Alternatvies to snorting


Jul 27, 2019
If you have a powder and can only get the powder instead of pellet form, what are some alternatives to snorting? Can you put the same quantity into one of those gel type capsules using presicion scales? Would that have the same effect. I'm having some real trouble finding 2-FMA pellets available in the UK.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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The dosage is usually too low to measure on a regular scale.  Most folks will just do the whole volumetric dosing thing.  Mix with a suitable solvent and measure out in mL instead of mg.   That'll give you a liquid you can then blot, or just directly use. 

☝️ what they said.

Using a empty  Visine bottle is discrete and accurate drop wise. Approximately 16-20 drops equals 1 milliliter , do not put any  in your eye accidentally though😭

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I made a etiz soluti0n, which I would imagine might work for most other p0wder$ also.... It was very easy.  I had 100mg of etix p0wder and I heated up some food grade pr0pylene glyc0l for a few seconds in the microwave and than dumped the powder in.  I added 50ml of s0lution, with 100mg of etiz, in order to get 2mg d0se per 1ml dose.  A few shakes and it mixed right in.  Worked like a charm.  I got the food grade pg off @m@zon for like around $10.  Very easy.  I also bought dark colored amber bottles to store it in, as light will degrade it eventually.  I did not have a scale to measure the 100mg of p0wder, so I just trusted that the company sent me 100mg.  Turned out great..

Thanks for the advice, dont wanna mess this up and overdose or anything, so just to make 100%, If i have 1000mg and mix it with 100ml of pr0pylene glyc0l I would be looking at 10mg dose per 1ml is that correct? Do you think it will too thick to mix with this consistency?

thanks for all the help

heres a good guide from r3dd1t:

The basic idea of volumetric dosing is that you take a certain, known mass of your desired chemical (let's say 1000mg of d1cl2zep2m) and you dissolve it into a known amount of propylene glycol (let's say 100mL for easy math). The solution you produce will be 10mg/mL. Propylene glycol is a GI irritant in large quantities so I'll always suggest that you make your solution as concentrated as possible without sacrificing your dosing comfortability. So, if you're using an oral syringe, you'll probably want to make a LESS concentrated solution than if you are using a dropper vial.

My personal recommendation is to use a dropper vial and as concentrated a solution as you can, effectively minimizing propylene glycol consumption (I usually achieve 10mg/mL with most b3nz0ss - dicl@zep@m being a bit more finicky depending on the purity of your batch). If you don't have access to a real rubber topped glass/plastic dropper vial (which, again, I don't see why you wouldn't) then you can use an empty eyedropper container (just make sure you clean it out and redry it first). The functionality is the same. First thing you do before actually mixing any drugs is to do a statistical test to make a good estimate of how much PG your dropper dispenses PER DROP. The easiest way to do this is to measure 1mL of PG and then use the dropper to drop that entire mL into another clean vial counting the drops it takes for all the liquid to be dispensed. Repeat this process 5-10 times and take the average. This will give you a fairly accurate measurement of how much liquid your particular dropper dispenses (For reference, your standard eye dropper dispenses ~20 drops per mL, and some rubber headed dropper vials will give up to 30 drops per mL). Make sure you use your intended solvent (Again, pure PG for b3nz0ss) for this test, as viscosity will affect your results.

Now you can calculate your mg/drop dosage, which then can be labeled on your dropper container so that you don't need to go about doing unnecessary recalculation. For example, if you have a 10mg/mL solution in a dropper that dispenses 20 drops, then you're going to be getting 0.5mg/drop. If you've been using a calculator throughout this process, which I certainly recommend you do, and you come up with an ugly decimal number you should choose 2-3 significant digits and ROUND DOWN for [drops/mL] or ROUND UP for [mg/drop] as a safety precaution. This makes the assumption that your solution is more concentrated than it actually is - an obvious HR tactic.

With all that out of the way, you can now add your active solution to your dropper container and you should be able to quickly and easily dispense a desired dose, just remember (and preferably label your container with) your mg/drop figure. That's all there is to it, folks.

Thanks for all the advice. Being from the UK. Certain equipment isn't standard place here. I have a few child syringes (for medicine etc), but you seem to impose that these are worse than these bottles you are mentioning. I've ordered some from eBay just to be safe.

