

Aug 26, 2024
I am starting this thread because of how little info i could find on honest, objective opinions and experiences. A few 6+ year old threads on bluelight were about all i could find, yet this compound really interested me as it was unknown to me unti very recently. I figure maybe i could help another person in a similar situation out.

So basically my interest in RCs is mostly in supplementing and offsetting my use of perscribed Vyvanse. Truly a miraculous medication for me most days. The only issues i havr with are, first, the cost. Without insurances it is insane. And second, despite its very long acting nature i seem to metabolize it quickly and it doesnt usually last me all day. And somr datys i work 11 or more hours.

In comes the RC scene. Of course the positive feeling, or "high" is whst is desired, but "getting high" in the commonnly known definition is not really what i am after. But who is to judge. Who's to say that my sense of "euphoria" from accomplishing things is any different from the euphoria in the initial rush of a higher dose of IV hydromorphone. (An experience i have enjoyed but do not desire)

Anyways, off topic here. So reading about it, metmp sounds intriguing. Having experimented with 4fmph i found that useful when dosed very carefully.a little too much, however, and things can go off the raiks, IME.

So far metmp has had all the functional qualities of 4f but without the balancing on a knifes edge feeling. Granted 4f does certainly last longer. Neither make me compulsively redose. Usually three doses are more than enough to go all day if im taking a day off vyvanse. Days when i take Vyvanse i can take a small dose of tmp mid-afternoon and sail through the rest of my day and stay useful into the evening at home. Sllep has never been an issue with vyvanse and actually has helped me sleep. I have had insomnia for years and since starting vyvanse i am out like a light every night, consistently.

I guess just wanted an open forum about 4ME-TMP in case anyone was curious about its usefulness and current synths. So far i find it very useful, and it has almost seems to lower tolerance to d-amph, switching between amph and phenidates. Maybe thats in my head? Who knows. Any input or comments on experience with metmp would be great!
Thanks for making this post! Back 1-2 years ago, I was keen on researching whether or not 4-MethylTMP was a suitable @dder@ll IR replacement. Lo and behold it showed tons of promise up until all sources dried up.

I’m curious if you ever had a chance to sample the previous batches from 1-2 years ago that came as a fine, white, crystalline powder? If so how’d it compare to the current batch that is making the rounds (looks like large, off-yellow crystal chunks)?

I’m not sure if the quality has taken a hit, or if my methods are inconsistent, but I remember it being leagues more effective previously. The current stuff is barely distinguishable from the 4F variant imo.
@bigjackchen , i look forward to seeing every one of your posts. You always make me smile. I dont know you but i like you! You have a great humour! Makes my day.

Anyways, about the 4metmp.

Unfortunately i never got to try the older batch. So far experiences with the current off yellow crystal is positive. Current have both 4fmph and metmp. The main difference i am seeing is that the dosing of 4metmp is much more forgiving. Obviously its less potent, which on the surface may seem like a bad thing. But actually i am preferring it. From domestic sources 4Me is slightly cheaper than 4F.

For effectiveness as ADHD med; borh are useful. With 4F however, if i am not careful and take even a few mgs too much there are definitely some noted side effects. Anxiousness being the main one occasionally had from 4F. With current 4Me, higher dose is needed than 4F, but i have yet to get the usual phenidate jitters and anxiety. It seems more forgiving. Doesnt last quite as long but small redosing is also forgiving but not complusive. 4F is similar as far as not being compulsive but redosing can bring side effects later in the day.

My take away/advice. 4metmp is useful and worth looking into.
@bigjackchen , i look forward to seeing every one of your posts. You always make me smile. I dont know you but i like you! You have a great humour! Makes my day.

Anyways, about the 4metmp.

Unfortunately i never got to try the older batch. So far experiences with the current off yellow crystal is positive. Current have both 4fmph and metmp. The main difference i am seeing is that the dosing of 4metmp is much more forgiving. Obviously its less potent, which on the surface may seem like a bad thing. But actually i am preferring it. From domestic sources 4Me is slightly cheaper than 4F.

