I've had the pleasure of receiving a package that went through customs and arrived to me with all the pretty "US CUSTOMS" tape all over it. Nothing else came from it. I agree with other posts - don't worry too much.
Looking for another muscle relaxant can depend on reason behind the need for them, as there are a variety that work differently. But a simple answer is diazepam (Valium) or tizanidine...or methocarbamol. But again, depends on the reason for muscle relaxation, etc.
Allergies and a cold are not reasons to receive antibiotics. I know other posts have stated this, but I cannot stress this enough. Antibiotic overuse and misuse is the reason why we, as a society, now have drug-resistant bugs. I agree with post above - get your vaccinations for viruses. There is...
Is there a way to change your sponsorship? As in go from Opal to something higher? I have an urgent question to a password-protected topic and no way to access or contact anyone about it. Help?
Hi all! Just wanted to take the time to say hi and a big thanks for this site, everyone involved and all that you do! Still exploring around the site and reading when I can. Any tips on how to initiate a first contact with a vendor?
Again thanks!