids (who also used to sell ket vials) and a few others. I think Kob was the one who sent pills in the CD cases. It's kinda odd that there aren't any more as the Galenika products are still easy to get in bulk for people in Europe. Moda, Jason at quickpharmas and Sarah at prs4u all have them in quantity.

And the Argentinian meds were all great. They had 3 quality alpeaz bar brands ---- the Gadors, Denvers and Bagos, with the Gadors being about the best on the planet. So sad :(

Are you talking about the old Drugbuyers board? I started on there back in '99 when they still had the old EZboard format. That place was crazy, with massive flame wars and such going on every day. I used to drive the mod Melody (aka River, aka Charon) crazy and she tried to ban me multiple times but the owner wouldn't let her because he liked me. He eventually got busted for a bunch of stuff, including alleged kiddie porn, and the site was shut down.

The serbs were pretty great. Kob, DR. Roids (who also used to sell ket vials) and a few others. I think Kob was the one who sent pills in the CD cases. It's kinda odd that there aren't any more as the Galenika products are still easy to get in bulk for people in Europe. Moda, Jason at quickpharmas and Sarah at prs4u all have them in quantity.

And the Argentinian meds were all great. They had 3 quality alpeaz bar brands ---- the Gadors, Denvers and Bagos, with the Gadors being about the best on the planet. So sad :(
Yep, that's the old board I'm talking about. I had no idea that's what happened. Like wow! I would've never guessed that. I honestly thought it was related to the theme of the forum. All these years, I've been scratching my head trying to figure out what could have possibly gone wrong and to hear about kiddy p0* ewwww, what a perv!

Oh man that place was wild. I also remember it was crawling with shills. You had to be very careful because some shills were really good! Thankfully, there was an abundance of trustworthy "GrandPooh" (I think that's what longtime members were called), members who were on top of things and would warn you, plus there was an abundance of trustworthy vendors, so you really couldn't go wrong.

I still remember the Airmail folks. I use to get the most rare and exotic benniezos from them and their shipping was rapid. They had the ones that I couldn't find with the Argentina vendors but those were my favs, along with the Serbs. Boy were the Serbs topnotch and fast too. And yes, the way they did their magazines was phenomenal! Oh yeah, you might wanna edit that part out just in never which eyes are Not sure if anyone else uses that technique but just in case. Or if you don't think anybody still does that, don't worry about it. 

I do remember Melody, and now that I look at your username, I do remember you! I remember 2Pearls from the old board as well and probably a few more but not off the top of my head right now, but one person I could never forget was Headbanger. What ever happened to him? His posts were always funny and so was his avatar....LOL! It's really good to see some oldies around here!

One thing I remember about the old board was that members were more active and talkative. I see a lot of good questions asked on here but no answers. On the old one, a question would get answered quick and the discussion could go on for ages. People chatted with one another nearly everyday. It was like an online family! Man, those were the days!

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Hey @Allhoney75 @krunchy  , I was a member too! My screenname on that site was my old AIM handle, diva61979. I was trying to figure out how long ago it was when I joined, and the oldest email I could find was from 2006. I found my monthly "refill reminders" from SendMyMeds and also the scan of my license that I had to send before my "doctor consult" where their pill-mill doc asked me to rate my pain on a scale of 1-10, then approving. I actually met my friend Jane on DB after we were all losing our minds on the PharmacyCube thread. I don't know if they were trying to just dump product because they knew they were about to go down, but basically everyone that received their mags from them the previous day had gotten another, and I think their site disappeared already by that point. I remember one guy received a third the day after! Back then everything I got usually originated in FL and 99% arrived next day. I'm guessing they were also those pain mgmt operations that filled on site. People were so friggin active on DB posting if something was late, since sites were getting shut down left and right and everyone would panic. I used to get 90 n0rc0s for like two and change and paid through the site with my cc like any other. Ahhh, the good ol' days  😂.

@jennifernt Hey I remember you under that! It's so good to see oldtimers in Love it! You know, it was that old forum that helped me find my current pain management doctor that I've been going to since 2015! Man, I really miss that old forum because everything was so plentiful and people were very very helpful.