For effectiveness as ADHD med; borh are useful. With 4F however, if i am not careful and take even a few mgs too much there are definitely some noted side effects. Anxiousness being the main one occasionally had from 4F. With current 4Me, higher dose is needed than 4F, but i have yet to get the usual phenidate jitters and anxiety. It seems more forgiving. Doesnt last quite as long but small redosing is also forgiving but not complusive. 4F is similar as far as not being compulsive but redosing can bring side effects later in the day.

My take away/advice. 4metmp is useful and worth looking into.
Thanks for this thread. Was just having same issue today - all threads I’m finding are years old. Can anyone recommend how many pages of this mag to start with?
Thanks for this thread. Was just having same issue today - all threads I’m finding are years old. Can anyone recommend how many pages of this mag to start with?
It’s roughly the same potency as its big brother, MPH aka methylphenidate (Ritalin). Maybe slightly weaker. So without knowing your stim tolerance, I’d say 25-40mg might be a good starting point from which you can work up from
Thanks for this thread. Was just having same issue today - all threads I’m finding are years old. Can anyone recommend how many pages of this mag to start with?
I have a recent batch and tests indicate that 60mg oral is barely noticeable, even to an experimental animal with little to no stim tolerance. I heard from an acquaintance doing their own research than intranasal 60mg is moderate to strong, so maybe a lot gets lost the oral route?

Effects are 1.5-2.5 hours in these assays.
Thanks for this thread. Was just having same issue today - all threads I’m finding are years old. Can anyone recommend how many pages of this mag to start with?
The current batch i am researching is comparable to regular mph. A bit weaker maybe. Personally 50mg intranasally was perfect. My tolerance is moderate to stims. My 50mg perscribed vyvanse is perfect fot functionality, just not long enough. That equates to what, 17mg dex@mp total? If that. Problem with RCs in general, IME. Is that there is literally no consistency. Start at an appropriate mph dose and adjust frlm there. I am finding that if i split 80mg, 50 ingested, 30 IN, i am good for about half my day. By about 1130 i am finding a "booster" dose, one ROA or another, required. Similar length of effecr as mph as well.

For me the main difference seems to its more subtle nature. It just feels gentler than mph or 4F. Obviously pharmacology is such that individual experiences would vary even if we had synths of the same purity. With random synth quality and other factors its kind of a crap shoot. But i still see quality in the chemical itself.
It’s interesting that it’s available now. It used to be more common,
Then it disappeared. Has anyone HPLC tested these new batches?

My cynical self first thinks it’s just cut or shitty 4F-mph sold as its little brother
It’s interesting that it’s available now. It used to be more common,
Then it disappeared. Has anyone HPLC tested these new batches?

My cynical self first thinks it’s just cut or shitty 4F-mph sold as its little brother
I had that same thought when I first sampled this new batch.. 4f does nothing for me personally. Now this 4Me batch does nothing for me where the old stuff would have me cleaning the entire house while juggling 72 other tasks simultaneously off of just 50mg
I had that same thought when I first sampled this new batch.. 4f does nothing for me personally. Now this 4Me batch does nothing for me where the old stuff would have me cleaning the entire house while juggling 72 other tasks simultaneously off of just 50mg
That's sad to hear, the older reviews of 4Me made it sound perfect, even for a stim-wary person like me.

How much 4f have you tried?
That's sad to hear, the older reviews of 4Me made it sound perfect, even for a stim-wary person like me.

How much 4f have you tried?
Yeah the old 4-Me was very euphoric too. Very similar to c0ke, but it lasted 2-3 hours instead of 30 mins which made it a perfect stim imo.

As for 4f I’ve tried probably 4-5 different vendors at different times over the past couple years. Never had a chance to try the older stuff that was active at 5-10mg though.
I found a sweet spot of 75mg oral. No euphoria, but a gentle and natural-feeling comeup and a nice few hours of above average motivation.

But zero euphoria, functional only.
I found a sweet spot of 75mg oral. No euphoria, but a gentle and natural-feeling comeup and a nice few hours of above average motivation.

But zero euphoria, functional only.
Thank you for the info. I am finding similar results. Brtween 60 and 80 oral is about right. After 3 or 4 hours another 20 or 30 insufflated will provide functional benefits the rest of the day.

