LOL Vendor on Arch apparently selling SR-17018 from canada saying it's from Grateful Chems for ~260/g, one needs at least several grams, 3-7grams maybe depending on tolerance level, to be successful in getting dope(s). Seeing as Grateful chems says their stock won't be back til April likely, I wonder if this guy is even legit or planning to scam... I'd say for all who might be hard up and on Arch, do not even bother it's too fishy...
As for the guy we've been talking about, we'll see if he ends up scamming me, I can afford the loss, it will suck, but it won't kill me, yeah he came through on the 1g sample, seeming has had 6.5g for a while now, but maybe indeed low key vendor. I'm giving him benefit of the doubt he's a honest dude. So i'll report back, didn't/won't provide tracking to me, did say he'd ship out Tomorrow (Tuesday) when we talked on Saturday i believe. I've got informed delivery, so we'll see. If he's indeed got 6.5g left from the other day or rather, 5.5g left from the other day, and limiting it to 2.5g due to low stock, he's got only a few sales left before it's gone.
Given we've been chomping at the bit, I wonder if anyone else tried to order immediately after @Zoolander mentioned his pack arrived. If he's now got 5.5g left, I ordered 2.5gram, he's now got 3g left over after my 2.5g order. So I'd be interested to see if anyone else jumped on ordering. I contacted him within hours of Zoolander's post. Has anyone else ordered and what's the total you ordered? This will tell us likely if we're going to get scammed, or perhaps he'll ship out in order who ordered and scam the rest? I hope not.
If I get my pack, i'll sing his praises and recommend him to everyone I know and send him a lot of business.
As for the guy we've been talking about, we'll see if he ends up scamming me, I can afford the loss, it will suck, but it won't kill me, yeah he came through on the 1g sample, seeming has had 6.5g for a while now, but maybe indeed low key vendor. I'm giving him benefit of the doubt he's a honest dude. So i'll report back, didn't/won't provide tracking to me, did say he'd ship out Tomorrow (Tuesday) when we talked on Saturday i believe. I've got informed delivery, so we'll see. If he's indeed got 6.5g left from the other day or rather, 5.5g left from the other day, and limiting it to 2.5g due to low stock, he's got only a few sales left before it's gone.
Given we've been chomping at the bit, I wonder if anyone else tried to order immediately after @Zoolander mentioned his pack arrived. If he's now got 5.5g left, I ordered 2.5gram, he's now got 3g left over after my 2.5g order. So I'd be interested to see if anyone else jumped on ordering. I contacted him within hours of Zoolander's post. Has anyone else ordered and what's the total you ordered? This will tell us likely if we're going to get scammed, or perhaps he'll ship out in order who ordered and scam the rest? I hope not.
If I get my pack, i'll sing his praises and recommend him to everyone I know and send him a lot of business.