Yep, that was when the Florida p!ll m!lls were at their height. It was amazing how easy things were back then. Kinda surreal how things changed so fast in such a short amount of time. Even being able to use your cc and if you didn't get your mags, you'd just do a charge back and no money was lost. Nowadays things are far more risky, for instance like the vendor who I previously mentioned. Can't mention his name cause my comment might get deleted.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't there someone on that old forum who worked in l@w enfor. that told everyone what to look out for? It seems like I vaguely remember a poster like that. Or maybe it was just somebody who was very well informed. I can't quite remember but I know they provided some very valuable information.

It was that forum that I learned to never order anything from !ndi@ or P@kist@an because even back then, things were fishy from those places.

Ahhh yes, the good old days. Long gone but not forgotten!

You guys wouldn't know me by my username here and I'd rather not repeat my DB one as I made A LOT of 'enemies' there. I used to love to goad the more retarded members there about one thing or another and watch them spin out and go into a frenzy. I remember one thread about Salvia that became particularly ridiculous and insane with members claiming to know what it was all about with absolutely no firsthand knowledge of the substance so I started yelling 'THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING! THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING!' :lol:   Meaning, of course, that only actual experience will reveal the truth. And they were all like 'She's completely insane!' :wacko:  and on and on it went. That was near the end and it all just seemed like great fun at the time but ended up taking up way too much time and energy.

And yes, it was easy to get hydro online until the feds passed the 'Ryan Haight Act'  Ryan (aka quicksilver) was a friend of mine from Bluelight and everybody was saddened and shocked at his passing as he seemed one of the more responsible community members. And he didn't even die from that, he OD'd on a bunch of morphine and xanax he got from an online buddy. But the cops found an old script from a FL pill-mill doc and a crusade was born thanks to his parents. All such a bummer :(

And I do remember Headbanger and 2pearls. No idea what happened to any of those people as I took a break from the whole scene for several years after DB was shut down. I do know that Melody/Charon now mods on that crappy ioplist board. That place is a joke, with all kind of inane rules such as you can't even mention the name of the med that you are ordering from anywhere :rolleyes:  They are also big supporters of that Pakistani Macromass a-hole :mad:

India for years was THE PLACE to get your benzos from, back in 2000-2004, as you could get like #500 quality xanax or whatever delivered via courier to your door for less than $200 :o  Again, government crackdown. And remember when Costa Rica was the place to be? Until once again, government crackdown. The bastards keep making it harder and harder until you gotta be like :ph34r:

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the whole CD thing got played out and they caught on. I doubt that would fool anybody now.

You guys wouldn't know me by my username here and I'd rather not repeat my DB one as I made A LOT of 'enemies' there. I used to love to goad the more retarded members there about one thing or another and watch them spin out and go into a frenzy. I remember one thread about Salvia that became particularly ridiculous and insane with members claiming to know what it was all about with absolutely no firsthand knowledge of the substance so I started yelling 'THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING! THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING!' :lol:   Meaning, of course, that only actual experience will reveal the truth. And they were all like 'She's completely insane!' :wacko:  and on and on it went. That was near the end and it all just seemed like great fun at the time but ended up taking up way too much time and energy.

And yes, it was easy to get hydro online until the feds passed the 'Ryan Haight Act'  Ryan (aka quicksilver) was a friend of mine from Bluelight and everybody was saddened and shocked at his passing as he seemed one of the more responsible community members. And he didn't even die from that, he OD'd on a bunch of morphine and xanax he got from an online buddy. But the cops found an old script from a FL pill-mill doc and a crusade was born thanks to his parents. All such a bummer :(

And I do remember Headbanger and 2pearls. No idea what happened to any of those people as I took a break from the whole scene for several years after DB was shut down. I do know that Melody/Charon now mods on that crappy ioplist board. That place is a joke, with all kind of inane rules such as you can't even mention the name of the med that you are ordering from anywhere :rolleyes:  They are also big supporters of that Pakistani Macromass a-hole :mad:

India for years was THE PLACE to get your benzos from, back in 2000-2004, as you could get like #500 quality xanax or whatever delivered via courier to your door for less than $200 :o  Again, government crackdown. And remember when Costa Rica was the place to be? Until once again, government crackdown. The bastards keep making it harder and harder until you gotta be like :ph34r:

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the whole CD thing got played out and they caught on. I doubt that would fool anybody now.
There was definitely a Krunchy on the old board so that's why I thought it was you. That's totally weird. Yes that place was hilarious! Lmao!

