Antonio Yee

Not new here, so I know the ropes...Mr Yee was perfect the first time my friend ordered shoes from him. Perfect communication, perfect everything. My friend has been screwed before by a vendor so that person understands the pain people are feeling on here. My friend is probably going to order shoes from Mr. Yee again, I'll post what happens when that happens. But the first time it was easy and non stressful

Not new here, so I know the ropes...Mr Yee was perfect the first time my friend ordered shoes from him. Perfect communication, perfect everything. My friend has been screwed before by a vendor so that person understands the pain people are feeling on here. My friend is probably going to order shoes from Mr. Yee again, I'll post what happens when that happens. But the first time it was easy and non stressful
Damn fine shoes I am sure. Best!

On a completely separate topic, me thinks we should scout a "willing female companion" for our Wookie's island holiday!!  Princess Leia in a gold bikini perhaps????  He certainly is deserving of a princess for all his hard work and efforts!!  :-) /default_biggrin.png/default_tongue.png

On a completely separate topic, me thinks we should scout a "willing female companion" for our Wookie's island holiday!!  Princess Leia in a gold bikini perhaps????  He certainly is deserving of a princess for all his hard work and efforts!!  :-) /default_biggrin.png/default_tongue.png
Pimp! He would probably split leia, need to think more like gorillas in the mist?

Mr Yee. I would very much like to see you turn this ship around. As it seems many of our other vendors have decided that they can treat us with blatant disrespect and deliver shoddy service. Now much of our membership will me looking establish new working relationships, and thus there are many clients to be had.

If this is truly what you plan to offer, the services that you advertise, then you should make this very clear, and deliver all products and services that you receive payment for, and this includes following through with exact delivery times.

Any delays require reparation with extra product, a practice that has not been followed by any of the guilty vendors for the last few months at least. You don't want to give extra, don't be late with delivery.

It seems you've already received some very positive feedback, and I for one and willing to try your services if this positive trend continues, but I think it's clear we are not going to put up with any deceitful behaviour. We will not pay outrageous amounts of money for shit service. We will switch products and use vendors who treat us like decent customers.

If you want to do honest business here, great.

If not, mods send to the BL with no chance of redemption on this forum. This goes for all vendors that fake an attempt to win back trust and then f'ck it up a second time.

Mr Yee. I would very much like to see you turn this ship around. As it seems many of our other vendors have decided that they can treat us with blatant disrespect and deliver shoddy service. Now much of our membership will me looking establish new working relationships, and thus there are many clients to be had.

If this is truly what you plan to offer, the services that you advertise, then you should make this very clear, and deliver all products and services that you receive payment for, and this includes following through with exact delivery times.

Any delays require reparation with extra product, a practice that has not been followed by any of the guilty vendors for the last few months at least. You don't want to give extra, don't be late with delivery.

It seems you've already received some very positive feedback, and I for one and willing to try your services if this positive trend continues, but I think it's clear we are not going to put up with any deceitful behaviour. We will not pay outrageous amounts of money for shit service. We will switch products and use vendors who treat us like decent customers.

If you want to do honest business here, great.

If not, mods send to the BL with no chance of redemption on this forum. This goes for all vendors that fake an attempt to win back trust and then f'ck it up a second time.
You are quite right Oxon, however AY's issues really isn't anything to do with the other delays and hold ups. I am not shilling for the man, he has genuinely expressed his concern and looked for ways to make it right with empty pockets, so to speak. He deserves a chance.

@bigtimeoxyhunter :: You are absolutely correct though and it would be a good guide for a standard to all vendors. Not unreasonable at all and frankly well put sir/ma'am! Common decency should certainly guide these affairs, even if they are a wee bit on the dark side.

Good morning all!

@rdkdanny- Thanks for reading my post. I see you've have had some pretty positive things to say about AY. Please keep the any updates coming!

