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77 Important Truths I’ve Learned About Life
By Zat Rana - December 15, 2017 https://medium.com/personal-growth/77-important-truths-ive-learned-about-life-2476f940f12d
Every year, I find myself in awe at how much I have changed, how much I have learned, and how little I know. It’s humbling in the best of ways.
It’s a reminder that many of my day to day certainties are far less concrete than I think, and it’s an excuse to reflect on why and how I have grown.
I’m sure that, in a few years, I’ll look back on today and wonder what on Earth I was thinking, just as today I look back on yesterday and wonder the same.
With that said, here is what I currently know to be true about life.
By Zat Rana - December 15, 2017 https://medium.com/personal-growth/77-important-truths-ive-learned-about-life-2476f940f12d
Every year, I find myself in awe at how much I have changed, how much I have learned, and how little I know. It’s humbling in the best of ways.
It’s a reminder that many of my day to day certainties are far less concrete than I think, and it’s an excuse to reflect on why and how I have grown.
I’m sure that, in a few years, I’ll look back on today and wonder what on Earth I was thinking, just as today I look back on yesterday and wonder the same.
With that said, here is what I currently know to be true about life.
- Your mental and physical health come first. Everything else is secondary.
- Most cliches are more profound than you think. Take time to revisit them.
- Less is almost always more. Simplicity is almost always the answer.
- There is nobody you can’t empathize with once you’ve heard their story.
- Beyond scientific and societal laws, rules are as firm as you make them.
- You have to be lucky to be successful, but luck can be engineered.
- It all starts and ends in the mind. The most crucial skill is how you think.
- Happiness isn’t about a state of constant elation. It’s about being content.
- Everyone is a hypocrite, and it often doesn’t matter. Life isn’t a formula.
- People suck. But if you’re kind, you’ll get the best out of even the worst.
- People are inspiring. The lengths many of us go to for others is baffling.
- Perfection only exists in the mind. It’s not real. Imagine, create, improve.
- Reading is telepathy. A book is the most powerful technology invented.
- Much of what we treat as real is a figment of our collective imagination.
- Outside of physics, chemistry, and biology, most science is very uncertain.
- The scientific method, however, is still the most potent weapon we have.
- Philosophy isn’t about understanding life. It’s about thinking with clarity.
- The beauty of art lies in its ability to engage you beyond your sense of self.
- The best businesses in the world have a lot in common with religions.
- It’s easy to be a critic. The question is whether or not it changes anything.
- What you say “no” to better predicts a result than what you say “yes” to.
- The world doesn’t need more noise. Don’t complain. Set an example.
- Struggle is a part of life. Learning to struggle well is a reward in itself.
- Respect people’s time. It’s not something that they can get more of.
- Either you control your desires or your desires control you. Choose wisely.
- Planning is useful, but returns tend to diminish. Start before you’re ready.
- The less you care about trivial things, the more likable you generally are.
- Your attention is the most important asset you have. Be deliberate with it.
- Much of what we attribute to good fortune is just stubborn persistence.
- Regret always stems from not having asked yourself the right questions.
- Beyond food, shelter, and good companionship, life is pretty negotiable.
- Diversity in experience fuels diversity in thought. Live experimentally.
- Knowledge is cheap. If actions don’t reflect memory, you have work to do.
- We are biological algorithms shaped by our inputs. Beware of your setting.
- Growth is what keeps life interesting, and it comes from doing hard stuff.
- Starting out, logic matters more. Over time, imagination is the difference.
- Nostalgia is selective. On scale, things are as good as they’ve ever been.
- There is a way to experience pain as something other than suffering.
- Reality is a linguistic construct. The truth is messier than words imply.
- Over time, the greatest risk you can take is to take no risks at all.
- The goal of an ideal partner isn’t to complete you. It’s to augment you.
- Love is overly glorified. Respect, trust, and empathy matter just as much.
- Nobody finds their purpose. You have to go out and actively create it.
- Who you let into your life is a vital decision. Don’t leave it up to chance.
- If you care enough to always hide your vulnerability, you care too much.
- Gratitude shouldn’t just be a reminder. It should be a default mental state.
- The purpose of life isn’t to do or to accomplish. It’s to merely experience.
- Doing and accomplishing, however, keep you sane. Always push yourself.
- If you worship money, possessions, or prestige, you’ll never have enough.
- Rationality is one of the most valuable life tools, but it has its limitations.
- Nothing is as important as you think it is while you’re thinking about it.
- External comparisons are a waste of time. There is no real scoreboard.
- A fear of death is largely futile. Live so well that you’re always ready.
- It all just comes down to finding a way to enjoy the daily mundanity.
- You don’t need permission to lead, build, create, or to think differently.
- Everything is approximate. Don’t aim to be right. Aim to be less wrong.
- It’s better to not have an opinion than to blindly follow someone else’s.
- There is nothing more provocative than minding your own business.
- Cynicism is generally a product of not looking in the right direction.
- There is a thin line between optimism and naivete. Tread carefully.
- For the world to put you down, it first needs you to give it permission.
- Cultivate a fidelity to courage. It will get you through everything else.
- The more you value being successful, the less likely you are to feel it.
- Brutal honesty, even if sometimes hurtful, creates stronger bonds.
- The most important decision you make is choosing what to care about.
- The more things you care about, the less meaningful caring becomes.
- There is no such thing as fairness, and dwelling on it creates despair.
- That doesn’t, however, mean that fighting for it doesn’t mean something.
- Reality isn’t confined to one domain. Your thinking shouldn’t be either.
- It’s true that some people have more innate talent. But talent isn’t enough.
- Self-esteem and intellectual confidence are paramount. Work at them.
- If you always look for the fault in something, you will generally find it.
- If you always look to learn from everything, you will generally do so.
- Don’t take too much pride in your accomplishments. They’re not all yours.
- Be kind to yourself in the face of failures. They really don’t define you.
- Life is long. If you use your time well, you can do anything you want.
- Life is short. Don’t tolerate bullsh*t. Don’t wait until it’s too late.