Alex (Formerly

Well I placed an order today,due tomorrow by 1030 paid extra for that , of corse. Close to cut off but A said no sweat, don't worry . Carrier site shows nothing. 1 item only. Stu
We should only post here after receiving. Its generally not proper procedure to publicize an item on the way per DBG vendor treads (mex pharm discussion is for that). Good news though! Let us know after receiving!  Procedu

Well, thanks for the info regarding A's supply.  I just wonder how long that is going to take to get a new system in place that actually works well.  He is really super about keeping you informed, so no complaints, I knew when I sent the payment that he was out of stock, but wanted to be at the top of the list when the supply chain begins again.  Keeping my fingers crossed for some positive news soon.

Due to personal emergency supply issue and non respoive  regular vendor, I reached out to Alex 7/14 -20 minutes before cutoff for one med, he said definitely would go out, send funds immediately.

Rec'd auto tn around 9:30 pm 7/14

Rec'd tn from Alex about 10 minutes later.7/14

Rec'd product 9:45 am est

So from my time zone, altogether about a 21 hr turn around, from initial contact to product in my hand.

Product-tradea ritas- I love em grade A

Customer service- Grade- Off the fucking chain (  translation for any non Americans, or Americans older than me,  outstanding)

Another A++ transaction!

Funds picked up Monday

Received generic study aids Tuesday

Will definitely keep A as my #1 SY guy.

Received word from A that he has his supply replenished for the product I ordered.  So, good news all 'round.

(Skip down to the basic facts if you just want bare bones info)

I just wanted to also post about how awesome Alex is. I have been having some money issues this month due to some unexpected expenses. A few weeks ago, he reached out to me after sending me his menu in May. (I hadn't ordered from him yet, instead using a couple of other SY vendors.) He let me know he was just following up on my menu request and also told me that I can always place half orders from him. So, in June, I placed a half order of 1 mg Farm @lps. With overnight, that came to just under $150. Within 24 hours, I received my letter. 

So, two days ago, I realized I miscalculated my supply and found myself completely out of @lps. Faced with an emergency situation, and a budget of $150, I reached out to 4 SY vendors, hoping they would work with me and also be able to get a letter to me if I could pay yesterday morning (Tuesday), even though I know my order is peanuts compared to those that are much more lucrative. Two vendors replied and said they don't do half orders. Only Alex replied. he sent tracking info last night and by noon today I received. 


Ordered 1 mg Farm @lps 7/14

$$ picked up 7/14

TN sent 10 p.m. CST 7/14

Received noon 7/15

Quality is A+

Alex has earned my loyalty and will be my #1 goto guy from now on!!

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Pooner, sorry for getting back late I missed you're comment. I ordered bars, film strips, and v's. Which he made a double order on my most expensive item! 

        Main issue, Alex wrote me around 6:00 pm yesterday.  He told me about issues shipping I will not address and was afraid to ship for today until he finds another place. I trust Alex, so I told him to do what he thinks is best. I paid for overnight 10:30 am delivery so I would have received today. No tracking number today. Said he would ship today and receive tomorrow and throw in extras!  Anyone else receive bad news?

thanks in advance

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I'm sorry mods, I just talked to Alex and he said he is looking for new hub, hopefully he will find one today, I'm out of my film strips, praying to every god available that he will find a new one today!

Pooner, sorry for getting back late I missed you're comment. I ordered bars, film strips, and v's. Which he made a double order on my most expensive item! 

        Main issue, Alex wrote me around 6:00 pm yesterday.  He told me about issues shipping I will not address and was afraid to ship for today until he finds another place. I trust Alex, so I told him to do what he thinks is best. I paid for overnight 10:30 am delivery so I would have received today. No tracking number today. Said he would ship today and receive tomorrow and throw in extras!  Anyone else receive bad news?

thanks in advance
Hi Heavenlee,

I am going through a similar experience right now. I have had about 5+ flawless transactions with Alex in the past several months, until just last/this week. I placed a large order the end of last week and 2/3 items were shipped because of size/weight (nothing to do with stock). I didn't mind at all because Alex said he'd ship the rest Monday of this week, and I trust him completely (he has thrown in extras and offered me discounts when there were even little hiccups). But Monday night came and went without a t/n. So I e-mail him asking for t/n on Tuesday and if he had a chance to ship; no response Wednesday, and now it's Thursday.  

