@Bren45 That's great! And in my experience and according to my doctor, that last couple of mg are the worst. But 2mg is not a crazy dose and if it helps you function, awesome. There's some odd about cl0nazepam, because the effects take longer to hit compared to x@nax, @tivan or v@lium people can end up taking huge dosages without realizing it, I remember at one point I took 20 mg just to feel something.
And yeah, I told my doctors several times that I needed a slow taper, at one point I was on 6 mg l0razepam and they switched me to 7,5 mg di@zepam, that day was just hell. Then they decided to put me on liquid cl0nazepam because one of the issues was that I knew how much I was taking, I could recognize the pills, and that doesn't help. At least when it's being done that fast. I will credit my doctor tho, cause even tho I has a seizure, I don't think I would have been able to stop taking b3nzos outside the hospital and out of all the drugs I was doing, the benzos had destroyed my life. They gave me a panic disorder I never really had, the moment I stopped taking them I never had another panic attack, just like that.
The one thing I think is key is to always stay mindful of what we're taking. If you begin to feel depressed, remember that depression is a possible side effect of long term b3nzo usage. And it's a good idea to try to reduce the amount of b3nzos you take. Like I was taking 3 mg kl9nopin and 10 mg di@zepam for anxiety and 15 mg mid@zolam or 15 mg z@olpidem to sleep when in fact I knew 25 mg of qu3tiapine was more effective in my case. But if you were able to drop 6 mg of cl0nazepam in a few months you're probably very much aware of what you're taking.
For real dude, dropping 6 mg is insane, not many people can do it. *Salutes* Cheers!