I can only speak for the xanor-2's. They come loose in a vacuum sealed bag, not in blisters. However, it seems I did notice a post on this vendor at one point which suggested otherwise, although I think that was a diaz product. I assume it just depends what med you're ordering and how they receive it from their distributors. Obviously if they get the big bottles of 500 like the pharmacies in the US carry you won't be receiving blister packed meds. I actually haven't ordered from this place personally because I was waiting on more feedback but I had a friend who wasn't so patient and put in a small order for 30 of the 2mg xanor's. They were of good quality. Packaging was industry standard and I liked the fact that they had the u94 bars, but only because I hadn't ever had one previously. I think they compare with the US generics, although I still prefer gadors over everything else for some reason. Top10's generic prices are amazing, although I have yet to try any of them. Since my buddy's order came through it looks like I'll be placing an order soon and I'll keep you guys posted. I'm gonna see if they'll let me place an order for the name brand xanor, since I already know they're legit, and ask for 5 of each of their other alp products to determine which one I prefer. I'll be sure to keep the community informed.