Looking for Ivermectin

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Please, folks, please. There is no evidence for quinolines (HCQ, CQ), and there's also no evidence for ivermectin against covid-19.

Your best bet currently is to get vaccinated. Or risk natural immunity and the possible side-effects (far worse and more common than with vaccine immunity). Or wait for herd immunity (which may take a while with the vaccine effort in the US stalled, and there not being much of an effort in many parts of the world).
Where is the evidence for an experimental gene therapy?

Vet clinic, feed store. Same drug. 
be sure to get dosage right.

its 10mg per ml

I would get physicians advice 

Where is the evidence for an experimental gene therapy?
That would be here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33378609/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34401888/

But of course, those who say this aren't interested in the science. They instead cling to a misunderstanding of science that proposes their genes are being modified.

All proteins in the body are synthesized from copies of DNA known as mRNA, and this mRNA is destroyed after it has served its function. To modify genes, the DNA (the master copy) would have to be modified. This simply does not happen.

The mRNA vaccine harnesses this exact mechanism to deliver the spike protein (the part the virus uses to gain access to our cells - that is, to infect us) to immune cells so they can learn how to fight the virus without a full-fledged viral infection. And just as expected, the mRNA is then destroyed.

Since SARS-Cov-2 is an RNA virus, it also harnesses this exact same mechanism in its host to replicate itself. So if the mRNA vaccine is "gene therapy", then so is being infected by a virus. ALL viruses use this mechanism to replicate***.

The only difference between an mRNA (or even DNA) vaccine and other vaccines is that the other vaccines either deliver the spike proteins directly (synthesized outside the body from mRNA) to the immune cells OR they use a virus ("viral vector" - usually an adenovirus) to deliver mRNA to the body with instructions to synthesize the spike protein. The mRNA vaccine delivers the mRNA directly to the immune cells - that is, not through a viral vector.

This is the difference between buying a case for one's phone directly from the store, or buying/renting a 3D printer and loading instructions for the case to print the case, or using a 3D printing service (not owning/renting the 3D printer). The mRNA vaccine would be the latter - the body already knows how to produce proteins from genes, so let's just give it the instructions for the viral spike protein and let it do the rest.

*** Some viruses actually do modify DNA by inserting a copy of themselves into the DNA of the host - e.g., HIV - so if you're worried about gene modifcation, do your best to prevent being infected by viruses such as HIV.

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Vet clinic, feed store. Same drug. 
be sure to get dosage right.

its 10mg per ml

I would get physicians advice 
And any physician advising you on this drug as treatment for anything other than a parasitic infection (its indication) does not understand or respect science, so seriously consider if this is someone you want presiding over your care.

That would be here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33378609/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34401888/

But of course, those who say this aren't interested in the science. They instead cling to a misunderstanding of science that proposes their genes are being modified.

All proteins in the body are synthesized from copies of DNA known as mRNA, and this mRNA is destroyed after it has served its function. To modify genes, the DNA (the master copy) would have to be modified. This simply does not happen.

The mRNA vaccine harnesses this exact mechanism to deliver the spike protein (the part the virus uses to gain access to our cells - that is, to infect us) to immune cells so they can learn how to fight the virus without a full-fledged viral infection. And just as expected, the mRNA is then destroyed.

Since SARS-Cov-2 is an RNA virus, it also harnesses this exact same mechanism in its host to replicate itself. So if the mRNA vaccine is "gene therapy", then so is being infected by a virus. ALL viruses use this mechanism to replicate***.

The only difference between an mRNA (or even DNA) vaccine and other vaccines is that the other vaccines either deliver the spike proteins directly (synthesized outside the body from mRNA) to the immune cells OR they use a virus ("viral vector" - usually an adenovirus) to deliver mRNA to the body with instructions to synthesize the spike protein. The mRNA vaccine delivers the mRNA directly to the immune cells - that is, not through a viral vector.

This is the difference between buying a case for one's phone directly from the store, or buying/renting a 3D printer and loading instructions for the case to print the case, or using a 3D printing service (not owning/renting the 3D printer). The mRNA vaccine would be the latter - the body already knows how to produce proteins from genes, so let's just give it the instructions for the viral spike protein and let it do the rest.

*** Some viruses actually do modify DNA by inserting a copy of themselves into the DNA of the host - e.g., HIV - so if you're worried about gene modifcation, do your best to prevent being infected by viruses such as HIV.
And the adverse reaction figures for this 'vaccine' in precedent of the 'SARS/COV 2 death figures?