I will likely e-mail him again later today if I don't here word--but he said he'd send it Monday and now it's Thursday without as much as a t/n or even an e-mail. This isn't like Alex, so I am concerned. 

I just want to know if I should look for someone else to order from next week. I'd also like to just know what's going on in general and with my order. He always e-mails me back, so I am concerned.

I'd love any more specifics or updates (so long as they fall within forum rules).

Good luck.



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Yeh, I'm starting to get concerned, I've had five flawless orders also, one was two days late, but that was due to carrier losing my package or sending it to wrong place but I did get it two days later. So you read his message last night? I haven't heard anything back from his yet, and it's discouraging since this is my largest order to date, over a $1,000. Could you please pm me or anyone with similar problems post on this thread to see what's going on. I was going through the threads, everyone was receiving perfectly up until the 15th, now today the 16th it's a mess, I wish I would have ordered just one day earlier! Hope all this worrying is over nothing, I always freak out when I don't hear back anything and usually everything does work out, so I hope it's the same case here! Best of luck to the both of us!

By the way, since I'm been away, I'm catching up! What is exactly an Opal Sponser? I want to be one, I don't know what the hell it is but sounds cool! Lol!

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        Alex just wrote me, he reassured me all packages are going out today and I will receive tomorrow morning. He said he would rather wait for security reasons then to lose a package and I believe him, he has always been honest and upfront with me.  I still think he's the best! Let me know if you here the same thing! Good luck Pharmer but I honestly believe all will be ok!


Yeh, I'm starting to get concerned, I've had five flawless orders also, one was two days late, but that was due to carrier losing my package or sending it to wrong place but I did get it two days later. So you read his message last night? I haven't heard anything back from his yet, and it's discouraging since this is my largest order to date, over a $1,000. Could you please pm me or anyone with similar problems post on this thread to see what's going on. I was going through the threads, everyone was receiving perfectly up until the 15th, now today the 16th it's a mess, I wish I would have ordered just one day earlier! Hope all this worrying is over nothing, I always freak out when I don't hear back anything and usually everything does work out, so I hope it's the same case here! Best of luck to the both of us!

By the way, since I'm been away, I'm catching up! What is exactly an Opal Sponser? I want to be one, I don't know what the hell it is but sounds cool! Lol!
I don't have enough posts to PM yet, but I will give more info here (and it will help anyone else here). 

I ordered the 8th, Alex sent 2/3 items on the 8th (and said he'd send the last item on the 9th) and both of the first two arrived on the 9th. On the 9th he said his shipper didn't make it to shipping, so he said he'd do Sat. delivery. I said I can only receive on weekdays, so please send on Mon. the 13th for Tues. the 14th. delivery. He said no problem. So no t/n or email the 13th, 14th, or 15th, so I e-mail him on the 15th asking if there is a t/n or even just to let me know if it shipped. Still haven't heard a word.

I want to e-mail him again to see what's up, but from your posts it seems he can no longer ship from where he used to. He is probably not responding until he figures out how. Once and if he does, I'm sure we'll get items then--but we don't know if/how that will work out--so it would be nice of him to at least e-mail me to let me know what's going on. I wouldn't be nearly as frustrated if he just gave me an explanation. 

Fortunately, I have stock to make it until next week, but Alex is all I have right now. Looks like I'm going to be trying my second SY with team E on Monday--praying it works out--looks like the best way to go at the moment.

Hang on, Heavenlee. I've ran out many times with orders pending and I know it's the worst feeling and feel your pain. Try to get ahold of some kratom or whatever you can to ease the symptoms--and if you can, work on a plan to get stock for emergency tapers (i'm sure you know all that already--may be good info for others).

And the opal sponsor is just a membership level you get for donations. There are others like plain sponsor, diamond sponsor, etc. It's just for giving money to help keep the website up--and you get access to sections like this even if your post count is low. I didn't need to do it being I had all the info before they went to the sponsor model, but I like having my updates (especially like now), and I'm happy to support such a great and worth cause of a forum.