  @BigOX :: No more "frivolous, drivel, waste of space", updates possible and I am apparently blocked from initiating PM - might even get in trouble for this post as certain members find my commentary/posting, abrasive (is a good, benign, word I suppose?). AY is alright in my book! Please read back through the last two weeks or so or browse some of my previous threads through my profile. I have found him available, honorable and as I understand it only has very few late orders to fulfill. He has changed shipping schedules but you can easily find his contact details in his thread with those notifications.

I am not shilling for anyone, the opening Moderator introduction for this vendor was my guide and is perfectly correct; in my personal opinion.I look forward to trading with him again in the future, no doubt. Please try to PM me if you want to chat, I would be interested to know if that is possible?

I have enjoyed following your posts and would appreciate a dialog.

All the best!

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Look, neither Heisenberg nor myself has blocked anyone's ability to PM, nor do we even have the ability to do so. Admin is also on the other side of the planet, and we have not contacted him and requested any such action.

I thought that this whole post count issue was handled in depth privately by PM in the message I had been copied on between you and Heisenberg, but I see we're still airing the laundry publicly. So. I'll comment publicly by saying that offering vendor feedback and other member guidance is NOT viewed by any staff member, or any member that I'm aware of to be frivolous, or any of the other terms being bantered about.

I'd strongly prefer that this be dropped so we ca move on. Accept Heisenberg's comments in the spirit intended, and continue offering your contributions. There's no more to it than that. Continuing to air this out in this manner won't help, and only causes it to fester. I've had enough crap around here in the past month to last a lifetime, and I frankly have better things to do than work my ass off for benefit of people who just piss and moan about the results.

As I've said dozens of times before, if Heisenberg and I don't suit everyone's standards, submit your resume to Admin and we'll step aside.

Good day...

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[SIZE=small]This is just one woman’s point of view, but please knows that I appreciate and support all that both you and Heisenberg do. One can only imagine the “issues†(from the kindergarten sandbox to the boardroom and beyond) that you two face and handle daily. I imagine that quite often, you both shake your heads in frustration at and for the “volunteer†job you have taken on. Please know that in terms of expectations or standards, you two are the benchmark, and together with your senior colleagues (to and with whom you confer) you guide this group and provide a “true north†if you will. Just words, I realize, but if they send a beacon of light and appreciation your way, to let you both (and your close advisors) know that what you do is appreciated beyond measure, then they were words worth writing.[/SIZE]

Look, neither Heisenberg nor myself has blocked anyone's ability to PM, nor do we even have the ability to do so. Admin is also on the other side of the planet, and we have not contacted him and requested any such action.

I thought that this whole post count issue was handled in depth privately by PM in the message I had been copied on between you and Heisenberg, but I see we're still airing the laundry publicly. So. I'll comment publicly by saying that offering vendor feedback and other member guidance is NOT viewed by any staff member, or any member that I'm aware of to be frivolous, or any of the other terms being bantered about.

I'd strongly prefer that this be dropped so we ca move on. Accept Heisenberg's comments in the spirit intended, and continue offering your contributions. There's no more to it than that. Continuing to air this out in this manner won't help, and only causes it to fester. I've had enough crap around here in the past month to last a lifetime, and I frankly have better things to do than work my ass off for benefit of people who just piss and moan about the results.

As I've said dozens of times before, if Heisenberg and I don't suit everyone's standards, submit your resume to Admin and we'll step aside.

Good day...
Hey Guys: I have not been abler to initiate a PM since I received my message of warning from H. I in no way slight the mods for this warning and understand it completely. I am only stating a fact, I was asking for assistance with the issue. Quite a few people have ribbed shit out of me over this and please reflect on my initial statement on the board, to which Heisenberg upvoted and I thought that was the end of it too.

Some of the messages i have received elicited the regrettably glib comments I made in this thread. H and I had addressed it in an old open PM, which was the only way I could reach out to a moderator, other than contacting Jewy on another channel.

