lol I feel the same way!
I keep reading casual mentions of 3fa research all over reddit and the like and my jealousy is starting to tingle. If I'm not wrong it was one of those much applauded perfect functionality/perfect recreation staples of like I don't know 2015? One of those years when I lurked on reddit about RCs and domestic vendors for years assuming it was just too good to be true, which, lol by the time I dipped my toe in, it was just becoming too too good to be true (rcs in general not 3f@).
I'll admit I haven't done much digging for that or any enjoyable @mph or r1tal1n analog since shipping from neverland got too dogdy for most stateside entrance points.
I do the math i know it's still a much better deal than sourcing the pharma versions but I can't bring myself to pay $80 for a g of 4f-milesperhour, which is almost the only thing to find domestic now anyway. Plus I usually have to buy something I don't want or can't afford to meet the minimum purchase order then it's anoth 10 to even get it on the truck.
Lol I can't believe I'm complaining like I've been 'in the game' since 2008. I haven't and I'm sincerely grateful for all or none of the options available to me. Maybe when Im in better financial shape if there are enjoyable research materials to order to the lab I'll try china bulk.
Seems to be some shops that aren't losing cred.
I just miss the days of ordering from TRRC with a back pocket of confidence (they didn't have 3 fa back then either, I'm just pretending to stay on topic).
Anyway, I'm done bemoaning the loss of about a year or two of semi convenient/affordable rc acquisition lol. My privilege is starting to ache lol
love to you all! If I see 3f@ I'll let you know