Palmira Drugstore

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I sent them an email stating both in english and spanish politely that I want my proper medication and what they sent me was bogus, I mentioned that I have shelled out thousands to them and that I always order the yellow roun k on one side score on other val/ativan and this time they sent me BS.

I simply asked them to send my proper order and went into detail which pill it is or I will be doing a chargeback if I do not get a response.

THis is the second email I have sent in three days.

I am rip shit over this, I know its part of the game but at least send me a weak benzo not this horseshit.

Does anyone else have any ways of contacting them besides the toprx email addy?


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I sent them an email stating both in english and spanish politely that I want my proper medication and what they sent me was bogus, I mentioned that I have shelled out thousands to them and that I always order the yellow roun k on one side score on other val/ativan and this time they sent me BS.

I simply asked them to send my proper order and went into detail which pill it is or I will be doing a chargeback if I do not get a response.

THis is the second email I have sent in three days.

I am rip shit over this, I know its part of the game but at least send me a weak benzo not this horseshit.

Does anyone else have any ways of contacting them besides the toprx email addy?

I understand D, I'd be pretty salty myself if it were me. As you know, DGSB has the best handle on the current ins and outs of this vendor, so I'll defer to his guidance. Unfortunately, you're right. It's a risk of the game, particularly in the blacklist. Not that makes it right by any stretch, but my point being that this vendor has a rather long and inglorious track record of such things, and I have my doubts where meaningful change and better quality customer care is concerned. They obviously have some unmatched bargains on a small handful of products, but the painful reality is that knowing what's legitimate and what's not is a process of trial and error. Someone ends up losing money before anyone else knows what to order and what to avoid. Anyway, just wanted to offer a sympathetic ear, and I'm sure DGSB will weigh in for you.

Thanks for the kind words, DG is a good friend of mine and im sure he will know how to approach this.

You said " the painful reality is that knowing what's legitimate and what's not is a process of trial and error." and thats what really pissed me off with them is I have been ordering MASSIVE amounts of the 5 mg vals/ati's from the for a while now, so for them to fuck me over like that is just a spit in my face.

It wasnt even a bulk order which really gets my blood going, it was a simple 9 order of 30, why scam me on such a small amount when I have ordered 5 times as much as that in the past.

I will get to the bottom of this I feel they just dont even read emails and delete them.

Unless its spamming you with the same promos or giving you a tracking number I think they could give a fuck less what we have to say judging by my email 3 days ago. I say this because DG received an email from them with a t/n the AFTER I sent my email about how they fucked me like a prom date and still they havent responded.

Last month (July) I ordered the Bromazepam-Lexotan, I found it to be the very best anti-anxiety pill I have taken in years. Today, I wanted to order again, but ran into trouble. From my experience today, I don't think Palmira is in business any longer. Is there a "secret"entry to get to the ordering ?

I do not experiment with drugs for the fun of it. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and found this drug to relieve my pain and let me sleep. If anyone has suggestions, I am open to them.

/default_sad.png DeJournettead the whole thread.... you only have five posts.  The answer(s) you seek are here plain as vanilla in this thread.  S-
I understand D, I'd be pretty salty myself if it were me. As you know, DGSB has the best handle on the current ins and outs of this vendor, so I'll defer to his guidance. Unfortunately, you're right. It's a risk of the game, particularly in the blacklist. Not that makes it right by any stretch, but my point being that this vendor has a rather long and inglorious track record of such things, and I have my doubts where meaningful change and better quality customer care is concerned. They obviously have some unmatched bargains on a small handful of products, but the painful reality is that knowing what's legitimate and what's not is a process of trial and error. Someone ends up losing money before anyone else knows what to order and what to avoid. Anyway, just wanted to offer a sympathetic ear, and I'm sure DGSB will weigh in for you.
Digial... need a little help from you hereI am a bit confused.  Your previous recent posts (please forgive me for not going back and quoting them) but it's starting to get late for me as I get up at 430 for work tomorrow.  But to paraphrase, you stated something along the lines of the last yellows you got were crap but then said you were just tired and that they were in actuality some very strong vals.  That was very recent.... is this a subsequent order you are speaking of or is the same one and you now think they are hit / miss as to some of the tabs are good in the batch and some are bunk?  I've been chipping away at D & M about how they are being perceived and how they can redeem themselves and improve their business by doing some simple things and I am doing that for mostly selfish reasons... I want the shit I order to be right..  Honestly, a big part of the problem is the people who count / pack the tabs.  Hondo is one of the poorest 3rd world countries in the world and do you actually think they are going to get good help in the quality control area?  I keep stressing to them how important that is... but they have not made any progress there, kind of like trying to walk up the down escalator on crutches.  I'd be happy to intercede on your behalf (don't know if it will help any) but to do so, I would need your order number, date your ordered, date you rec'd what you ordered, what you rec'd (or think you rec'd) and if possible a pic of both sides of one tab).  that's a lot to ask, I know so if you're not up to that, just PM me the order number and I will send them an email on your behalf.  I doubt it will help, but certainly willing to try.  S-

