Arthur - Wil Are The Same E Mail Source

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Thanks for the kind words YH, and you're more than welcome. I'm just thrilled that you accepted the invitation to return! Now I need to work on the short list of a few others that DBG would benefit from having back. Hopefully they'll give the new "Team DBG" a shot and find it as welcoming and enjoyable as you have.





I couldn't agree more. I really miss Slammer and our friendship. I know that personal circumstances dictated that he step away from the board, and anyone associated with it, but I'd love for him to return someday. I don't know that it's likely, at least for now, but who knows. Nothing is impossible. As for the Soldier, I'm clueless. The last time I heard from him was more than a few months ago, and subsequent messages haven't been returned. I just hope he's ok. And as for Boo, she emails me periodically just to say hello and check in, and the last time I heard form her was right about our moderator team changes occurred. I expressed to her that we'd all love to see her back, and that things were much different now, but I haven't heard back since.

If anyone knows of a way to reach these 3 highly valued members, please let them know how much we'd like to see them again.

And for anyone wondering about the "coach" reference, YH was THE guy here on DBG when this green rookie Wookie arrived on the scene. His intelligent style, wisdom and member counseling served to mold my own personal style, so in all matters DBG, I view him as a personal mentor and "coach", if you will.

I'm probably embarrassing the hell out of him by saying this, but there are just a few people who really got this board off the ground and set the table for us to be what we are as a community today, and YH is right at the top of that short list.

hooter1 said:
Yea, I think I'm gonna kinda leave the naming up to you, I'm better suited elsewhere hahaha
Lol. I can't name myself!

I am no post whisperer, so probably don't even need one!

Lol. I can't name myself!

I am no post whisperer, so probably don't even need one!
Lovely Wonderful Dame..... who knows her shit  so LWDWKHS

Yeah, I know that blows as a nickname, but the truth that stands behind it is solid.

So I was wondering (without having to ask for a menu from everybody) how has inflation gone over that last year? I thought the Mod Team is probably as knowledgable as anyone, so what I'm doing is checking for trend changes, prices, new growth areas and dying ones too.

Ha-ha that does sound sort of suspicious as I re-read it for errors. I'm not writing a dicertation either. 

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There was an older guy (I forget his name) but I think he was from Europe, and man could he write pages. Seemed sort of knowledgable in his area of interest but he would publish these reports here on DBG. Is he still with the site?

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So I was wondering (without having to ask for a menu from everybody) how has inflation gone over that last year? I thought the Mod Team is probably as knowledgable as anyone, so what I'm doing is checking for trend changes, prices, new growth areas and dying ones too.

Ha-ha that does sound sort of suspicious as I re-read it for errors. I'm not writing a dicertation either. 
Well YH, even if your motives were suspicious, it'd be one damn boring thesis, LOL! All kidding aside, to be candid, you really haven't missed much. As you well know, pricing dynamics in this industry space don't necessarily follow broader macro-economic trends. Only supply / demand functions at any given moment. I remember your thread regarding SY prices when they started skyrocketing in early 2012, and while I don't have hard data in front of me to reference, I don't think pricing has changed much south of the border since that time, if at all. They've certainly not gone down, but I don't think they've ticked upwards much either. In my estimation, the SY powers that be realize that to push the prices any higher would likely trigger diminishing revenue returns. At the end of the day, you can't suck blood out of a turnip, and once you've emptied a wallet, all the price increases in the world won't make more money fall out, unless of course you happen to be a member of the Federal Reserve and can print more! /default_biggrin.png

As for growth areas, at least on the supply side, there sadly hasn't been much. The SY network continues to thrive, but the vast majority of domestic email sources have gone private and underground, and at least from my observations and the Serbian BZ suppliers seem to have diminished in scope somewhat, at least judging by what's discussed on the board. Of course, the one primary change since you've been gone is the Starlite situation, which I'm sure you're aware as, at least as much so as the rest of us. Obviously, Jim's abrupt departure from the industry put a major kink in the supply chain, and sent hundreds scrambling. It appears as though TTM has been the biggest winner in the whole Starlite debacle, having picked up significant clientele in the wake of Starlite's demise.