Wait, so you knew Ryan? Omg that was really sad. I'd also heard he's the reason was shut down....not sure how true that was since it was only second hand information. I know things definitely got political to the extreme after his tragic death and all of a sudden, Topix became a ghost town before shutting down. Is Bluelight still around?

Actually 2Pearls is on here. I see plenty of her posts. Don't know what happened to Headbanger. He was hilarious!

Yeah I know what you mean about IOP boards....that place is pretty!

Do you remember the banakins everybody use to get from India? Oh man, those things were amazing! With mags not making it out of India like they use to, I'm not sure if those are still around. I never hear anybody talk about em anymore.

Yep, those were the good old days for sure!

Wait, so you knew Ryan? Omg that was really sad. I'd also heard he's the reason was shut down....not sure how true that was since it was only second hand information. I know things definitely got political to the extreme after his tragic death and all of a sudden, Topix became a ghost town before shutting down. Is Bluelight still around?

Do you remember the banakins everybody use to get from India? Oh man, those things were amazing! With mags not making it out of India like they use to, I'm not sure if those are still around. I never hear anybody talk about em anymore.
Don't really know what happened with Topix, I heard a number of things I don't remember now. Bluelight is still kicking and there's a tribute page on there somewhere dedicated to Ryan. Oh, and the bannakins are what I have right now. Got a couple hundred clonotril-2  from Moda and he's got plenty us2us but kinda pricey. Just email him for his list ;)

Wow a trip down memory lane. They used to be called CAM. There were several others from the area too. 

India was the place but so was Pakistan. 

I went bonkers on Topix  well because it was bonkers. Topix was where I first learned about Greendot Money Cards.

I'm afraid I burnt a few too many brain cells.

I got to know Rafa from the old DBG, he used to work for an outfit called of all things DHL Pills and DHL actually sued them. Rafael actually got taken down by the DEA in Costa Rica.   We stayed in touch for a while.  He got out of the biz for awhile but got back into it.

I still wonder how he's doing if he's still alive even. Sigh...

Yeah, Cam, that was the AM guy. Was Rafa the Costa Rican guy that was really on it for a while?

Yeah, Cam, that was the AM guy. Was Rafa the Costa Rican guy that was really on it for a while?
Yup Rafa was the Costa Rican guy.  Actually got to know him real well.  Don't know  if it matters now but I even got to know his last name and his parents.  He kinda got ran out of the original DB because at times he used a pseudonym like Dorothy or Nancy.....and well back then folks picked on him and made fun of him because of how things have changed.  His father was a college professor at some big university here in the USA--this wasn't just him telling me -- I'm a compulsive snoop and I verified it.  Just occurred to me, I'll have to checkout the way back machine to see if I can find any old copies of the old DB in the internet archives. No luck there but I found his old handle on YouTube.  Maybe the handle will tickle some btain cells. "sl1p606".....its all from 10 years ago.....

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Yeah, Cam, that was the AM guy. Was Rafa the Costa Rican guy that was really on it for a while?
i remember both of those dudes! gadors were the best but the other brands were good too so you had to order a little sampler...i remember thinking they were expensive compared to other (indian 😂) options at the time. how things have changed! we miss you!

I had the best luck w xan from Thailand. Excellent quality and price. Then Thailand made xan prescription only. That was 5-6??? years ago. Maybe more. I had a reliable guy in India too. I get that the prices are higher now because of all the crackdowns but why the quality? 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for