dexamphetamine, ritalin, prozac, tramadol,

Mar 20, 2015
I've read a few times online what's a no no for mixing meds.   Am I right in saying, if someone was on 60mg Prozac, dexamphet, then tramadol or cocaine would be a big no no ?

I recall some people were ok with cocaine.

Also, could I ask, if taking a drug holiday due to tolerances, what nootropics could some use in place of dex's , rit and modafinil, ( SWIM alternate between dex's, modafinil currently ) bearing in mind the prescription 60mg Prozac for cataplexy.

Please delete if not permitted.

Back later, away to snoozzzzzzzze xx

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I think modalert would help you with energy/focus issues

just a friendly reminder...we do not discuss illegal drugs in this forum, like cocaine.  Your statement does not really qualify as a "discussion" but..i just want to remind you.  


P.S.  It would be a good idea for you to read the rules and regs, and then also read a topic entitled " helpful quoted info for new members".  This topic is also located inthe introductions section on the home page.


I also think,because of heartrate/bloodpressure issues, any additional stims would be a no-no.  I have taken tramp and c@ke but not together, and I certainly know these two drugs both raise the heart rate and bp. exponentially.  

Hi there Catinthehat

My apologies.  Only skim read today.  I can't see an edit button, could you edit the post/heading for me please.

I will get around to reading those topics very soon, ( having a bad narcolepsy day today )

Over 12yrs, tolerances built for modafinil/dexam,rit...prescribed stimulants.

Previously 40-60mg rit x 4 or 5 times day.

Now, 25mg x four, five, sometimes six times a day. dexam

Tolerate 800mg modafinil.

Also have cupboard full fish oils, q10, DHEA, carnitine,dribose,b3 etc, and it all gets a bit confusing.  Is there a resource online I could discover contraindications with prozac, stims that you could recommend ? 

Please edit delete as needed.  Will read forum rules later on this evening and before I post anymore questions.

Thank you.x

aaww many thanks Suzie.  Could you do me a favour, if possible, and edit remove the words in the post beginning with ..C...not to be discussed in this forum. 

Or delete the whole post.

Many thanks

Cyber loving x

you are very welcome and only a moderator can edit someone else's post/title.  Just so you know you have an hour to edit your own post but headings are different and I don't think they can be edited.  Also there are nootropic threads where you can find some info.  I've read that certain kratom works as stimulant.  We always tell new people to read as much as they can not only for info but to be safe from being scammed.

Please try and refrain from hard items such as you listed, and they are only going to be found on the DarkNet anyways via the T** browser under hidden marketplaces using BTC. I also take similar meds, however i choose to combine my high dosage IR Addy's with Bennyz, hence my Screen name. No interactions except avoiding the nightly crash, however, there is also deflections from crashing, read up on sugar in the body, as well as other factor's. Why do you switch from dex/mod? What do you prefer? If it is because you run out of dex, there are very pertinent ways to potentiate it's affects, therefore having to consumer less, and save you days on a month's RX. I also am prescribed anti-depressants, but i don't take them. I was started on Lexapro, and it was all positive, unless my college self went from banging broads everynight to not being able to get it up without a 1/2 100mg Viagra. Not happening. Told my doc, he switched me to Well Butrin. Parents didn't agree, as the drug had severely adverse affects on them, both of them, so i decided to back off and never took it.

I'm also a H addict, well,recovered..and trust me when i say ive done them ALL. Anyhow, 20x trams couldn't knock off a WD for me, so it's probably the least i have personal experience with. That being said, I have countless times had countless bottles and know this much, as im sure you do.... Due to them being correlated with seizures at high dosages, it could be suggested that there may find that the interactions between dex + KatiPery + trams could find yourself in a high blood pressure state with a high heart rate that could lead to potential risk, and i highly suggest avoiding. Without a relaxant on hand such as a quick acting benzodiazapine i would not suggest following the above ideas. At the very least, Lora/Alp/Clon/Vals on hand...Being the easiest to source, and assuming you have NO tolerance, i would suggest these. Personally, I take K@sal, Roche Cl@n, Aups/Bens V@l. I know this is irrelevant in your nature of this thread, but i find that to be as safe as possible with the unknowing amounts of these products and pur*** levels being ingested, as it sounds like its a VERY occasional basis at that, i would tread with caution and keep a back-up, or even at the least something as small as S@maz.