And the adverse reaction figures for this 'vaccine' in precedent of the 'SARS/COV 2 death figures?
More interesting would be adverse reaction figures of the vaccine vs. SARS-CoV-2 virus. How many people who have been vaccinated have developed loss of smell/taste, Bell's palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, long (haul) symptoms of fatigue and depressed mood, respiratory difficulty requiring hospitalization? This is the risk one runs with natural infection - and it's no small risk. In contrast, how many reported cases of blood clots (just to pick an example that has some worried) have we had so far out of 100s of millions who have received the vaccine? It's not even a contest that one's odds are orders of magnitude better with the vaccine.

That said, the comparisons of deaths would still leave natural infection as a far less safe alternative. With an infection fatality rate between 0.25-1% (a total 4.5 million deaths worldwide from the virus), I think it's safe to say that if the vaccine were killing even 0.25% of the vaccinated, we would not only hear about it but there would be inquiries. Just look at the ridiculously small number of blood clots that prompted some countries to temporarily halt certain vaccines. So no way 0.25% of vaccinated, let alone 1%, are going to be dropping like flies and no one notices.

@trinity and anyone else who is still worried about mRNA vaccines (despite the fact that they are no longer experimental and have been given to millions) should just take the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which isn't mRNA based.  It doesn't work as well, but it is still very protective, and the technology is older.  

If you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed that ivermectin is just the latest in a series of treatments that shady people are trying to sell you at big markups before they are proven not to help. The main evidence that ivermectin helps came from a study that turned out to be faked. If it worked as well as people think, we'd have proof by now.  If you do decide to take it, be careful with dose. It has some real toxicity: if you start shitting out weird long strands of something, those are your intestines not worms. 

More interesting would be adverse reaction figures of the vaccine vs. SARS-CoV-2 virus. How many people who have been vaccinated have developed loss of smell/taste, Bell's palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, long (haul) symptoms of fatigue and depressed mood, respiratory difficulty requiring hospitalization? This is the risk one runs with natural infection - and it's no small risk. In contrast, how many reported cases of blood clots (just to pick an example that has some worried) have we had so far out of 100s of millions who have received the vaccine? It's not even a contest that one's odds are orders of magnitude better with the vaccine.

That said, the comparisons of deaths would still leave natural infection as a far less safe alternative. With an infection fatality rate between 0.25-1% (a total 4.5 million deaths worldwide from the virus), I think it's safe to say that if the vaccine were killing even 0.25% of the vaccinated, we would not only hear about it but there would be inquiries. Just look at the ridiculously small number of blood clots that prompted some countries to temporarily halt certain vaccines. So no way 0.25% of vaccinated, let alone 1%, are going to be dropping like flies and no one notices.

From a 'virus' that has a 99.8% rate of recovery from most of the healthy populus...I have had it several times and each time it lessens in severity.

People who have had the 'vaccine' are still falling sick from the common flu.....makes zero sense to have this nefarious pushed agenda with zero efficacy. Sorry if you cant see something is seriously rotten with the whole narrative then you will reap what you sow. UK and EU there is a massive push back against the BS. The UK will be in flames this winter when they try to push house arrest three. A lot of people are waking up, finally.

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@trinity and anyone else who is still worried about mRNA vaccines (despite the fact that they are no longer experimental and have been given to millions) should just take the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which isn't mRNA based.  It doesn't work as well, but it is still very protective, and the technology is older.  

If you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed that ivermectin is just the latest in a series of treatments that shady people are trying to sell you at big markups before they are proven not to help. The main evidence that ivermectin helps came from a study that turned out to be faked. If it worked as well as people think, we'd have proof by now.  If you do decide to take it, be careful with dose. It has some real toxicity: if you start shitting out weird long strands of something, those are your intestines not worms. 
A lot of well versed people within the field with zero fiscal interest in profits would disagree with you. Ivermectin is actually pennies to the pound.

Load up on Vit C, D3 and zinc. Where is the profit in that?


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Ivermectin is actually pennies to the pound.
Anyone can google the price of ivermectin and see the range of prices right now. Current markups are big and people are certainly making money from that.

I don't care if someone wants to take a toxic overpriced drug that lacks evidence. You do you.

But I do suggest people also get one of the vaccines, as they work really well to decrease the chance you get hospitalized or get long Covid. And the vaccines are better studied than just about any drug we discuss on this website. 

Anyone can google the price of ivermectin and see the range of prices right now. Current markups are big and people are certainly making money from that.

I don't care if someone wants to take a toxic overpriced drug that lacks evidence. You do you.