I work all day in front of a PC and between Linkedin, Facebook and some other banter sites I rip out streams of consciousness all day long, and I was never attempting to boost stats or annoy anybody.

H appeared to feel I was very upset and all I asked for was clarification. I got that, then stabbed in the neck by some less than classy individuals reveling in my having faced this and I replied, vaguely commenting on their terms and verse and in no way felt I disrespected the Mods, who I have honestly a tremendous amount of respect for and have enjoyed terrific conversations with off board and on.

My attempts at PM anybody outside of live threads, is met with a pop up "you do not have permission for this action", in all browsers and on several different devices. I would not have posted anything further to the board if I had simply been able to reach out personally - others, certainly never of a class of person capable or deserving of being a Moderator, have reached out to me with venal and unnecessarily unkind comments - which they are perfectly entitled to, but I cannot stand by and face that, never having once behaved in that manner on this board, or insulted anyone in an essentially childish manner.

My posts in the entire time on the board towards the moderators or Admin; today alone, attest to my high regard for all Mods, dignified members and if I were too friendly, too social or stepped out of line, H's comments about discussions with Jewy on the open board opened a flood of hurtful and frankly stupid comments I was unable to address with those individuals, other than in public forum.

This was between H and myself, again, he appeared to respect my comments with an up vote and I was done then. What transpired afterwards is regrettable, but certainly deserved a comment by myself.

@Hooter1 :: your above comments are 100% true and I felt my opinion of you all and your efforts were clear. One liners are now known to me to be very bad form, but I reiterate: post numbers mean nothing to me, I was not attempting to do anything other than give feedback to comments I equally feel deserved such and for any stress i have caused or allowing this to take to a malignant form, I can but apologize.

Please view post 4170 through 7173 on page 209 in HRPX, if you are interested or already not aware. I in no way feel I have pissed and moaned about the results of you alls efforts, OR my warning, which I feel I accepted graciously and I will remain quiet on this subject going forward. If I receive further insulting messages from certain persons, you know who you are, I shall simply block that member and if it escalates take it to the appropriate channels, which I refuse to do at this time.

Jewy, Heisenberg and Hooter1 as i have stated many times deserve everybody's respect as fantastic people and volunteers, deserving every ounce of respect one can muster in this day and age. If anything I have stated seems different to that opinion, you are reading it incorrectly.


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Thanks RD, but I am fairly certain all of this "cumulative" stress is not resting entirely on your shoulders, maybe a small cog, but I am pretty sure that you are not the center of this.

That is all

Thanks RD, but I am fairly certain all of this "cumulative" stress is not resting entirely on your shoulders, maybe a small cog, but I am pretty sure that you are not the center of this.

That is all
I appreciate your immediate comment and respect your valuable time and attention. I am not whining, some members of this board are completely out of order and I do not feel I am one at all, but to end up the focus of their pathetic and venal epithets is tremendously bad form, particularly with account limitations which we need to address - if at all possible, sir.

All out Ghost rider, good night.

hooter1 said:
In my 10 or so years of modding and admining various boards I have made my own observations. From what I've seen, the (average) burnout rate for moderating a board of this size, that requires NO ANONYMITY is about 2 years. Take into account the nature of a board such as this, with the varying elements, the potential to have to deal with exreme personalities, as people have ups and downs, crazy highs, and hard lows, in my opinion, you could easily cut that time frame down by 1/2. Simply the fact that he/they have lasted this long is more of an accomplishment and unseen rarity than anyone who has not sat in the seat can possibly imagine. Furthermore, if you take into account the limitations of what mods actually have the ability to do here, or rather the inability to do here, you can cut that burnout rate in half again. Has anyone ever wondered why there were what, 4-6 mods when the board had 3500 members, none of whom, for their own reasons, are modding anymore?

The patience, the pressure, the lack of moderator abilities, or rather board (privileges) is hard to imagine. Let me remind everyone, that these two people are not aliens, nor magicians.

