aww thanks! so nice of you to say! /default_blush.gifNice post cherry!
I never had a daughter. Only a son. He was tough but seems okay and now trying to finish college and follow my mistakes too much. I can't tell him what to do because he is too old and too big, not like when he was 5. I am guessing your screen name is either from some one close to you, but only you know, not as simple as your favorite fruit, and not as perverted something so juvenile as kids think when they see the word cherry? It fine, don't worry. Nice story, my wife used to talk about having a daughter but that was a distant memory and some things don't happen the way you want or ever thing they daughter is #1. i never thought i'd have kids, but she comes first and matters most to me. my husband is very good to me too, i'm lucky to have him.
otherwise, i'm also very dedicated to animals. i'd help save every animal i possibly could. i couldn't ever work at one of those shelters where they have to put down so many healthy pets because not enough people come in to adopt them. i'd be too sad and want to take them all home.
music used to be a big part of my life as well. i met my husband through music. but since having my daughter- i'm behind on current bands. /default_blush.gif mommyhood happens. maybe i used to be cool, and having fun was a top priority- but now i'm just a mom. /default_tongue.gif lol.
Hi 2earls,I'm a big animal lover as well. Try to support local rescues and shelter all that I can. Wish I could save them all too! Breaks my heart to see animals suffering.
Hi, Cat in the HattheHat, I never new you where knowledgeable with Qeensryche. You are absolutely correct, Geoff Tate was voted the best singers in Heavy Metal, for Many years in a row.That is a great album, i prefer older Queensryche though. Geoff Tate has an amazing voice!
Hi greenmanic, Yes I love the kids and if I had the perfect job I would just protect all of the kids from the "evils" of the world so they can stay innocent and forever bliss in that state of life. Kids should never be hurt and any adult that hurts a child should be given the max that anyone can every get as with some case these lowest of lows who should hurt a child a quick death is too good for them.the children are our future,teach them well and let them lead the way
Hi artemis,My cats. I had two senior dogs, Heinzy and Cleo, but they died. I work with Pets on Death Row in NYC, and a few other rescues. I take the seniors, disabled, blind, etc. Those that no one else wants. Been doing it for so many years. My dad did animal rescue work and helped out with shelters, so you can say I grew up in it.
Would take in a few dogs again, but right now I just got some more kittens with their mothers, and they're driving me nuts.
Jackson Galaxy where are you when I need you?
/default_smile.png /default_smile.png /default_smile.png /default_smile.png /default_smile.png
Sorry typo, I meant shout box not should box, also I mean Ask for you comments instead I type That's for your comments.Hi artemis,
You have a very kind soul. You are a very good person. There are many members on this board who love animals just as much as you do. Some are more dog lovers or birds or something like that but you will find that you have much in common with other members. Please stay and contribute to the forum. I really enjoy you comment in the should box. That's for you comment's, this tells me much about you and what means a lot to you as who you are. Clear you a very good person with a soul that is huge and you are an amazing person. Interesting so you father did this as well. He must have been a great man.
As you know there is no one good or bad person. This topics just helps me to better understand members. It tells me a lot of a member and their behavior. Jackson Galaxy is that you father or someone that passed away of great significant to you? I just curious and you did not have to answer.
Thanks for making this world better.
Artemis i love you!My cats. I had two senior dogs, Heinzy and Cleo, but they died. I work with Pets on Death Row in NYC, and a few other rescues. I take the seniors, disabled, blind, etc. Those that no one else wants. Been doing it for so many years. My dad did animal rescue work and helped out with shelters, so you can say I grew up in it.
Would take in a few dogs again, but right now I just got some more kittens with their mothers, and they're driving me nuts.
Jackson Galaxy where are you when I need you?
Awwww UnknownHi greenmanic, Yes I love the kids and if I had the perfect job I would just protect all of the kids from the "evils" of the world so they can stay innocent and forever bliss in that state of life. Kids should never be hurt and any adult that hurts a child should be given the max that anyone can every get as with some case these lowest of lows who should hurt a child a quick death is too good for them.