Pellets are so much easier that's for certain

either way is fine i just think the dropper vials are easier than oral syringes and also look less like paraphernalia.  you can clean and reuse eye drop containers like those for Visine, etc

This IS super useful info!!!

what would be the solvent for stim? Water?

sorry if it’s a “dumb “ question!

thx in advance😊

I made a etiz soluti0n, which I would imagine might work for most other p0wder$ also.... It was very easy.  I had 100mg of etix p0wder and I heated up some food grade pr0pylene glyc0l for a few seconds in the microwave and than dumped the powder in.  I added 50ml of s0lution, with 100mg of etiz, in order to get 2mg d0se per 1ml dose.  A few shakes and it mixed right in.  Worked like a charm.  I got the food grade pg off @m@zon for like around $10.  Very easy.  I also bought dark colored amber bottles to store it in, as light will degrade it eventually.  I did not have a scale to measure the 100mg of p0wder, so I just trusted that the company sent me 100mg.  Turned out great..
Propyylene glycol that's one of the ingredients you can used when making ejuice for vaping. Does that mean you can vape etiz and get high?

Propyylene glycol that's one of the ingredients you can used when making ejuice for vaping. Does that mean you can vape etiz and get high?
No i dont think so.  The temperature that is required to vaporize it is too high for a rig/pen/etc, and etizolam has low flash point so it would just combust in air instead of vaporizing.  

NASAL SPRAY BOTTLES! I forget what your supposed to use but you can always use a small Amount of water for each use but for example I forget what you want to use for like the obvious ill3g@l thing that's extremely notorious for being bad on the nose. Some Liquid that let's you know the exact Dose per ML/Per Nasal Spray so your not having P0wd3r rub against your nas@l cavities like sand paper! Regardless if your any caustic subst@nces will eventually lead to N0se damage eventually it will happen no matter what you try to do to stop it from happening. 

OH! To answer your question about Capsules I get some big ones that let Me fit a Gram at most in one capsules if I basically pack it as tight as possible with fine L-Theanine P0wd3r so depends on how fine the P0wd3r is. 

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A great alternative to snorting/insufflation would be to make nasal spray solutions:

Guide 1: 


Use roughly 50-100mg Hexen or NEP per 1ml distilled water. Adjust to your preference.

Get some Snoot plastic pre measured .1ml per spray bottle online. I believe these are 20ml bottles and usually sold in 3 packs.

Thoroughly clean the bottom part of the bottle with very hot water shaking, swirling around gently, pouring, and then rinse and repeat. Then repeat the exact same process exactly this time with cold distilled. Next clean and disinfect the top of sprayer part of the spray bottle exactly the same way. Keep these on something sanitary such as a layer of paper towels.

Once you have done that add 1ml distilled water first for each individual sized MG portion of powder you decided on. Use a folded note card bent in half sideways or any other piece of heavy paper to use for the funnel.

Dump it off the scale and then funnel in add in the powder slowly, gently, and carefully to avoid any spills or it catching onto the sides of the upper part of the bottle.

Please make sure you know how to already properly measure both the powder and distilled water as accurately as possible. Using a Gemini 20 lab scale, add weight onto it once it's on add a flat paper card which works well. Never use tare for measuring accuracy.

Remember pressing the on button keeps the built in auto timer from shutting off, it restarts it. So hit it as often or necessary to do to keep from having to repeat the entire process.

For weighing liquids or distilled water in this case a mixed luer lock blunt tip syringe assorted pack with different sizes and lengths. Should work absolutely perfectly.

Next seal the bottle tightly shut. Add to hot water bath for 15 seconds. Only to top of the bottom layer of the bottle. Remove, swirl gently for 15-30 secs.

Make sure to get the water hot enough again. Repeat this process three times. Then rinse the entire bottle mainly the top part and nozzle head several times with cool or room temperature distilled water.

Allow to air dry or clean with a clean microfiber towel or something similar. Making sure that the solution is cooled down enough.

Next spray once into the air to prime bottle, assuring a nice micronized spray comes out. Please make sure the clear nozzle plastic lid included is off, you should typically always keep it off during this entire process. You can save and keep it around for storage or traveling purposes.

You are now good to attempt lab testing, always make sure you swirl or gently shake and reprime again before researching. Especially after brief periods of non usage or overnight.

One spray every 2 minutes roughly while alternate sides, closing other the other side with alternate hand. Spray directly upwards with it pointed towards the back of your head tilted upwards facing slightly inward toward the center section of septum for optimal researching in your your laboratory equipment.

