Anyone Use Baclofen?

In reply to HIGH TIDE:

Thanks for your reply.  They're haveing CC issues with the Balcofen supplier - hopefully that can be worked out.  They hadn't thought of trying a lower dosage of Soma, that's a good idea.  SS4U has Imitrex pills (vs the $90 auto-shot she's prescribed), but they either don't really stock it or the links are all broken. they are so cheap that they'd probably be fake anyway, but who knows.  my friends would certainly risk the $20 or whatever for the smallest amount just in case they ARE real.  The Imitrex shots were SUPPOSED to go generic some years ago, but the supplier switched the doser from an auto-needle, which hurt, to one of those auto Air-powered needle-free injection setups, which is sheer torture - they should be sued for battery - or GBH(grevious bodily harm), for our friends across the pond, and they added some placebo-like substance to the mix, thereby extending the period that they could hold exclusive rights to the patent.  I don't see how that should be possible - why can't someone just make a generic of the original formula, which worked as well as the crap they are severely overcharging for now!

  Anyway, thanks for the ideas and support.  the pain from the headaches is beginning to break her - and having to stand an watch her curled up in a ball of all-consuming pain - truly his soul mate if such a thing exists - is breaking him as well.  Just to know that someone out there who has never even met them seems to care more than the entire medical establishment in this "nation" is truly a help.  Right now she's sticking to the prescribed Vics, Imitrex, Muscle Relaxer (flexeril) and cloazepam, plus a little extra clon and some soma, no extra narcotics because they help for a couple weeks then tolerance kicks in, followed shortly by just dependence without any relief.  Fuck that.

  Again, thanks for the words. they help.


Thanks for bringing up this topic.  Someone who is not my wife (SWINMW) suffers from chronic headaches, the really crippling kind, and someone who is not me (SWINM) believes they fall into 2 categories: Classic Migraines and "cluster" type stress headaches, where the muscles in her neck and shoulders tighten to the point that they feel like steel cables or 'sheets' of hard material, depending on the muscle type.  (SWINM) tries for hours to massage them, starting off slowly, as the merest touch (to (SWINMW), anyway - (SWINM) is 6'6" and 250#. no bruiser by any standard but he does have strong hands,) at first causes (SWINMW) such pain that she cries out - and she's no baby. Evenhtually the massaging does provide some relief, but not enough, and not for long, The only thing that helps are narcotics - in large doses - which we well know is a road to be avoided if at all possible.  Imitrex helps with the migraine type, but it knocks her out, and insurance will only pay for 6 doses per month (she's had a headache rated 7+ on a 0-10 scale, she hits 10+ maybe 80% of the time) the doctors script is for 12 doses/month, but we have ot pay cash for more than 6 - @ $90 each, and she often needs 2. Soma helps a good bit but it just knocks her loopy - there's no way she could take it & drive safely or do her job (not a 1st grade teacher w/ 20 kids, at least 5 of whom are screaming or having a fit at any given time.)  I really believe that an effective muscle relaxer, whether oral or injections into individual muscles (with a good chart/scan/map for guidance,) would reduce the need for narcotic pain control, possibly completely.  Unbelievably tight muscles in her neck/shoulders definitely seem to be the root of the problem, if they could be managed I really believe the headache problem would be SIGNIFICANTLY reduced..

Does anyone know of any med that works specifically on  the muscles of the neck, shoulders & upper back, or something that can be injected into specific muscles or areas to reduce tension / relax the muscles in the area?


I have the same issue since my injury with the muscles of neck and shoulders do the same thing and cause migraines that just won't stay away. It's like you're describing me when you describe the muscles and headaches. They tried all the things on me people have mentioned above.

I had an allergic reaction to Imitrex (rare 1% have it) and almost died, so I can't take it.

They tried Flexeril and Baclofen for the muscle spasms with little effect. 

Baclofen is like water.  Does absolutely nothing for me.

Flexeril helped slightly for a while but then my body became used to it and didn't work very well after that.

You will probably have to fight the insurance to get this, but has she ever received Botox injections in the muscles of her neck and scalp for her migraines and muscle spasms?

Nationally known specialist physician group worked with me and doctor gave me Botox injections (they last 3-4 months avg, up to even 6 mos for some people) with lot of jokes about which actress did I want to look like.....

BOTOX INJECTIONS WORKED.  I received them 3 times over about 18 month time period - I could really tell a difference of up to 75% less headaches after receiving these treatments (I was having headaches almost constantly, avg 3-5 days/week). The Botox works by slightly paralyzing the muscles that are having spasms.  I didn't have any side effects from the Botox, don't think there are any bad ones. The bad part is they are expensive and wear off after several months.  Then the headaches probably will return.

