Agreed, 100%, not only are they a bunch of amateur kids, but I have read plenty of reviews all over the net that their products are sub-par and their packaging is terrible. Unless you insist on blister packed meds, as one key DBG member had to fight to do and pay extra for it as they were VERY reluctant to send him, you're likely to get pressed drywall and food coloring which will make your stomach sick - again as one key member had happenFake pills dude, you're wasting your money
I sincerely hope things work out for you. Please give feedback on this thread when/if your order arrives and the quality of the product.On another popular forum people like them and the meds. Bottom line is that's why I ordered. Their communication is short for sure. What is weird is here people seem to like one of their sister sites called PS. Go figure!!!! lol - Yes I think it is weird and funny.
I hope I didn't get scammed but if I did then so be it. It is a healthy attitude whenever dealing with a IOP. As an example I have many orders with J and other good IOPs I have never had an issue but everytime I send money I just hope it all works out.
Be happy /default_smile.png
Yikes!Ordered from this site a while ago. Never received anything, even months later.
Well, the good news is the that it appears the post count bar has been elevated to double digits in terms of "happy ending" reports. The bad news is, well, I guess that's the bad news as well. Nothing to see here folks.Yikes!
Another 'success' story about this IOP.
Does anybody with a post count over 2 ( i.e. Luckyhaul), have any recent good things to say about this outfit?
i ordered the exact same thing. i was so stoked when i got them, they were blistered and everything. i prefer to smoke them. smoked the entire pill and felt nothing. all filler. looking at your profile, you seem to be the only one receiving legit pills....shillllllSpunion said:I ordered and received the August special which was ********. They came in the blister packs by Napp Pharmaceuticals. Good quality.
You're absolutely right, this is about sharing information and helping one another. No question. That said, there simply is a great deal of disinformation dishonesty in the IOP world, and the regular contributors do their best to make sure information is properly vetted. No offense is intended, and we really do appreciate all sincere contributions. Thanks for sharing your experiences.Update: Received my order and all is fine. I say THUMBS UP!
and also thumbs down to the funky negative attitude some have here. I just don't get it. I thought this is about sharing info and helpng.
Sharing that they were once in the "blacklist" and to be careful is helpful information, I do believe.Update: Received my order and all is fine. I say THUMBS UP!
and also thumbs down to the funky negative attitude some have here. I just don't get it. I thought this is about sharing info and helpng.
i ordered the exact same thing. i was so stoked when i got them, they were blistered and everything. i prefer to smoke them. smoked the entire pill and felt nothing. all filler. looking at your profile, you seem to be the only one receiving legit pills....shillllll
Right on TheoJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I agree with you 101% on both of your excellent posts!Also i would like to add this. I believe some have gotten legit orders and some have not. Reason? They want to make as much money as they can and possibly they did what i like to call a switch aroo. Meaning? Some received bullshit nothing package or fake pills and word gets out (to forums like this) and people do not trust and stop ordering. They then contact other members and say to them "if u order with us we will give u discount" OR "plz write good things about us and then we will ship ur order we got too much negative feedback" ... something along these lines.
Anyways the said person who complies, recieves a LEGIT order and then goes on to defend the IOP, saying nothing but good, yet on the other side of the coin there might be 3-4 others who got burned by said IOP because of $$$$ Cha ching u guessey it MONEY HONEY.
This to me is very unfavourable. The iop MUST clean up their act. Shave their face4. Wash their back. BRush teeth twice daily (non flouridated tooth pase i may recommend THANK YOU). And become a force of GOOD and not a force of SELFISH TYRANNY.
We order drugs because we like the way they make us feel... we do NOT order fake pills or poopey or an empty cardboard box of filled with lies. This is why not i declare WAR on such iop's and give NOTHING but mis fortune and bad taste to them because you have wronged me and my fellow mans. Good day... Gooday