Warning about the codeine from ttm.
Let me first say that I'm the original starter of this ttm thread, but the recent evaluations about their codeine products what i found out has forced me to warn our community.
Here below some quotes.
Just a FWIW note of caution for anyone ordering the 60 mg codeine from here, especially the sampler. I've been accumulating info from other sites on this, and so far I've got quite a few people, including myself, who have had severe problems with these.
Bottom line - numerous people recently have reported severe upset stomachs, severe acid generation, severe acid burning of the throat and uncontrollable coughing after taking their 60 mg codeine. I don't know if it is just some shipments, but the data I have is pretty spread apart in timing. One person went to the hospital due to blood in their coughs. Some have just been sick and burning throats, others have had VERY severe symptoms.
I have taken codeine for many years, prescription for migraines, so very familiar with the effects/side effects of codeine - this is NOT side effects of codeine. This is consistent with something creating gastric ulcers.
What is very disappointing is that when I sent this information to the supplier, saying here are reports from numerous people, you need to check your supplier of these, this is NOT codeine and in fact something rather poisonous is packed in these, instead of thanks, we'll check on that, we don't want to harm our customers, they told me to basically go screw myself.
For me - just speaking for me - very disappointing. If they don't care that one of their products is not only what they claim but something clearly harmful, I don't have any confidence in their quality concerns on any products.
Well, my issue - the 60 mg codeine that they sold that made people sick is not just a matter of being weak or ineffective, it was filled with something bad enough to hurt people. And my real issue is they don't care. Rather than reply when I sent them a list of quotes of people all having the identical problems, with as much detail as possible about when the product was shipped so they could track down what they shipped that made people cough up blood, they replied in a very angry, "piss off" manner. In other words - they don't care if they ship something that could be filled with rat poison for all we know.
Ok, I received my 30mg codeine phosphate capsules from TTM2U today and did two NIK Marquis Reagent tests on two pills. Not sure what is in the capsules, but it definitely is not codeine or any other opiate or opium alkaloid.
When doing an MR test, the results are usually instantaneous--the solution will turn a dark purple or (in the case of codeine, specifically) blue. In weaker concentrations, it takes time for the reaction to occur, so it will go from a light to a dark orange, then eventually a muddy blue. At the most, such reactions take 2-3 minutes, but usually it's within seconds.
I tested the TTM2U "codeine" nearly 20 minutes ago and the solution is still completely clear. I can't say what is in these capsules, as the MR test only checks for opium alkaloids, codeine or amphetamines, but based on the test results, it is definitely not codeine.
This is highly disappointing. I've been a customer of TTM2Us for several years and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I'd still recommend them for other products, but I'll never buy "codeine" from them again.
You can get Marquis Reagent NIK test kits in packs of 10 on Amazon:
What people are saying is:
1) the product they're selling as 30mg/60mg codeine, at least for the past few weeks, is NOT codeine. I've ran the tests myself, as I've done on hundreds of other pills in the past. Came back negative for codeine or any type of opiate. THREE times. Most likely this is because the third party source that provides the filler for these pills sold TTM2U garbage placebo powder, but as a company, TTM2U needs to own up to it.
2) it is incredibly irresponsible for a company to ignore multiple reports of adverse reactions to one of their products. Any decent company would do a recall or at least look into it. And it's also incredibly irresponsible of the members of this forum to ignore or (even worse) belittle people for reporting that a fake product is causing them serious health issues.
I agree that TTM2U is typically a good vendor and has good product. I don't plan to stop doing business with them. But I'm also incredibly disappointed with the way they're handling this, and I'm even more disappointed with a lot of folks in this forum for their lack of concern and compassion for fellow members who are getting not only ripped off but injured by fake meds As you can see, someone has indeed tested and it is not codeine. As for heresay - I have been taking codeine for many, many years, for migraines, and am VERY familiar with the side effects. This is codeine without any NSAIDS or such - supposed to be just codeine. Severe acid generation and ulcer like symptoms and uncontrollable coughing is NOT a side effect (there is a reason codeine is used in cough medicines.) Nor is coughing up blood from the acid erosion.
When you have about 19 or so people who all have experience with codeine all say the same thing - this is not codeine, it does not have codeine effects, and it has ripped acid burns in my stomach and throat and made me sick - it goes a bit beyond heresay. And now we have someone who has tested and shown what they are selling as codeine is not codeine - who the heck knows what it is.
If no one cares, that's fine, my only intent was to let people know of something and let them do what they will with the information.