If there's one thing that I've observed over this past year that stands out above all else, I'd have to say that it's the continued consolidation of the IOP world at the top of the food chain, coupled with the smaller vendors on the opposite end opting to take their chips off the table, choosing caution over growth by going private. The later phenomena can be see across the entire industry space, with some of the Airmail Group sites having now closed themselves off to new customers. The same has occurred with some of the SY vendors, all the way down to the almost non-existent "open for new business" email vendors, the best of whom have all gone private. The white elephant in the room these days, in my opinion, is that the IOP world in the post Haight Act days has managed to consolidate itself down to the point where TTM, The Airmail Group and the SY network control a frighteningly large share of the market where the most popular and desired products are concerned. It certainly wouldn't take some clandestine intelligence gathering operation to discern that. One can't help but wonder what would happen if global enforcement initiatives were to take these three providers / networks offline for good. Would supply find a way to fulfill demand in the traditional manner, as the SY network did once the ROP's and NROP's of the world were forced out of business via the Haight Act? Or would the organized IOP world be eradicated for good, returning all participants to street level, back alley transactions to fulfill their needs?That's the question that I wrestle with more often than any other in this area

On a lighter note, and in terms of products, the same oldies but goodies remain in high demand, from the traditional PK products to benzos. I think the research chemical category holds some long term promise, as it offers some legitimate, interesting alternatives to scheduled products that could ultimately fall victim to interdiction efforts, and that should prove to remain shielded from such efforts as a result of various legal complexities associated with chemical compositions and drug laws. Put simply, the "mad scientists" of the better living through chemistry world can, and will likely continue to, custom craft lifestyle products that are one molecule away from falling into scheduled classes, yet remain perfectly legal. By the time legislative efforts catch up to these products and allow for interdiction initiatives, chemists will have already found 15 new formulas that are again perfectly legal. Long term, I look to this niche of the industry to offer us the greatest hope, although it does have its limits, particularly in the pain management realm. I believe that the RC industry will offer some excellent, effective alternatives in the anti-anxiety and stimulant product classes, but aren't likely to offer pain patients many alternatives. Of course, the good old fashioned medicinal MJ niche continues to grow and thrive, albeit quietly and somewhat under the radar, at least where boards like DBG are concerned. I've come to be quite impressed with the level of discretion and professionalism among MM vendors, and the broader IOP industry would benefit from following their example in terms of operating methods as they look to sustain their operations going forward.

Hopefully that was a somewhat coherent, off the cuff account of my observations of the past 12 months or so, but if I've missed my mark where your questions were concerned, don't hesitate to steer me back on course!  /default_biggrin.png

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Lovely Wonderful Dame..... who knows her shit  so LWDWKHS

Yeah, I know that blows as a nickname, but the truth that stands behind it is solid.
Lol you are way too kind!! Seriously!

That should be your name, so it should be DGSB0708WKHS! Or DGSBWKHS for a shortened version.

Well YH, even if your motives were suspicious, it'd be one damn boring thesis, LOL! All kidding aside, to be candid, you really haven't missed much. As you well know, pricing dynamics in this industry space don't necessarily follow broader macro-economic trends. Only supply / demand functions at any given moment. I remember your thread regarding SY prices when they started skyrocketing in early 2012, and while I don't have hard data in front of me to reference, I don't think pricing has changed much south of the border since that time, if at all. They've certainly not gone down, but I don't think they've ticked upwards much either. In my estimation, the SY powers that be realize that to push the prices any higher would likely trigger diminishing revenue returns. At the end of the day, you can't suck blood out of a turnip, and once you've emptied a wallet, all the price increases in the world won't make more money fall out, unless of course you happen to be a member of the Federal Reserve and can print more! /default_biggrin.png

As for growth areas, at least on the supply side, there sadly hasn't been much. The SY network continues to thrive, but the vast majority of domestic email sources have gone private and underground, and at least from my observations and the Serbian BZ suppliers seem to have diminished in scope somewhat, at least judging by what's discussed on the board. Of course, the one primary change since you've been gone is the Starlite situation, which I'm sure you're aware as, at least as much so as the rest of us. Obviously, Jim's abrupt departure from the industry put a major kink in the supply chain, and sent hundreds scrambling. It appears as though TTM has been the biggest winner in the whole Starlite debacle, having picked up significant clientele in the wake of Starlite's demise.

