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- Jul 6, 2019
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Yeah I confirm. This is correcta-pcyp and 5f-pihp are not similar.
Yeah I confirm. This is correcta-pcyp and 5f-pihp are not similar.
@PyroMania123 this is hilarious you need to get with me the pyro vendor. Past few months we had
-2021 post predator apihp batch
- alternative tan apihp from HK slapped, not new age apihp from NL that's trash
- the best apcyp batch of all time and we washed it
-a pvp
-many MD PihP batches
- 4etpvp (sucked)
Current- a pycp citrate (you need to learn to use properly if your not getting good effect) this pyro can barely take any heat
Apihp needlepoint- fantastic
Lastly I have rEAL A- PVP otw avain
Can you show me a picture of 5-pihp? 4etpvp my customers all said very boring. The "Suboxone or pyros" I'm hearing 2 me has some potential but I guess notit's interesting. Some of our customers like 4-et-pvp and some say it's not good. some like the 2-me-pvp and some do not liked it (we stopped synth it)
But we got most good reviews on the recent 5f-pihp.
So what good pyros are in stock? I'm really searching for like bjc type prices because I want to re introduce pyros in my area. I brought apvp aphp apihp to my area and people loved it. I'm just waiting on better priced mags because people won't pat 120-150 per g of pyros.i want to find out what this needlepoint is exactly. the vendor said a-pihp needle. it has effects like but i do not believe.
Can you show me a picture of 5-pihp? 4etpvp my customers all said very boring. The "Suboxone or pyros" I'm hearing 2 me has some potential but I guess not
Bro please hit me up if you end up getting this ball rollingIdk good for you if you are making it profitable. But I just know I could get masses of people on every well known forum to buy from me if I had that at an acceptable price. If you can get it down to 5-7k per kilo max I will buy 10kilo if I can buy a 10g sample at a sample price that I can give a .5g tester to some vendors or users to give reviews and if they liked it I would make the purchase right away. I used to pay 2000-3000k per kilo of apvp and aphp and apihp I know times have changed. I know 5f-apihp is not the actual name but I'd love to know the real CAS of that one. I'm sure its available someplace for a good price but just have to Crack that code... I will eventually find a good Pyro to sell again and I will make sure a bunch of people profit and a bunch of people have fun.