For the record, I have limited experience patronizing this vendor; however, I would like to share a little of what happened to me.
After a few days of refining all the kinks/questions and order specifics, I was ready to move forward.
On the day I intended to place my order, and after I had purchased my MoneyPak, I received a brief email from HMan simply asking me to hold off today, something had come up. (I'm paraphrasing).
I was disturbed by this response, but just took it as literal as I could. I had not provided my MoneyPak #s.
I responded to HMan, telling him that I was interested in proceeding when or if he became able to conduct biz. again.
I do recall PM'ing a moderator for their thoughts and/or advise.
Of course I began to secretly speculate as to all the wild possibilities...but literally less than 3 hours later, I received another email that all was well and in fact I could order on that day, should I wish.
I gave it the night and decided to go ahead with my order the following day.
HMan was very attentive when my own package tracking caused some personal concerns.
He actually emailed me asking if I could track it for him as he was troubled (again paraphrasing) that was a first for me!
In any event, after my letter arrived in pristine condition, I notified HMan and he shared that he had frozen business for a day as he waited to see the outcome of my letter.
Of course this protects him, but it also protects others...
While I cannot say that this is what K and K is experiencing, I thought it might be worth sharing with others.
That's all I've got!