If there's one thing that I've observed over this past year that stands out above all else, I'd have to say that it's the continued consolidation of the IOP world at the top of the food chain, coupled with the smaller vendors on the opposite end opting to take their chips off the table, choosing caution over growth by going private. The later phenomena can be see across the entire industry space, with some of the Airmail Group sites having now closed themselves off to new customers. The same has occurred with some of the SY vendors, all the way down to the almost non-existent "open for new business" email vendors, the best of whom have all gone private. The white elephant in the room these days, in my opinion, is that the IOP world in the post Haight Act days has managed to consolidate itself down to the point where TTM, The Airmail Group and the SY network control a frighteningly large share of the market where the most popular and desired products are concerned. It certainly wouldn't take some clandestine intelligence gathering operation to discern that. One can't help but wonder what would happen if global enforcement initiatives were to take these three providers / networks offline for good. Would supply find a way to fulfill demand in the traditional manner, as the SY network did once the ROP's and NROP's of the world were forced out of business via the Haight Act? Or would the organized IOP world be eradicated for good, returning all participants to street level, back alley transactions to fulfill their needs?That's the question that I wrestle with more often than any other in this area

On a lighter note, and in terms of products, the same oldies but goodies remain in high demand, from the traditional PK products to benzos. I think the research chemical category holds some long term promise, as it offers some legitimate, interesting alternatives to scheduled products that could ultimately fall victim to interdiction efforts, and that should prove to remain shielded from such efforts as a result of various legal complexities associated with chemical compositions and drug laws. Put simply, the "mad scientists" of the better living through chemistry world can, and will likely continue to, custom craft lifestyle products that are one molecule away from falling into scheduled classes, yet remain perfectly legal. By the time legislative efforts catch up to these products and allow for interdiction initiatives, chemists will have already found 15 new formulas that are again perfectly legal. Long term, I look to this niche of the industry to offer us the greatest hope, although it does have its limits, particularly in the pain management realm. I believe that the RC industry will offer some excellent, effective alternatives in the anti-anxiety and stimulant product classes, but aren't likely to offer pain patients many alternatives. Of course, the good old fashioned medicinal MJ niche continues to grow and thrive, albeit quietly and somewhat under the radar, at least where boards like DBG are concerned. I've come to be quite impressed with the level of discretion and professionalism among MM vendors, and the broader IOP industry would benefit from following their example in terms of operating methods as they look to sustain their operations going forward.

Hopefully that was a somewhat coherent, off the cuff account of my observations of the past 12 months or so, but if I've missed my mark where your questions were concerned, don't hesitate to steer me back on course!  /default_biggrin.png
On that note, Wookie who knows his shit= WWKHS!

No no, that was exactly what I'd hoped for and you did it in a safe way too. Although I don't know all the abbreviations that are popular like TTM, ROP, NROP. MM. Also you have an excellent memory. At the time I remember being worried that SY prices could go nuts for the certain blue vitamin. I remember a new formula had just been launched 'O', and people were pretty upset at the time as they scrambled for the few remaining old school.

I could foresee vendors going undercover once they had their loyal crew. Never envisioned SL leaving and that's all I know or really need too. Wondered about Amber though, as she just seemed to have set up.

I see a much more streamlined site now with little bickering and the nice and needed interaction of Mods and members so that they don't feel the 'Us against Them" syndrome. Of course I don't see the behind the scenes warning and banning, but it's working. That's really great. The Ego's have been toned down and the panic over TN's. That can only mean that members know they are safe making discisions.

I'm surprised by what you said about the AirMail group drawing the line since a very aggressive call marketing approach has began in the last two months.

I thank you for you time and writing ability which is very advanced /default_smile.png

There is no need to fill me in publicly on the abbreviations unless it is safe, and always edit if I write something I shouldn't.