Just giving you my heart to heart, I hope you get something out of this and i hope my own suggestions didn't fall far too off-topic to your original post. I was just trying to give clarification to the best of my ability, as I have lived the dream life of a nightmare using the substances you have suggested, especially the DN product we don't speak about. That is my main caution, especially combined with dex without an out in case BP/HR get's too high and you have no measures of rectifying possible dangers.

Much love.


Please try and refrain from hard items such as you listed, and they are only going to be found on the DarkNet anyways via the T** browser under hidden marketplaces using BTC. I also take similar meds, however i choose to combine my high dosage IR Addy's with Bennyz, hence my Screen name. No interactions except avoiding the nightly crash, however, there is also deflections from crashing, read up on sugar in the body, as well as other factor's. Why do you switch from dex/mod? What do you prefer? If it is because you run out of dex, there are very pertinent ways to potentiate it's affects, therefore having to consumer less, and save you days on a month's RX.
​Dear Benny

Many thanks for your reply.  I am prescribed dex, proz.  I run out of dex, therefore use mod ( caffiene drinks )until next script is due.  I tried magnesium at night, after reading online something of sort, but have't discovered any other ways to potentiate it's affects?.   

I'm also prescribed dihydrocodeine.  Use them seldolm, only when really needed.  THe DN product we don''t speak about,  haven't went down that road, almost, but refrained. I'd ran out of backup dex/mod, and after sleeping 32hrs, was frustrated.  Read stuff online and realised, I'd better not go there.

My journey many moons ago started off I have DHEA, carnitine, B12, fish oils, etc, a cupboard full, but tend not to use them.

Cyber hugs/loving.

Head x

Taking Tum's will potentiate the effect's you will get from D-Amps, as well (but don't quote me, someone chime in!...) L-amp's as well... As Addy's are a racemic (equal parts of) D-amp/L-amp, whereas of course, dex, is 100% D-Amp, hence the love for it!! Wish i got D-amps, i only get the 30mg IR Adds...Anyhow, it's all about the acidity in your stomach!

An even better method of potentiation is to use between 1tspn and 1-1/2 tspn of baking soda in say a shot glass of water...followed by a swig of juice/pop/whatever if the taste is nasty...It will take the PH of your stomach more neutral, those having less acid for more absorbtion into your body. /default_smile.png. It is highly debatable how much of an increase you will find, as I have read anywhere from 10% as high as 30%+.... I have tried and experimented and found about a 10-15% increase in potency....My immediate family finds the same.... My g/f on the other hand....swears that she finds about a 25-33% increase in potentiation from neutralizing the acids in her body, she uses TUMS. I believe the correct amount of Tums to use is TWO.

You may want to research the tming between the taking of baking soda/Tums to the time you ingest the Amp for the potentiation to be at its highest level, as I do not recall and have no personally been using the potentiator's as of recent, mainly because i'm out of tums and don't have any baking soda lol. BUT, there is a true link to the potentiation, do some quick research online, or i am more than happy to for you and link you to my findings in the thread. I'll check back in after you read this. Let me know what you find and if you can't find anything related (which i believe you will rather quickly) I will gladly source you some info!


Suzie nailed it with her advice.

And I not making any recommending but taking different meds could be okay if you don't take them all at the same time. But that is just a general statement. There are still a lot of combinations that can be dangerous. Please be careful. The thread topic would definitely be a serious life threating combo even if taken at staggered times.