Hope this helps you guys and gals out!
Please feel free to ask any other questions if necessary!
Much love and happy researching!

Guide 2:


Okay so first you want to get a nasal spray you can pop the lid off to actually be able to reuse it.

Secondly you need a syringe preferably so you can measure exact ml content that your spray can hold, ex 10ml.

Fill it with water and pop the lid back on and begin to spray like a madman, but hold up, you also need to count the sprays till its empty.

So example let's say my 10ml nasal spray resulted in 70 sprays, then you divide the ml with the spray count.

10/70 = 0.133

Now this means each spray is 0.133ml, so if you added 1gram to the mixture you would divide the drug quantity with the per spray ml

1000/0.133 = 14mg per spray


if you live in a country with dirty water you should boil it and let it cool before making the salt solution.

Im not sure if it's required for dissolving all ch3ms but for those that need the heat,  a lot of people pre-heat the PG using hot water bath, then add pre-heated PG to powder, then agitate, then put back in hot water bath,  then agitate.  Over and over till its completely dissolved. Some ch3ms need LOTS of agitation.  Hope this helps.

A great alternative to snorting/insufflation would be to make nasal spray solutions:

Guide 1: 


Use roughly 50-100mg Hexen or NEP per 1ml distilled water. Adjust to your preference.

Get some Snoot plastic pre measured .1ml per spray bottle online. I believe these are 20ml bottles and usually sold in 3 packs.

Thoroughly clean the bottom part of the bottle with very hot water shaking, swirling around gently, pouring, and then rinse and repeat. Then repeat the exact same process exactly this time with cold distilled. Next clean and disinfect the top of sprayer part of the spray bottle exactly the same way. Keep these on something sanitary such as a layer of paper towels.

Once you have done that add 1ml distilled water first for each individual sized MG portion of powder you decided on. Use a folded note card bent in half sideways or any other piece of heavy paper to use for the funnel.

Dump it off the scale and then funnel in add in the powder slowly, gently, and carefully to avoid any spills or it catching onto the sides of the upper part of the bottle.

Please make sure you know how to already properly measure both the powder and distilled water as accurately as possible. Using a Gemini 20 lab scale, add weight onto it once it's on add a flat paper card which works well. Never use tare for measuring accuracy.

Remember pressing the on button keeps the built in auto timer from shutting off, it restarts it. So hit it as often or necessary to do to keep from having to repeat the entire process.

For weighing liquids or distilled water in this case a mixed luer lock blunt tip syringe assorted pack with different sizes and lengths. Should work absolutely perfectly.

Next seal the bottle tightly shut. Add to hot water bath for 15 seconds. Only to top of the bottom layer of the bottle. Remove, swirl gently for 15-30 secs.

Make sure to get the water hot enough again. Repeat this process three times. Then rinse the entire bottle mainly the top part and nozzle head several times with cool or room temperature distilled water.

Allow to air dry or clean with a clean microfiber towel or something similar. Making sure that the solution is cooled down enough.

Next spray once into the air to prime bottle, assuring a nice micronized spray comes out. Please make sure the clear nozzle plastic lid included is off, you should typically always keep it off during this entire process. You can save and keep it around for storage or traveling purposes.

You are now good to attempt lab testing, always make sure you swirl or gently shake and reprime again before researching. Especially after brief periods of non usage or overnight.

One spray every 2 minutes roughly while alternate sides, closing other the other side with alternate hand. Spray directly upwards with it pointed towards the back of your head tilted upwards facing slightly inward toward the center section of septum for optimal researching in your your laboratory equipment.

Hope this helps you guys and gals out!
Please feel free to ask any other questions if necessary!
Much love and happy researching!

Guide 2:


Okay so first you want to get a nasal spray you can pop the lid off to actually be able to reuse it.

Secondly you need a syringe preferably so you can measure exact ml content that your spray can hold, ex 10ml.

Fill it with water and pop the lid back on and begin to spray like a madman, but hold up, you also need to count the sprays till its empty.

So example let's say my 10ml nasal spray resulted in 70 sprays, then you divide the ml with the spray count.

10/70 = 0.133

Now this means each spray is 0.133ml, so if you added 1gram to the mixture you would divide the drug quantity with the per spray ml

1000/0.133 = 14mg per spray


if you live in a country with dirty water you should boil it and let it cool before making the salt solution.
Great guide. I'll have to try this out sometime!

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  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
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