But I do suggest people also get one of the vaccines, as they work really well to decrease the chance you get hospitalized or get long Covid. And the vaccines are better studied than just about any drug we discuss on this website. 
I am not pushing ivermectin. Never used it, never will so cannot comment.
What I am against are forced experimental death jabs loaded with carcinogens and human rights being eroded over a big planned fraud.


From a 'virus' that has a 99.8% rate of recovery from most of the healthy populus...I have had it several times and each time it lessens in severity.

People who have had the 'vaccine' are still falling sick from the common flu.....makes zero sense to have this nefarious pushed agenda with zero efficacy. Sorry if you cant see something is seriously rotten with the whole narrative then you will reap what you sow. UK and EU there is a massive push back against the BS. The UK will be in flames this winter when they try to push house arrest three. A lot of people are waking up, finally.
I am glad you recovered well. Just out of curiousity, how many 65-74 year-olds (with a fatality rate of 2.5%) did you infect during your multiple bouts? How about 75-84 (fatality rate 8.5%)? How about 85+ (fatality rate 28.3%!)? How about those with preexisting conditions who make up the majority of deaths (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease)? So you see, it's not even about you, but if you couldn't be bothered with your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or those with chronic conditions, that's a narrative I find far more rotten. One day, you too will be elderly or perhaps have a chronic condition...

Common cold or flu? Different origins. Common cold has over 100 viruses that can cause it, including the coronavirus group. Influenza virus causes the flu.

Anyone can google the price of ivermectin and see the range of prices right now. Current markups are big and people are certainly making money from that.

I don't care if someone wants to take a toxic overpriced drug that lacks evidence. You do you.

But I do suggest people also get one of the vaccines, as they work really well to decrease the chance you get hospitalized or get long Covid. And the vaccines are better studied than just about any drug we discuss on this website. 
Just when I thought things couldn't get f'n weirder, they do.   First bleach, then shine light inside the body ... now Sheep Drench.    God, I LOVE humanity. 

Joe Rogan has covid. He has now back tracked and is thanking his doctors for helping him get on the road to recovery. The time and resources taken from Doctors, nurses, the community and even 911 operaters is so strained because of covid patients who refuse to get a vaccine that in now FDA approved is ridiculious. This argument that its only the elderly are dying is  outragious. When my father died pre-covid, I got to be in the room with him and hold his hand while he passed peacefully. You will not be able to do that if a loved one is sick enough from covid. Even children cannot have their mothers by their side when they become gravely ill. If it was just you I would say be my guest, take what you want, but it isn't. One teacher in California gave it to 15 of the 30 students in her class room. Quit taking the breakthrough cases as proof it doesn't work. It  was wonderful against covid 19 and is great against the Delta variant but not quite as effective effective and could be less effective against the next variant. What could possibly flatten the curve and stop the variants. The vaccine! Please just do it for others. No one should have to die that way, especially People who were vaccinated and wore a mask to protect others.

How can you not be sold on mask? We have known about germs for over 150 years. Doctors wear them everyday especially if they are going to operate on you, even during the most minimally invasive procedure. 

I smoke, I know its bad for me, but I don't get upset when someone has a no smoking rule in their house or a resteraunt The shouldn't have to in hale my smoke, now just Think of the smoke as the germs someone is breathing out. It's not tryanny, its public safety.

Please, folks, please. There is no evidence for quinolines (HCQ, CQ), and there's also no evidence for ivermectin against covid-19.

Your best bet currently is to get vaccinated. Or risk natural immunity and the possible side-effects (far worse and more common than with vaccine immunity). Or wait for herd immunity (which may take a while with the vaccine effort in the US stalled, and there not being much of an effort in many parts of the world).
We can't read herd immunity. After you have it the antibodies only last for 3 months. The vaccine is the best bet. I believe R something (sorry I forgot the name) Is another drug Doctors are studying heavily with good results so far.

We can't read herd immunity. After you have it the antibodies only last for 3 months. The vaccine is the best bet. I believe R something (sorry I forgot the name) Is another drug Doctors are studying heavily with good results so far.
Remdesivir. Probably not going to be a thing.

You're right on herd immunity. The nature of RNA viruses is such that it will be an ongoing battle for as long as the virus remains pandemic. Exactly like the influenza virus.

It's not clear on how long antibodies last. Part of the problem seems to be that there's variance in the population where it wanes quickly in some (2-3 months) and not so quickly in others (12-18 months). At any rate, seems the US has settled on 8 months, hence the booster shot recommendations now. But again, none of this is new - even before the vaccine was available, just by it being an RNA virus, it was known that any vaccine would likely need to be updated. There's a reason humans never become immune to "the cold" or the flu.