They are regular members, just like every one of us. Except they have volunteered a massive amount of time to help their peers, with the least amount of authority I have ever seen, as compared to any board I have ever belonged to. It's really that simple. Harping on a mod is no different than harping on any "regular" member with a couple hundred posts, except there is NO expectation from that person without the title of Mod. Why is this? Perception. Never forget, these are just regular members, with a title, who frankly deserve nothing but support from every single person here.

So honestly, in conclusion, if there is someone who has a complaint about either, or any future mod, unless you have experience, direct experience in this undertaking, you honestly need to STFU.

Change the fucking tudes, and do everything you can to "help" these guys. If anything I have just said has offended anyone, I can say, without shame, I honestly do not give a fuck, whatsoever. Be glad that they do.[/quote

Awesome post !! ]
hooter1 said:
In my 10 or so years of modding and admining various boards I have made my own observations.  From what I've seen, the (average) burnout rate for moderating a board of this size, that requires NO ANONYMITY is about 2 years. Take into account the nature of a board such as this, with the varying elements, the potential to have to deal with exreme personalities, as people have ups and downs, crazy highs, and hard lows, in my opinion, you could easily cut that time frame down by 1/2.  Simply the fact that he/they have lasted this long is more of an accomplishment and unseen rarity than anyone who has not sat in the seat can possibly imagine.  Furthermore, if you take into account the limitations of what mods actually have the ability to do here, or rather the inability to do here, you can cut that burnout rate in half again.  Has anyone ever wondered why there were what, 4-6 mods when the board had 3500 members, none of whom, for their own reasons, are modding anymore?

The patience, the pressure, the lack of moderator abilities, or rather board (privileges) is hard to imagine.  Let me remind everyone, that these two people are not aliens, nor magicians.

They are regular members, just like every one of us. Except they have volunteered a massive amount of time to help their peers, with the least amount of authority I have ever seen, as compared to any board I have ever belonged to. It's really that simple.  Harping on a mod is no different than harping on any "regular" member with a couple hundred posts, except there is NO expectation from that person without the title of Mod.  Why is this? Perception.  Never forget, these are just regular members, with a title, who frankly deserve nothing but support from every single person here.

So honestly, in conclusion, if there is someone who has a complaint about either, or any future mod, unless you have experience, direct experience in this undertaking, you honestly need to STFU.

Change the fucking tudes, and do everything you can to "help" these guys.  If anything I have just said has offended anyone, I can say, without shame, I honestly do not give a fuck, whatsoever.  Be glad that they do.
Well Spoken Hooter1....If I had a hat on right now, it would be "hats off" to that!!


I just wanted to briefly post a request in an attempt to keep information more easily accessible as I try to remain current on developments with the various SY vendors and impacted member / customers. In any event, my request is that for the time being, any off topic conversations (which I rather enjoy and have no problem with, by the way), discussion of the SY situation in general, etc, be kept in the Mexican general discussion thread only. My objective here is to have the individual SY vendor threads remain 100% on topic with ONLY member order updates. I'm maintaining a running spreadsheet of members with order issues, and if all vendor thread posts are order updates only, it makes it much easier for me to follow new content and update my tracking list accordingly. Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter.


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 My objective here is to have the individual SY vendor threads remain 100% on topic with ONLY member order updates

Great idea. It's very difficult to find exactitudes about orders when you have pages of nonsense, albeit usually funny nonsense, to sort through. Keep the nonsense, but not on the vendor board. I'd also like to see the "all about threads" go nonsense free as well. Just info related to the med discussed. But that's just me.


Great idea. It's very difficult to find exactitudes about orders when you have pages of nonsense, albeit usually funny nonsense, to sort through. Keep the nonsense, but not on the vendor board. I'd also like to see the "all about threads" go nonsense free as well. Just info related to the med discussed. But that's just me.

Hey now! Don't be giving the Wookie a bunch of "exactitude"! LOL

Nice $5.00 word by the way, haven't seen that one in ages! /default_biggrin.png

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!