Heavenlee, No I don't believe I Have any otHe companies ou mentioned. Is there a website on the card or a customer service #. Thanks for all your help!
Neils55, did ur order from 1/10 hard post? I wasn't sure if u were saying it did. I have an order that hard posted about 3 weEks ago which is why I am asking. Thanks for your help. Take care.
Heavenlee, what prepaid company did you use. I have a Green Dot one and they won't authorize to that co. Anybody know what prepaid cards will work. Thanks for any help.
Kitty Kat, how did u find the full version of Grease or other movies? When I search for it I only find them in parts. Is their a site or lapp or something to help in searching, etcm? thanks so much for any help?
Alantek, its been 16 days since my actual order. I was more a bit concerned cuz it hard posted to the bank last weekend so haven't rec'd in normal time since then.
Alantek, Central FL. Thanks. Stay warm. I'd send u some FL sunshine but that's not for a couple of days. In the 40s now. Mine posted Friday and didn' receive. Normally wouldn't be concerned, but tomorrow is Friday. What do u think?