@Rec If you're talking about a long term dependency, all highly potent and/or short lasting b3enzos are the enemy. Pretty much all RC b3nzos are terrible when it comes to addiction, and the big issue with taking fakes is that you don't know the actual dosage or even what b3nzo you're taking, so when you want to taper it just makes things more difficult.
The ideal way is to figure out what you're taking daily and take the equivalent dose of v@lium or even better l1brium, however when your dose is very high, over 10 mg of x@nax or more, it can be difficult to make the transformation. That's why highly potent b3nzos are so difficult, they allow a person to take 100 mg of v@lium or more but only take 5 pills. Because of this RCs are again, the worst.
What I would do is first figure out how much I'm taking, I recomend doing this with kl0nopin, it's relatively long lasting but also potent so you don't have to start taking entire bottles of l1bium every day. Decide 2-4 times a day for you to take your benz0s, no more ''snacking''. One you can take a defined dosage with no withdrawal, then you start.. The most common way is Ashton, it's a predesigned chart to slowly decrease your intake. Just google The Ashton Manual. Remember tho that it's a guideline, everyone's metabolism is unique so in reality a chart doesn't work on everyone. Maybe for you 1mg l0razepam is equal to 1mg cl0nazepam, but to be it's only 0,25mg of cl0aazep@am, so if you make a change and you start feeling terrible, go back and maybe start going down more slowly.
The higher dosages are usually easier to taper, you can do 5 mg of di@zepam every 1-2 weeks. Going down to this part can be done with cl0nazepam. But when you're down to about 30-40 mg of d!azepam, you usually hit a wall, it's very noticeble when it happens, and then you have to start going a lot slower, 2mg of d1azepam every 1-2 weeks, no more. It's very helpful if you can get 2 mg diaz3pam (or 5mg l1brium if you chose to use that one) pills for this
It takes a very long time but the alternative involves a lot of suffering and in some cases even personal risk. With a very slow taper you shouldn't notice it BUT if you indulge in more b3nzo use, specially highly potent like x@nax or worse, something like cl0naz0lam, you can ruin months of work super fast, so if you really want to lower your dosage, it will take dedication and self-control. I'd recomend you to not have any risky b3nzos by the time you start. Just the cl0nazepam and v@lium/libr1um (l0razpam can replace cl0nazepam or also you can start with only v@lium or l1br1um if you are comfortable with that) Good luck in whatever you decide to do!