Hi folks
I originally posted under the name "Sultan" back in August 2012, not been on here since but was on the look out for email sources. I know a couple of folk were, quite justifiably, suspicious of my one post backing up Kob. The reason I had joined the forum was because there had been a complete hash made of my order, took weeks to come, but it did eventually come. I was hunting about t'internet to see if anyone else had any problems with him. If I had read this forum earlier I probably wouldnt have ordered through him, but I guess I was lucky.
So now I find myself in the situation of looking for similar suppliers as Kobs name seems to be mud, I dont even know if he still operates/pretends to operate. From a brief read on the site Max seems to be the man to go to for similar, so just talking to him at the moment. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to message me.
Once again, apologies if anyone feels I was misleading them.