@Mvaldez07 Go to his site and read his instructions for ordering CAREFULLY.
His site is listed somewhere in this thread. page 4 or 5
His site is listed somewhere in this thread. page 4 or 5
Since this order I have placed an order of fourf-Mph and it tested great! Shipping times are amazing as always and the prices of all the products has been reduced since my last post. Oh and they have 2-fm@ in stock in limited bits for now!I've had 5+ successful orders with albion and each has been spot on. Very little communication, virtually open all the time and ship times are definitely in the top 3 in my book and I've been in the scene for a decade. The prices are a bit high but you really get quality product, like the orders of 2-FM@ I received were worlds better than the purple crap going around NL nowadays. My last order was that and 0-dsmt and both were pure white and tested VERY well. I really hope he restocks the 2-FM@!