GUys you gotta remember these people aren't our friends. No matter how nice they are and how well they communicate and do things to make sure their customers are happy at the end of the day they are still involved in a business where the seller has ALL of the power because of the nature of the customers' needs. Some people are just straight up addicted and will keep on coming back no matter what BS proceeds their last order. Drugs sell themselves. Sure the guy who's better at earning your trust will do a little better than the guy who shovels shit at you all day, but in the end they're both gonna make money. A good example is L from 21meds who has straight up ripped people off and given out fake meds knowingly. Even though he spent a little while on the blacklist and made things right with a few people he's still in business.
There really isn't any need to sugarcoat what goes on around here. These people are DRUG DEALERS and that profession attracts a certain type of person. You're going to be lied to. You're going to be strung along. You're going to get robbed. And you can't afford to be naive'. More often than not they look down on the people they sell to and feel like they're 'getting over' on someone who has a problem they can't really control.
It's silly to expect them to be completely straight up with you. Obviously these people all share the same mentality up and down the line. No matter how 'nice' they are to you, no mater how well informed they keep you, and no matter what extra steps they take to keep you satisfied make no mistake you are nothing more than a dollar sign to them. It's shitty, but that's the cold hard truth. Their customers are all junkies and addicts in their mind and really they can treat them however they want because even if they lose one customer there's another right behind them waiting to take their place.
Honestly I don't know how much of this place drives their businesses but if it's a significant amount than the only way to really change the way they operated is if more of us on here decided to make a bigger stink when things like this happen (and lately they happen often). If more people were like 'look, if you don't stop bullshitting me I'm gonna take my business elsewhere' who knows what might happen. Having said that I know that it's very hard to do that when they already have your money and you need those meds they're supposed to send you to keep from going into WDs or whatever. It sucks, I know =\, but really I just don't see any other way to make any of this change.
Sorry if the post seems rambling or ranty, but I really just wanted to get those things off my chest, heh.
But ya, really I think this is just the way things are and we just gotta roll with it or start being a bit more assertive.