But even if we could reach herd immunity, we wouldn't because this is a global problem and the rich nations have decided that everyone else be damned. Of course, this means ALL will be damned - you cannot ram globalization down our collective throats and then magically escape its consequences.

I was more so just giving options, with the point being that the vaccine is the best bet over natural immunity or waiting for herd immunity. Vaccines are far less dangerous and appear to provide better protection than natural infection, and this virus will run its course when it decides to.

I am glad you recovered well. Just out of curiousity, how many 65-74 year-olds (with a fatality rate of 2.5%) did you infect during your multiple bouts? How about 75-84 (fatality rate 8.5%)? How about 85+ (fatality rate 28.3%!)? How about those with preexisting conditions who make up the majority of deaths (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease)? So you see, it's not even about you, but if you couldn't be bothered with your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or those with chronic conditions, that's a narrative I find far more rotten. One day, you too will be elderly or perhaps have a chronic condition...

Common cold or flu? Different origins. Common cold has over 100 viruses that can cause it, including the coronavirus group. Influenza virus causes the flu.
Hope this isnt too abrasive but this sounds like 90% of the brainwashed who have havent questioned the propaganda narrative being pushed. Why isnt this a pandemic every single year when flu/cold season occurs? My mother fell into that category of 65-74yr olds every single time and was completely fine. The rest of the time I behaved as I did every other single time I had the flu or seasonal cold, stayed in bed, hydrated and sweated it out. I am a pretty healthy guy however. The one thing I will add is that it was more severe than previous infections of the seasonal flu. As in it took longer to bounce back.

The fact that those predispositioned and at risk will ultimately die, its a natural cycle. Nothing new from time and memorial . It was never a 'pandemic' then and never has been.

Hope this isnt too abrasive but this sounds like 90% of the brainwashed who have havent questioned the propaganda narrative being pushed. Why isnt this a pandemic every single year when flu/cold season occurs? My mother fell into that category of 65-74yr olds every single time and was completely fine. The rest of the time I behaved as I did every other single time I had the flu or seasonal cold, stayed in bed, hydrated and sweated it out. I am a pretty healthy guy however. The one thing I will add is that it was more severe than previous infections of the seasonal flu. As in it took longer to bounce back.

The fact that those predispositioned and at risk will ultimately die, its a natural cycle. Nothing new from time and memorial . It was never a 'pandemic' then and never has been.
A pandemic is exactly what it is. By definition. I'm not sure what you understand as pandemic, but pandemic and epidemic are public health terms that mean very specific things - and coronavirus is by all accounts a pandemic.

It's also a probability and statistics game. Obviously, 2.5% gives your mother very good odds of surviving, but the question isn't her - it's when tens or hundreds or thousands of millions are involved in any given country. Then 2.5% looks very different.

There's also the issue of mutation. It seems that's what the non-believers want. Maybe if SARS-Cov-2 figures out its cousins SARS-Cov-1 (9% fatality rate) or MERS-Cov (30% fatality rate), then you all will be impressed. Not everyone is willing to gamble with that. As more people get infected, the chance of mutation to a more deadly strain increases. It could also just fizzle out, but it could also gain.

You all seem to forget that the flu that we now think so little of wiped out about 50 million people on the planet a century ago (when the population would've been about 2 billion). That's what mutation can do, and it's unpredictable, except that with enough hosts and time, it can happen.

A pandemic is exactly what it is. By definition. I'm not sure what you understand as pandemic, but pandemic and epidemic are public health terms that mean very specific things - and coronavirus is by all accounts a pandemic.

It's also a probability and statistics game. Obviously, 2.5% gives your mother very good odds of surviving, but the question isn't her - it's when tens or hundreds or thousands of millions are involved in any given country. Then 2.5% looks very different.

There's also the issue of mutation. It seems that's what the non-believers want. Maybe if SARS-Cov-2 figures out its cousins SARS-Cov-1 (9% fatality rate) or MERS-Cov (30% fatality rate), then you all will be impressed. Not everyone is willing to gamble with that. As more people get infected, the chance of mutation to a more deadly strain increases. It could also just fizzle out, but it could also gain.

You all seem to forget that the flu that we now think so little of wiped out about 50 million people on the planet a century ago (when the population would've been about 2 billion). That's what mutation can do, and it's unpredictable, except that with enough hosts and time, it can happen.
Can I ask where the source for all this 'information' and statistics is coming from?
I will assume and forgive me if I am wrong you are from the US?

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  1. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
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  4. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  5. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
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  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  13. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
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  16. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now