No no, that was exactly what I'd hoped for and you did it in a safe way too. Although I don't know all the abbreviations that are popular like TTM, ROP, NROP. MM. Also you have an excellent memory. At the time I remember being worried that SY prices could go nuts for the certain blue vitamin. I remember a new formula had just been launched 'O', and people were pretty upset at the time as they scrambled for the few remaining old school.

I could foresee vendors going undercover once they had their loyal crew. Never envisioned SL leaving and that's all I know or really need too. Wondered about Amber though, as she just seemed to have set up.

I see a much more streamlined site now with little bickering and the nice and needed interaction of Mods and members so that they don't feel the 'Us against Them" syndrome. Of course I don't see the behind the scenes warning and banning, but it's working. That's really great. The Ego's have been toned down and the panic over TN's. That can only mean that members know they are safe making discisions.

I'm surprised by what you said about the AirMail group drawing the line since a very aggressive call marketing approach has began in the last two months.

I thank you for you time and writing ability which is very advanced /default_smile.png

There is no need to fill me in publicly on the abbreviations unless it is safe, and always edit if I write something I shouldn't.

Thanks for the kind compliment Coach, the Champ is humbled by his teacher's praise, as always! Anyway, I'm glad I actually hit the mark. As for the abbreviations, nothing unspeakable among that group at all. TTM is simply Top Ten, ROP is the old term for "Records Online Pharmacy", as in the old services that required you to submit medical records before a PA or  MD would do your phone consult, and NROP is the same, only without records requirements, so the term is "No Records Online Pharmacy". As for MM, picture Jerry Garcia and the color green and you'll be on the mark.

Now that you mention "O", it occurs to me that I missed that in my recollection of the past year. I recall very little discussion of that product this past year. Some, but FAR less than before. It seems as though people have transitioned to another little blue vitamin of a similar variety, or some of the other related, alternative products, but I could be mistaken on that assumption. There is a fairly recent development in the upper end pain med realm that most should actually be quite pleased by, but I'll save that for a PM, given the schedule of the product. And yeah, the whole Air Mail Group operation is tough to figure out. Quite clearly, there are a number of affiliated sister sites, and I can confirm through some of my IT channels that they are all hosted on the same private server farm. In fact, it's the most expensive, highly secure hosting facility in the world, built into the side of a mountain in the Swiss Alps. More on that in the PM, but suffice it to say that they are massive in scale and affiliated, yet while some are conducting the aggressive marketing campaigns you reference, others have closed themselves off to new customers. They're a tough one to get a bead on, but I suppose that speaks well of them in many respects.

Oh, and getting back to your comment on the SY vendors and going private once they had their long term client base established, I believe that we'll continue seeing more and more of them do just that over the next 12 months, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to see the entire network having gone private within 24 months. I have nothing to base that number on other than my own instincts, but at some point, it's going to happen, I'm confident of that. It's for that very reason that I always encourage newer members to tone down the whining and bitching over TN's, and to refrain from blowing up vendor inbox's when they don't receive email responses in 5 minutes. If you truly desire and / or require the products they offer to live a less painful, productive life, you should focus more on being grateful for having access to them than throwing a tantrum because you didn't get a reply in 10 minutes or less. One day, they'll go private, and when that day comes, those that act like toddlers, making the vendor's life miserable, will find themselves on the outside looking in. I don't think that point can be stressed enough to members who are new to the SY network, or, for that matter, any SY customer. When you really get down to it, vendors like A, R, J and the other top shelf SY vendors provide truly remarkable service, given the industry we find ourselves participating in.

Well Chewbacco, I mean Jewbacca, you've certainly set my amauteur mind at rest in lost of areas, as well as giving it lots to digest. I did notice your nice but firm remark to a noob about not being thankful for what the IOP is offering, so now I see what drives this motivation. Hell if I took a year off of DGB now I may return to crickets, but I sort of hope not. I like the SY's being involved even if they don't really have to. 

