I place regular orders through TTN but since Thursday, I have gone back and forth w/them denying my credit card. I call the fraud department, get all reset, and make another order, and it gets denied. I have contacted Support at TTN but they state it is my bank, but my bank states there are no problems. One thing the bank did pick up is that I have attempted to place the last two orders yet they never showed up or posted on my on-line banking. I can't figure out how to get around that, and my bank stated to try again on Monday. Yet, normally, I will see a transaction post immediately, and have not seen one in the last two attempts. My bank is stymied and short of getting the merchant on the phone, per my banks suggestion (certainly don't want to do THAT!), I can't figure out what is happening. Anyone else having any problems with their credit cards in the last few days with orders??