Hey E1 just want to get your take, I take stuff just to help me sleep from TTM. I used to use Zo_lp they work, but for only like 2 hours, and are expensive. I switched to ben es They worked very well for quite a while now. But, do I have a tolerance now, or a delayed reaction? I take a Pax and a Mylan at 10pm, and a hi do co. I am wide awake till about 4 to 6 am, then I fall a sleep for about 3 hours get up have breakfast, sit in my favorite chair watch news, then I sleep all day till like 7pm, except to pee, and then I don't go till I am ready to bust. I am very hard to wake up in the day also. Then I started at 8pm taking them same thing, last night 6 pm, still the same. Am I getting a delayed reaction, or tolerance? Another thing, after I do take my meds, I feel GREAT!!! I lay in bed no pain comfortable, just get bored, and do eat in the night. It sucks being sleepy and tired all day, I take nothing in the day time. I drink a 5 hour energy that helps. I am open to ideas in changes, I want to sleep at night.
mrcme1 - I see that you are taking the bolded medication. This gives some people a euphoric effect with includes restlessness/sleeplessness. I used to not be able to take it for hours before I wanted to sleep (now it doesn't have the same effect; different combo for me as well at sleep time). If you aren't taking that during the day, it could be a reason for trouble with getting to sleep as it sounds like the sleep comes in a time frame that might match how long that particular med is working in your system.
Just a suggestion. I did see you updated to say you found a better formula. Glad it's working for you....just thought I'd give my $0.02 on your above statement and hoping it might be helpful for you or others.