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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Morning @Professor_
  2. Professor_ @ Professor_: Good morning!
  3. sigiant2300 @ sigiant2300: @GordonAlles he did indeed. he got
  4. G @ GordonAlles: @sigiiantt2330 mann shit was a fucking shitshow to watch unfold. Mf has some good shit i was thinkig about pulling the trigger on soon too. happy i waited. Mf got way too high off his own supply. happy the moody mf go what was coming
  5. sigiant2300 @ sigiant2300: @GordonAlles yeeeep. pulled quite the exit scam.it was a blast for everyone.
  6. G @ GordonAlles: PHX get removed? lmaoo
  7. P @ psychedpsych: Maaaan, moving next week to bigger and better things! lol Everybody got time fo dat! Won’t see y’all for a week or so!.
  8. Finger-of-God @ Finger-of-God: hey folks! hope everyone is having a lovely day.
  9. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: lmao good luck @Telp, my remote worked today so it must be getting warmer
  10. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Hello and good morning everyone! How yall doen?
  11. Telp @ Telp: @SeaDonkey for real. I been chillin for the past two days and completely forgot to start up and run my car. That little fucker is gonna need to hear some sweet nothings before I try to start it this morning.
  12. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @xenxra you can have as much as you want, my remote start won't even work in this -20 bs
  13. Dannyo1311 @ Dannyo1311: Thank you @Deepnorth
  14. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @Dannyo1311 contact a mod 🙂 they will help! Good luck.
  15. Dannyo1311 @ Dannyo1311: Probably not the place to ask, but how does one gain access to the password protected section?.. Thanks
  16. Ogrefoot @ Ogrefoot: chemcabinet54 is a scam.
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: if anyone in here wants to share some of that cold with me, i'll take it off your hands no sweat
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Stay warm out there it's brutal y'all
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I think I almost got frostbite just in the time it took me to air up my tire
  20. M @ Mammasboi123: Stanky stink?