I am pretty sure they can and they can do even more like simply close your account out......etc etc.....I won't get into all the details....but as someone whose credit etc was so bad that they couldn't even get a checking account at a bank I can tell you that banks/credit union can do prety...
Without going too far out there the tap sources here I wouon this forum are very good. With tap right now tap has more or less taken the place of tram for the bulk of the vendors from India. My personal vote would go to PepeB from comparatapentadol (I can never seem to spell that right but...
@DoomKitty this is so true........"Seen plen/nont ty of opi veterans OD off the same batch of pills theyd been taking for a minute. Its just one of those "correctly dosed" fakes had a hot spot. Also be aware that there are tons of fakes being pressed now with any number of new RC opioids that...
Sounds absolutely crazy now but back around then there were bz's not only from India but from of all places Pakistan too. This was a little past 9/11 too.
My experience is sort of similar to yours. What I have found is that there seems to be a bit of variability in terms of pain relief properties between the various 'brands'. I've never had the real nucynta from the USA. I've only had the ones from India. There seems to be two different kinds...
I'm just curious what aothers here think about tapentadol. I tried some....actually tried quite a bit of it and to be blunt about its just a 'meeh' type thing for me. There was all the talk about its 40x the strength of oxy and other noise but its basically a pretty blah medicine for me. ...
Yup Rafa was the Costa Rican guy. Actually got to know him real well. Don't know if it matters now but I even got to know his last name and his parents. He kinda got ran out of the original DB because at times he used a pseudonym like Dorothy or Nancy.....and well back then folks picked on...
Wow a trip down memory lane. They used to be called CAM. There were several others from the area too.
India was the place but so was Pakistan.
I went bonkers on Topix well because it was bonkers. Topix was where I first learned about Greendot Money Cards.
I'm afraid I burnt a few too many...
This is a very old thread forum wise but I thought it would be worth reviving. A random guy pinged me on Reddit and he started hawking seeds from Organaseed.
I'm figuring "wtf?", "oh great another scammer" etc etc etc.
I've been researching PST a lot, here there and every where and hadn't...