Edit: just saw your update from Alex. That makes sense and I, too, completely belive him. Thank you SO MUCH for the insight. I will let you know if I hear the same.

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Here's what Alex wrote me, 

all my people get worried all the time /default_smile.png but remember what people say ... IN ALEX WE TRUST ... lol !!

hopw this makes you feel better! And thanks for the explanation of sponsors, I will donate today, not because I need this section, but this forum is the best! It rocks and has the best friends I've ever met on it, like I said, it literally saved my life, I got out of a horrible marriage with my good friends help, and I'm so much happier than I was a year ago!

All good pharmer, received tracking number last night, I was praying to the shipping gods that you also receive.

i just wanted to thank you for such a sweet post. You spent a lot of time trying to help me and I appreciate how kind of a person you are. By the way I still have no idea what kratom is!  I have been in this site for over 16 years through out the many changes and I've never checked it out. Do you or others like it? Well I will go to the kratom thread and read up on it, probably google it also.

if you don't mind please keep me updated about your package I've been worried for you, so please let me know!

love and light


Here's what Alex wrote me, 

all my people get worried all the time /default_smile.png but remember what people say ... IN ALEX WE TRUST ... lol !!

hopw this makes you feel better! And thanks for the explanation of sponsors, I will donate today, not because I need this section, but this forum is the best! It rocks and has the best friends I've ever met on it, like I said, it literally saved my life, I got out of a horrible marriage with my good friends help, and I'm so much happier than I was a year ago!
Does this mean that Alex is on the forum?

All good pharmer, received tracking number last night, I was praying to the shipping gods that you also receive.

i just wanted to thank you for such a sweet post. You spent a lot of time trying to help me and I appreciate how kind of a person you are. By the way I still have no idea what kratom is!  I have been in this site for over 16 years through out the many changes and I've never checked it out. Do you or others like it? Well I will go to the kratom thread and read up on it, probably google it also.

if you don't mind please keep me updated about your package I've been worried for you, so please let me know!

love and light


All is good with my order!! /default_smile.png

Thank you so much for the many kind words. I'm so glad we were able to talk each other through this extremely unusual event for Alex--as he is always A+ about everything; you helped me so much with all the additional information and reassurance. Very happily, I got my TN and it is right on track! I will order again next week and update if things are all back to normal. Alex already gave me a shipping discount for my next order because of the snafu, and he always throws in extras when anything at all happens, or on large orders (though I only ever order tr@m from him, and I get ++quantity). 

I'm glad you are looking into kratom. I don't want to get off topic on the thread, so I'll just say it's a great lifeboat to have that 100% works for pk withdrawal--just tastes gross and needs to be taken often. Some swear by it--I find it too habit forming because of the frequent dosing needed--but it is a GODSEND when supplies run out and w/d sets in and there's nothing else. And you can get it overnight in the US, so it's a fast helping hand whenever needed--but I now always try to have enough stock to allow for delays. 

Anyway, looks like Alex worked out this short-lived issue and is back to being A+. Again, I'll update next week with another check-up order (and will write only essential details as I know my posts have been lengthy).

@thor Idk if Alex is on the forum or not. He could have just said that from all the emails he gets and from what people say in them--I have no insight either way as to if he is on here or not. All I know is, he's amazing.

Good luck and hassle-free, quick deliveries to all. May your stocks always remain plentiful and your life centered on the right path for you towards happiness and prosperity in all aspects of life.

I hope I'm not OT, but I ordered overnight from Alex yesterday &  it seems to have been pushed back to Sat.  I know I've been spoiled by his flawless deliveries, but did this happen to anyome else who placed an overnight delivery in Thurs,???

I hope I'm not OT, but I ordered overnight from Alex yesterday &  it seems to have been pushed back to Sat.  I know I've been spoiled by his flawless deliveries, but did this happen to anyome else who placed an overnight delivery in Thurs,???
PM me.

I hope I'm not OT, but I ordered overnight from Alex yesterday &  it seems to have been pushed back to Sat.  I know I've been spoiled by his flawless deliveries, but did this happen to anyome else who placed an overnight delivery in Thurs,???
If your post starts out with  "I hope I'm not OT"  you probably are, but what do I know /default_wink.png

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!