Okay, here's the easy way, I clicked you link and got to the page. On this page is the URL (pictured with arrow). Copy all of this, and just paste it into a post and this should be what you get:http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y5jCgs2dp5M&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dy5jCgs2dp5M
I cant post a fucking video to save my life
That is what I did, i thought. That is how i always do it.....one more try
Now you are sounding like me with the potty mouth...I'm Lovin it....Crap fuck, Oh well. Sigh.......
That is what I did, i thought. That is how i always do it.....one more try
Try putting YouTube tags around the link. That's how I embed them. For example:That is what I did, i thought. That is how i always do it.....one more try
Ohhhhhhhh. Shit, sorry guys, I mean EVERYONE I have given advise to, I never even consider that a bunch of you are on phones. /default_dry.pngIf you're on mobile (I see the m.youtube. com in your link),
Did you hit the advanced reply options first? Even if not.... look above when you post. On top radio bar, third from left (just to the right of the eraser looking thing) is the icon. click it, from the drop down, choose media, then paste your URL to your video in the bottom 1/2 of the box. (you can then do preview post to ensure you can see the video). If all is well... and it should be.... post that bad boy. Hope that helps. S-@dgsb.....i tried to follow the instruction you gave me. Maybe cuz i am on an ipad? I could not find the little blue green thing.....sigh
Thank you, kittykat@ Denise Last two posts were great...Like Hooter said...lol Good job keep them coming!
I hear you on that....lolThank you, kittykat
I better stop while I'm ahead - cuz if you get me started on Congress....... it won't be pretty.