My love letter finally came too. It actually came on the 19th but my mail lady is to lazy to get out of her truck so I had it redelivered. I like Max so I'll be sending him love letters more often to allow for delay.
Then maybe there's still hope. I haven't seen mine yet. But remains hopeful. Max appears to be one of those men that remains a gentlemen. The kind you don't see anymore and wish they weren't across the globe... lol
I don't have that feeling yet. I even played safe and ordered with time for 3 weeks. Just wasn't expecting this long. Please mention if you get your letter. I do wonder if it was because the shutdown it's taking so long...
I know that this is an old discussion but need to vent. I'm also in pain management. Knocked down considerably from what I was on but still at least get something. I'm getting the fentanyl patch and 3 10mg oxycodone a day. I'm not pain free but tolerate it and I certainly have a lot of...
@Just 1fix
the bitcoin actually had me scared to death to do anything. if I can do it a mouse can do it. What I did was bought a Amazon gift card and went to paxful. The people there were very helpful. I received my bitcoin they asked what wallet I wanted it sent to and I sent it right to...
Ok so I installed Opera and used duck duck go and I couldn't get into this site. Kept saying error I don't have permission to go here. Now I uninstalled Opera and put back Firefox and get in under the privacy tab with no problems. Did I do something wrong? I really would like to have the Opera...
Is Firefox any better than Google or is there something better? Not very wise with this stuff. I've heard of Opera. But am sure there's more out there.
That's what happened here in Ohio as well. I have been in pain management for 10 years. My first Dr that I went to for years packed up gave us all 2 month scripts and left me hanging. Thank God I found another one who I was with for 4 years I went in to have my right hip replaced came out of...
Hi all. This is a good subject as I'm just starting out. After being on benzos for 9 years they just recently cut me off complete. No matter who I go to they refuse to give them back. 2 weeks ago went to pain management where they did a comparison of my spine from 2015 till now and can't believe...
Hi! I can relate to everything you said right down to being forced to learn how to use bitcoin lol. I as well found it very interesting. My first post on a forum ever was this one too. Anyway just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and if anything 2earls helped put me on the right track.
Just want to say hi to everyone for letting me join such a wonderful site! I have been in here reading for weeks making sure that I don't miss anything or make any mistakes. Thank you to the moderators and the administration for such a well informed, very well put together and ran site!! Read...