Recent order with Alex - I know we shouldn't be very specific with funds transfer forms so
@2earls please feel free to delete this post if you think you should, no worries. But it may help some here, perhaps. And reflects on Alex (in a good way.)
For some reason MG seems to have issues with me. As in, I have sent funds to my daughter after finally being un-banned, yet when she tried to send funds to me (this is not code -my actual daughter in a neighboring state) it would not go through. So MG is not an option for me.
Needed zannies, contacted Alex on a Weds., we've worked together for long enough he knows my family situation, I know his. Decided to try WU to expedite. That day I sent funds (not big order) WU sent him TN, but late in the day. His guy did not pick up funds.
Next day - Thursday - I am wating, Alex said his guy was able to pick up others but could not pick up mine. I looked online at tracking, it said it was available to pickup. Long story short, agent used "Bancotel" instead of "Any agent". That would not work. So by end of day I got refund. Start over.
Decided on CIM. Sent, TN guaranteed Monday. Monday said it was there. Alex's person says its not there for them to pick up. Don't want to go into details here but it took two days for them to be able to pick up due to some slack on the side of place where funds were sent. Not fault of Alex or his peeps.
Weds funds finally picked up. Letter send overnight morning delivery. Even though none of the delay was Alex's fault, he through in a large amount of extras to make up for length of time it all took. Again - none his fault. Personal note from him.
While the funds transfer becomes more and more challenging, IMO, Alex is still a total standup high integrity guy.
@2earls if you want me to repost this with less details please feel free to delete and send me a note and I'll do so.