Berg has done quite a few shady things he’s admitted to me and as far as that “exit scam” it was actually a mandatory court ordered in patient rehab stay for 6-8 months I believe. But from what he was charged with, I don’t see how it’s possible to get a 6 months in rehab but he lies a lot so it’s hard to know the full story there and don’t believe anyone really will.
His wife was taking care of the orders and not saying everyone got taken care of but I’d say a majority of those orders were filled by his wife while he was gone. I’d personally avoid for many reasons but the fact his arrest involved rcs and got right back into vending just as much as he was before his arrest is reckless and doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t speak to him anymore but I’d be wary of contacting him for the time being, in case LE has any of his devices. Could be just taking an unannounced break, could have gotten into more legal trouble, could be a bender, could be a lot of things but he’s one of more reckless vendors I’ve known over the years who don’t seem to care for OPSEC. That combined with catching some pretty hefty charges involving rcs and other scheduled compounds and goes right back to the same thing and changing nothing about how he operates are enough for me to steer clear.
These are only two things to bring cause for concern but he’s done quite a bit of fucking people over both on purpose and by accident without ever making them right. I won’t go into any specifics but usually if you say anything like I just did about him, you would have every person he’s on good terms with to come in and defend him like it’s some honorable thing but berg is a textbook narcissist and is very good at making you trust him by making you feel as if you’re friends but don’t be fooled for years like I was thinking he was actually a decent human being.
There's more shitty things he’s done which I feel I don’t need to expand on and will leave this issue alone. Im honestly expecting to get some serious flack for this if any of the groupies get wind of this comment..