Will do everything in the morning, very tired after a duo of breaking bad premiere and dexter in the same night. I will get you any and all info you need tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot.

Also if its not to much trouble could you take a clear  picture of 2 of the real yellow ones face down and face up next to a penny so i can put the one pic above the othr to show the whole difference including size, Id appreciate it, all i can find is the blue ones next to a penny. cheers

These are the  .5's   Karnal  Diaz tabs I got from Palm last year in bulk quantity of 500 and they were very good.


is this the reloadable walmart money card that works at palmira (saw it mentioned in this thread months ago)?   It says nothing on the back about being domestic only, so i assume it works internationally.  Just making sure it looks the same as the ones you guys use, since there's like a hundred types of reloadable cards nowadays.  Thanks in advance bros!

Hi.  One thing that always gets people when they first get these reloadable cards.  I have this same card but I don't remember if this was the case - BUT MOST ALL pre-paid cards that you buy are "temporary" generic cards WITHOUT your name embossed on it.  In a week or so after registering you get your 'real' card with your name on it and can be used internationally.  BUT the generic first cards usually have fine print somewhere in the 5 billion page 'user agreement' that says that the temp card CANNOT be used for international purchases.  

Just trying to save you a headache.

These are the  .5's   Karnal  Diaz tabs I got from Palm last year in bulk quantity of 500 and they were very good.

Another Goddamn 1999 penny.  It's not even 830am and I have that f'n prince song in my head again just like when JB used a penny with the same year.....  ughhhh.... (Just kidding, Nicholas).  Thanks for helping out and sending the pic.  It will help ID what Digi actually rec'd..... Digi, please do NOT use a 1999 penny, LMFAO.  S-

Will do everything in the morning, very tired after a duo of breaking bad premiere and dexter in the same night. I will get you any and all info you need tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot.
Please be sure to PM that order info etc.... Do not post in the open forum, OK?  That would be a bad break of the rules I am pretty sure.

Hi.  One thing that always gets people when they first get these reloadable cards.  I have this same card but I don't remember if this was the case - BUT MOST ALL pre-paid cards that you buy are "temporary" generic cards WITHOUT your name embossed on it.  In a week or so after registering you get your 'real' card with your name on it and can be used internationally.  BUT the generic first cards usually have fine print somewhere in the 5 billion page 'user agreement' that says that the temp card CANNOT be used for international purchases.  

Just trying to save you a headache.
this is the kind of answer I was looking for.   Thank you kind sir you are a gentleman and a scholar

Thanks Nicholas440 you are the man.

Here are the comparison pictures. The personal info I will PM to DGSB for obvious reasons.

Here is what I normally receive from the THOUSANDS of 5 MG Vallium I have ordered.


Here is what I received this time, They are in fact yellow just a my camera sucks at close range. Note the size ifference and no marking on the blank side.


When I first received them I took 4 and they knocked me right out and I am someone who cannot sleep for the life of me. After a few days of experimenting with them I found relief once, it didnt take my agoraphobia away or G.A.D or S.A.D it just really sedated me and I think it was because of the quantity I ingested.

