I know there are a lot of people out there hurting right now due to the collapse of the system that we have all come to rely on down south. There have been talks of Kratom and other natural herbs and remedies discussed on this board, as alternatives to help with WD's, but I haven't heard any chat regarding Poppy Seeds or Pods, so I figured I would throw this out there as an Alternative to help with OPY WD's.
This is nothing new, but there may be some people who have never heard of this.
Poppy Seeds can be bought in bulk at most any major supermarkets, and can be steeped in hot water and drained to make tea, or mixed in with Grapefruit Juice (my favorite) to help with WD's. This can easily be done, and is quite affordable and effective, however will never come close to replacing your favorite OPY...
I won't go into details, but there is plenty of info out there on the World Wide of Webs!
Do your research, and Be Careful. (There have been a couple VERY RARE cases of people using too many good seeds, and ODing, although Extremely Rare)
This discussion is for informational purposes only....
This is nothing new, but there may be some people who have never heard of this.
Poppy Seeds can be bought in bulk at most any major supermarkets, and can be steeped in hot water and drained to make tea, or mixed in with Grapefruit Juice (my favorite) to help with WD's. This can easily be done, and is quite affordable and effective, however will never come close to replacing your favorite OPY...
I won't go into details, but there is plenty of info out there on the World Wide of Webs!
Do your research, and Be Careful. (There have been a couple VERY RARE cases of people using too many good seeds, and ODing, although Extremely Rare)
This discussion is for informational purposes only....