Taking Tum's will potentiate the effect's you will get from D-Amps, as well (but don't quote me, someone chime in!...) L-amp's as well... As Addy's are a racemic (equal parts of) D-amp/L-amp, whereas of course, dex, is 100% D-Amp, hence the love for it!! Wish i got D-amps, i only get the 30mg IR Adds...Anyhow, it's all about the acidity in your stomach!

An even better method of potentiation is to use between 1tspn and 1-1/2 tspn of baking soda in say a shot glass of water...followed by a swig of juice/pop/whatever if the taste is nasty...It will take the PH of your stomach more neutral, those having less acid for more absorbtion into your body. /default_smile.png. It is highly debatable how much of an increase you will find, as I have read anywhere from 10% as high as 30%+.... I have tried and experimented and found about a 10-15% increase in potency....My immediate family finds the same.... My g/f on the other hand....swears that she finds about a 25-33% increase in potentiation from neutralizing the acids in her body, she uses TUMS. I believe the correct amount of Tums to use is TWO.

You may want to research the tming between the taking of baking soda/Tums to the time you ingest the Amp for the potentiation to be at its highest level, as I do not recall and have no personally been using the potentiator's as of recent, mainly because i'm out of tums and don't have any baking soda lol. BUT, there is a true link to the potentiation, do some quick research online, or i am more than happy to for you and link you to my findings in the thread. I'll check back in after you read this. Let me know what you find and if you can't find anything related (which i believe you will rather quickly) I will gladly source you some info!

Damn @BennyDiazapine, you are a detailed poster!! Lol.  How many words per minute do you type? Dang.! 

I never knew that about using tums or baking soda with add*r*ll.  I'm going to try that in the am.  Thanks for suggestion!!! 

No problem!! /default_smile.png

126wpm with 0-5 spelling mistakes in 3 paragraphs is my average;

Only about 98wpm with 0% mistakes. I practice online using a timed machine that shows me roughly 3 paragarphs of text. The time begins when i am ready to start and i practice my skills and personal bests that way as a way to sharpen my skills. It really helped me a lot, I gained roughly 30wpm and a 25%+ margin of error correction of grammatical errors! I would just spent about 30-60 minutes a night for about 60 days or so practicing.

I have an online business that regards boring crap (six sigma, lean manufacturing, sales training, etc) and when i wrote the courses, articles/journals in the field in which my business targets, marketing/tools for launching the business, etc, I thought it to be a wise decision to sharpen my skills since I was in HS/College and taking courses on typing proficiency years back, something new and free to boot couldn't hurt to keep up practicing.

I actually need to sharpen my kills on the forum; I try to type on the forum at a 125wpm rate, but because there is no spell check, i find myself re-reading a lot of stuff i post after i've made the post, and often times if i can't edit it, I find myself looking like a fool if i have run on sentences, grammatical mistakes, or just stupid stuff that bother's me because i'm fairly anal how i type.

I've been trying to improve actually due to the fact that i would rather slow down my typing and not have to need an auto-correct or re-read detailed posts. It's funny you mention that because lately ive noticed my typing habits are actually poor quality because i've been typing too quickly finding error's within my posts, when i know if i slowed down 10-15wpm i wouldn't have to worry about spell-check or re-read my post. Thank's for bringing this up though! It was something i honestly thought to myself about last week, and how i need to get back to practicing on this free website to get my typing habits in check--------To stay thread topic relative, by the way, D-amphet's i take everyday certainly plays a role (you could consider that a negative/positive characteristic, i suppose, depending who you are!) and find myself (over) typing details, which i think in my case de-values the nature of my posts, and something i should/need to work on!!

When on Amps that im prescribed, i certainly do notice that my focus can get to be somewhat of a problem often times and i go too much into unneccesary detail or repetition of statements, and i can honestly say that is the truth in my case and i am sure if i notice it to be a problem, people that sometimes read posts of mine are thinking the same thing!  Much love!

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for