These are in no way a benzo of any form, they are just a pill which makes you very tired and for me it made me really depressed and I do not suffer from depression.

I am open to any questions but be warned.. DO NOT ORDER THE 6/30 or 500/80 5 mg Vallium.  You are better buying a sugar pill.

DGSB I am coming your way brother with all the info I have just give me a little bit of time to type it all out.

cheers all, hope your day shines.

Thanks Nicholas440 you are the man.

Here are the comparison pictures. The personal info I will PM to DGSB for obvious reasons.

Here is what I normally receive from the THOUSANDS of 5 MG Vallium I have ordered.


Here is what I received this time, They are in fact yellow just a my camera sucks at close range. Note the size ifference and no marking on the blank side.


When I first received them I took 4 and they knocked me right out and I am someone who cannot sleep for the life of me. After a few days of experimenting with them I found relief once, it didnt take my agoraphobia away or G.A.D or S.A.D it just really sedated me and I think it was because of the quantity I ingested.

These are in no way a benzo of any form, they are just a pill which makes you very tired and for me it made me really depressed and I do not suffer from depression.

I am open to any questions but be warned.. DO NOT ORDER THE 6/30 or 500/80 5 mg Vallium.  You are better buying a sugar pill.

DGSB I am coming your way brother with all the info I have just give me a little bit of time to type it all out.

cheers all, hope your day shines.
First glance at your picture Digial, it looks like a yellow Zolp.  Might be the new "super zolp" they were advertising, especially if it knocked you out.  The white zolp looks exactly the same, quarter score and no mark on the back.  If you like the 5mg val, why not just buy the blue 10 and bust in 1/2?  I know you got "lucky" and got the Ati's (I think) instead of the val but you can't count on that.  ... look forward to getting your info and I will see what I can do.... which is likely nothing to not much.  S-

FOr some reason or another the 5 mg vals give me a way different feeling then the blues. Everyones different maybe its how they formulate it. Im sticking with them being ativan especially since they started atis to the menu so I am correct on that. I will send the info shortly just need to make a protein shake.

FOr some reason or another the 5 mg vals give me a way different feeling then the blues. Everyones different maybe its how they formulate it. Im sticking with them being ativan especially since they started atis to the menu so I am correct on that. I will send the info shortly just need to make a protein shake.
Just FYI, they (your quad scored) look nothing like the Ati's (2mg) that I get from Palm.  No worries to rush on the info.  Not like I'll get an answer today anyhow, sorry.  S-

very odd, If it wasnt for the fast ass shipping time I would so be done with palm and stick to The only reason I havent yet is I need a backup supply because they take 9 days from order to delivery so I need a gameplan, plus at 85 cents for a 200 mg tramadol you cant go wrong.

Not asking for a pic or anything but DG what do the 2 mg atis look like and how well do they work?



very odd, If it wasnt for the fast ass shipping time I would so be done with palm and stick to The only reason I havent yet is I need a backup supply because they take 9 days from order to delivery so I need a gameplan, plus at 85 cents for a 200 mg tramadol you cant go wrong.

Not asking for a pic or anything but DG what do the 2 mg atis look like and how well do they work?
they look very similar to the pic that Nicholas took of the 5 vals.  They have the K in the triangle on one side and are 1/2 scored.  Difference is that they are very flat and while a little hard to be precise, seem a bit thinner than the ones in Nicholas's pic. 

They work reasonably well for me, more of a mellow slide instead of a bigger punch, even when subbed.  For me I like to switch up every now and again.  I realize BZ / BZ but not so much when it comes to the psych dependence and also helps me a bit as far as keeping tolerance low so I don't have to drop 4-5 of anything to get where I want to go.  Hope that makes sense. 


Yeah I got that over the weekend too.... they're taking CC for it.  I added it to my cart just to see.... it was out of stock along with the morphin power ranger amp.  not that I would actually trust either of those things from them but I see the irony in let's advertise it and not have it.  They are also pushing a "new" 1mg alp and still pushing the 2mg.  If the "new" 1mg they are pushing is the light purple rectangle, they are junk.  I literally threw them away. 

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for