I'm really glad to hear that drug development is still progressing in the 'pain med realm' and companies aren't just involved with tweeking their formulas to save money and taking away some of the benefits we like that helps us. Brand new drugs from conception to actual distribution is so costly and time consuming that I think only a handful of major Pharm companies can finance it or take the gamble since it may be scrapped by the FDA at any stage. But I think you must mean that private smaller labs are working on new pain meds that will eventually be purchased by the Big Boys in the end after research is done. I know I've touched on this before here and don't want to be as repetitious as an old man.

It's good to read your scriptures on the business Champ, you always did know more than I did even when you did show up here. But you're nice to give some credit to me and we should try out that video service sometime.

Best regards infinately,


hooter1 said:
Made first order this morning with the top $$ speedy delivery, 3-4 working days so I expect middle to end of next week. Am I allowed to give details here in this secret place, where who, what etc.
Awesome man! You do have to sign for either of the express methods.

I'd say you can be as specific as you are comfortable with in here. The audience is a much smaller, more closely knit group in this section. I wouldn't give too many particular details out on the packaging, as its pretty unique and works quite well from what I understand. But things like what products, quality reports, overall experience, etc. would certainly be helpful for your fellow VIPs and mods.

Glad to see your report on the new source Hooter. I don't mind signing either, buts that mainly becaus I never order highly controlled stuff and usually have a script. The stronger tranqs are just something that puts me to sleep, but given the price of my preferred sleeping meds it can be a great alternative.

And TY Young H for asking about those abbreviations. I can normally get the gist of things given the context, but those are a little harder. For MM instead of Gerry Garcia I would associate it with Bob Marley given the way so many post cards have him pictured with it. The little time I spent in Germany, that included a short trip to Holland, they still love him and to use one of his post cards to help make their version of a "Jay".

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Glad to see your report on the new source Hooter. I don't mind signing either, buts that mainly becaus I never order highly controlled stuff and usually have a script. The stronger tranqs are just something that puts me to sleep, but given the price of my preferred sleeping meds it can be a great alternative.

And TY Young H for asking about those abbreviations. I can normally get the gist of things given the context, but those are a little harder. For MM instead of Gerry Garcia I would associate it with Bob Marley given the way so many post cards have him pictured with it. The little time I spent in Germany, that included a short trip to Holland, they still love him and to use one of his post cards to help make their version of a "Jay".
Thanks High Tide. I am kicking myself for not knowing MM when I had a card in 2012 myself - mostly to help out a grower friend of mine who could have six more sprouts just for holding my document.

I tried his cookies once and he said "only do a half." Well me being the 'big man' and not giving the herb it's respect, I popped the whole chocolate chip cookie in my mouth and swollowed. Felt it after an hour and was pretty cool. It was nice. Then it was time to leave and I felt fine, so I began the drive home. A half a mile from his house I look at the speedo and I'm doing 20mph and traffic is backing up behind me. I didn't know where I was in my own town and wasn't shifting out of 2nd gear for some reason. I had the sense to know that this was very wrong and pulled into a TGIF and trurned off the engine. I sat there with the window open in 36F degrees for 3 hours not feeling a thing or knowing anything. I couldn't snap out of it. Time stood still as couples went in to eat and came back out an hour later to see me still sitting in that car.

Finally around midnight I knew I had to make a move or possibly be talked to by somebody. Well once I got on the road I recognised a Home Depot and made my way home. Took an hour shower to warm up and counted my blessings that nothing bad came of the whole situation.

But now I have the respect!


Yeah man, strong edibles are no joke.  A few buddies and I made a road trip back in 2003 or 2004 (I can't remember) to go see The Dead in Atlanta.  At the time I still dabbled in hallucinogens and was smoking a lot of herb, but had never had an edible before.  Anyway, we scoured the parking lot for a while first, as you do at those types of shows.  Before I entered the concert, I ate a hit of L, a small handful of mushrooms, and a $5 ganja brownie from an old hippie woman.  

Guess which one stuck with me the longest?  That damn brownie.  By the time the show ended, I had basically comedown off of my trip, but I was still stoned, extremely tired, and HUNGRY as fuck.  Thank God the hotel restaurant in downtown ATL was still open by the time we made it there, I must've spent easily $30 on food for myself.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!