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  1. Nicholas440

    Cannot get Bitcoin

    Thank you all for the replies,  I guess it's not the easiest thing to do but seems many vendors prefer it and I can understand it due to the anonymous nature of transactions. Meanwhile,  I'll just hang out, and read material on here as I often do. I don't write much because I'm often at a loss...
  2. Nicholas440

    Cannot get Bitcoin

    Hello everyone, I was going to purchase from one of the vendors, and the only payment is Bitcoin. I was told to get a Bitcoin Wallet, then add some Bitcoin to it and I could then use it as payment. I also was emailed a list of 3 of the easiest and best sites to get them. Well, I know nothing...
  3. Nicholas440

    Milk Thistle

    Milk Thistle works very well to help the liver. I've been taking it daily for the past 20 years or so.. I'm in good health but I like to take  various supplements just to remain in good health.  I know someone who was treated for a Hepatitis condition,  and took Milk Thistle upon the...
  4. Nicholas440


    I've been taking turmeric for several years, I basically take it as a preventative because I have no inflamatory issues,  I've done a lot of research on all my supplements and turmeric has a lot of benefits. It's important to know that when taking turmeric that you have black pepper (piperine)...
  5. Nicholas440


    Hello everyone...    I'm not sure if I posted that I did get my package that was slightly over 2 months in arriving. Doc was very helpful as always in communications, and he was right, the mail must have been very slow because it arrived in May without a mark on it. Thank you Doc.. I hope all...
  6. Nicholas440


    My order was placed on Feb 13 2017, and I have not received it. I'm not sure where it went but after 2 months I've lost hope of getting it. I've emailed and got a reply that sometimes mail is slow and I agree, but the longest I've ever waited for a package was about 18 days, and I've used that...
  7. Nicholas440

    Hi all, I'm back again..

    Hi everyone,  I've been absent for a while, and l lost my bookmarks and data when computer crashed. I also had to have open heart surgery to fix a tear in my mitral valve and thats fixed now and working well.  When I got back I notice the site here has had a makeover and looks good still, I...
  8. Nicholas440 AVOID

    Order placed on   10 - 21 Shipped  on          10 - 22 Received on          11 - 5 As always excellent service...   NE    
  9. Nicholas440

    Happy to be here

    Hi Lundi and welcome to the forum ..   Lots of great information and awesome people here.   And, always someone willing to help you out....
  10. Nicholas440

    Hi to everyone

    Hello everyone, and to all the admins as well...   I haven't been on in a while but now that summer is winding down and I don't have to be outdoors most of the time I'll have more time to spend online and I'll be reading the forum posts here more as well.  I just put a donation in for this site...
  11. Nicholas440

    Modafinil From Ttm2U

    You might want to check your source of information on Dovals.   They are still produced today...
  12. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    $50 for shipping?  I'm glad I don't deal with these people anymore. I learned my lesson a long time ago when they went down the tubes with all the scamming, and  all the other things they were doing such as over charging, non delivery, etc etc.  I have no idea why anyone would still want to deal...
  13. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    .Yes you have to sign...  and tracking numbers are a thing of the past,  they might send you one after you get the order if you're lucky.   I don't order from them anymore.
  14. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    You  might want to edit that post  that mentions the method of delivery,  most forums wont allow the methods or packaging discussed it can ruin a good IOP....   just sayin...    If I do a Google search your post is going to show up and I'll know who delivers Palmera's  packages and that ain't...
  15. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    Sidney, Sorry I'm late getting back to your question I was away for several days...  In my opinion there are several good ones,    I use Top10 and I have used the Airmail group also, however they were a wee bit more expensive but top notch service, quality product same as Top10.   I have been...
  16. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    I don't know why anyone is still wasting their time and money with Palmera.  It seems very clear they are not the fast, dependable IOP that they once were.   My mailbox gets bombed almost daily with the same jibberish about super duper shipping savings, and special deals.   Yet if someone...
  17. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    These are the  .5's   Karnal  Diaz tabs I got from Palm last year in bulk quantity of 500 and they were very good.
  18. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    Hi Digial ,    I'm very sorry to hear that you got a mystery pill. I am glad however that you did post your experience with that bulk order because I was going to place an order for the bulk 500  5mg .  Last year when I got them they were indeed the Karnal Diaz, with the  triangle with a K in...
  19. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    The  yellow tablet with the  K  in the triangle in fact does have a score on the other side, I just did not have a picture handy they look identical to these 10mg Karnal's  that I got from Palmera about a year ago. So the 5mg and  10mg both have a score line on one side. Aside from the color the...
  20. Nicholas440

    Palmira Drugstore

    The 500 / 80  deal they have in bulk is supposed to be Karnal  5 mg Diazepam. I ordered them almost a year ago and I took a pic of several Diaz tablets from different  vendors.  I don't think they are Ativan. The Karnal Diaz tablet is the bright yellow one top row with the triangle and  the K...
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. T @ timyboy: @xenxra I thought I was the only one that noticed about em bins. What trash bins does he want?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: there is literally a "Who Offers It?" section. The shoutbox is for banter, not browsing.
  3. R @ RussianRambo: who has best pyros? no mdphip or 2-me
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Opana who has it
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: im gonna just say no
  6. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: bin #s for what? you asked this like 10 times without any clarification.
  8. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  9. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @DerailedFisherman That’s no fun. You probably barely escaped death. You get the license or ID the driver? Or hit and run? Sorry to hear that, glad you’re taking it so well! This life is so absurdly stressful and frustrating and funny and beautiful all at the same time!
  10. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls Oh, yeah, I’ve been there. No sweat, I was just giving you a hard time. My bad!
  11. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Got hit by a car going 55. Couple bruises. Should be dead. Hows yalls days going?houd
  12. D @ druuls: @LatsDoodis I mistook it for the seach bar, was wondering what the process is
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls those are two words, yes. Will they be attached to the rest of a sentence?
  14. D @ druuls: sorry about that
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  16. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  17. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  18. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  20. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?