Youre right though, very little euphoria. However, another 20 mg IN with a couple beers and there is definitely some euphoria. Playing around with combos of 4f and me-tmp. Maybe there is a synergistic sweet spot between the two? Dont know. Research is fun.
Playing around with combos of 4f and me-tmp. Maybe there is a synergistic sweet spot between the two? Dont know. Research is fun.
Thanks for the advice on the sequencing!

I have the 4f but haven't researched it. What amounts are you playing around with?

We might just crack this and turn these new batches around! You're leading the way 😊
Thanks for the advice on the sequencing!

I have the 4f but haven't researched it. What amounts are you playing around with?

We might just crack this and turn these new batches around! You're leading the way 😊
So my experience with 4f is such that more i less. I guess i should give a preface that i had gotten some 2fa before it seemingly disappeared (great stuff, wish i had stocked up), and had been comfortable eyeballing doses. (I advocate measuring and knowing your dise). Well i tried that with 4F, bad idea.

What i thought was around 10mg ended up being way more. 8 to 10 mg of 4f orally i find all positive. Twice that dosage leaves you with maybe 5x the effects. Not at all linear. B

Anyways, i find around 10 ng oral 4fmph a good start. So far i have been trying redosing with around 20 mg of metmp. Good results thrre. This weekend i plan to rry combining low dises if both togetger. ..will certainly leave feedback.

Im no expert in chemistry or pharmacology but from a purely chemucal standooint i can umsgune the 2 wirjubg well tigether. Will certaibly keep all informed
So a bit of an update on a recent experiment. My results may be somewhat skewed by other substances, or lack thereof, but my findings are as follows.

i started with a low dose of oral 4f (10mg). 4f seems to be rather long acting so i wanted that to take effect before adding anything else.

About an hour in i added 18mg of 4metmp, insufflated. (I ptrfrt oral or rectal ROA for almost everything but it seems IN is where 4metmp really shines. About 15 minutes in i was feeling great. Feeling like i had unearthed some sort of secret. There was a bit of a physical sense of euphoria. Really more of a feeling of contentment of who, what, and where i was. I was truly in the moment. It was really almost a calming effect. Granted low dose stims tend to have a mentally calming effect.

sadly this was fairly short lived and about an hour after taking the 4me, a very strong sense of anxiety began to take hold. IME phenidates seem to be unpredictable as far as these side effects go but this was strong anxiety. Adding 5mg of 4f and 10 4me helped in the short term but i was on edge all day.

i had assumed this was soley due to the use of these substances. It dawned on me a bit later, however that this was my 2nd day in abstaining from benzos after 7 days of use(albeit very low dose. .25 to .50 of bromaz or flualp to help a
sleep.) But benzos can take hold quick so i am thinking my anxiety was more benzo WD than anything else. Especially considering that the next day was much the same on my usual dose of lisdex. 4 days off any benzo my anxiety has subsided and i feel normal. I try to keep my benzo use in check given the availability of RCs and knowing the potential problems. I used 7 nights in a row kbowing this was a bad idea. I am convinced that in just 7 days i had put myself in a position where i was having minor WD symptoms (as far as WDs, minor benzo withrdawl is eqquivalent to major WD of most other substances)

I plan to try this experiment again this next weekend. Either with no benzo withdrawl, or allowing myself benzos that day. It was promising in the beginning, lots of good vibes. The anxiety ate me uo but i am convincex it was brought on by my misuse of benzos and not the phenidates themselves. I will report back with my findings. Phenidates are weird. Much prefer amphetamines. But it seems like switching between the 2 limits tolerance and could be a positive experience.
🤗🤗🤗 Thank you so much!

I'm 100% getting the same experience with 4metmp - it's friendly at about 20mg IN, very pleasant, but short-lived.

4f - for some reason I lost any effect orally up to 15mg, as high as I dared go. I tried 20mg IN several times in different situations but it is just too anxiety-inducing. All the anxiety made me kind of scattered and even a bit tired, though my heart was beating VERY QUICKLY, even after 90-120 minutes. I'll combine the two in various permutations, and hopefully we can keep comparing notes 🙂

I really wish the 4metmp was more active orally - I reliably got a happy but mild effect at 75mg, but after IN it was way more of an effect at 20mg and the duration was similar.

You seem to get better results eating them than I have. I barely eat food, so it's always been on an empty stomach. It's pretty fascinating.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!