But the good news - my doctor told me sometimes while the muscles are under Botox's effect, physcial therapy can do certain exercises with the muscles causing the problem, so that by end of 3 injection treatments, the muscle spasms and headaches are permanently improved or even gone. 

Migraines are one of his specialties and that's how he does it - Botox injections to muscles for migraines.  Botox and physical therapy over about 1-2 yr period of time, during which she is having less headaches and less muscle spasms because of the Botox.  If I was her I would fight for referral to a doctor who specializes in this and try it. 

Has she kept a 'food diary' to see if certain foods are aggravating the condition? 

I know a woman who was having migraines due to food preservatives (nitrates). She had to start eating all natural foods without preservatives..... she started her own herb garden to season fresh food, etc.  Her migraines went away almost 100% but it was difficult lifestyle until she had done it for a while.

Cheese is my downfall.  I love it - every kind. But it can cause migraines.

Google - foods that cause migraines,  and look at Web Doctor's list to get a start.

Caffeine is supposed to help decrease migraines or stop them if you get to the caffeine in time.  Never helped me.

She has probably already done all these things, but as a fellow sufferer of almost exact same problem, I'm offering info I found when I researched it.

Now, can I tell you what I've learned about the muscles that might really help her?  I use it on myself with success.

  Instead of rubbing around on the muscles, it helps more to gently start at the base of skull and push with slight pressure each vertebrae and kinda between them - as you go down her spine (probably immediately) you will find extremely sore spots called  "trigger points" - that's where one of the spasming muscles is attached to her spine.  She'll probably yell 'ouch' or flinch and then you know you have the right area.

Then instead of massaging around, try applying steady, constant, slightly firm pressure to that sore spot, (you can also try barely moving in a small circular motion over the 'trigger point') - it will eventually cause the muscle to "release" and stop its spasm. She'll be able to tell because it won't be as painful in that one spot when you push on it, she may notice a difference in headache but probably not until you release most or all  the muscles having spasms. You may even feel it relax.

It takes patience and some experimenting, but a physical therapist who worked with me on my migraines and was personally trained by my migraine specialist, showed this to me.  It helps me. A lot. 

Once one of the 'trigger points' releases a muscle, continue working your way down each area on her neck, you'll find more 'trigger spots'.  Repeat what you did with the first area - the constant slightly firm but gentle pressure, with very small circular motion. Keep 'releasing' those muscles all the way to her waist to ensure you release all the muscles that were having spasms.  By then she will feel better.

This is how the professional showed me to do this treatment for migraines/muscle spasms and I've done my best to describe it since I can't demonstrate it in person.  You will see what I mean - when you find the 1st 'trigger' point and she yells 'ouch' - you know you've found it. Then start the procedure I described.

It's a matter of finding where the muscle connects and somehow this gentle, firm pressure or slight circular pressure on it stops the spasm - there is immediate relief (my neck muscles spasm so hard they pull my vertebrae out of place and after I get the muscles 'released', I have to pop my neck back into place - the doctor teased me and told me I was my own chiropractor  LOL.)

While you are doing this, the spot you're pushing may hurt very slightly more at the very beginning - that's normal.  You're pushing on a muscle in spasm.  But they always release if you persist with the gentle but firm constant pressure or slight circular pressure on the muscle's attachment point.  And when the muscles release, her headache will begin to improve.

Do you live near one of the "Spine and Sports Institute" physician groups?  There are several in the nation, all in large cities.  They really know what they are doing with migraines.  They won't let her suffer since they understand the reality of her pain.  Since her problem seems mostly muscular in nature, I believe they would be great to help her.  They'll advocate for her with her insurance company, too.  Mine did a lot for me, but because I had an injury and neuromuscular problem added to the mix, I couldn't be 'cured'.  It's permanent problem for me.

Accupressure points can also help migraines - just google 'how to use accupressure points for migraine headaches'

A good friend of mine goes to a Reiki Master for treatments and swears it has cured her.  I can't verify that one.

I hope she finds an answer.  I know the agony she suffers.  They just ended up putting me on muscle relaxers, time-released pain med, and I do my own releasing of the muscle triggers best I can (since I have no one to help me now).

 Migraines are hell on earth.

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Sorry about getting off Baclofen topic - but it really is not a very effective medication according to everyone I've asked who tried it.

 I only know one person it has helped better than Flexeril.

The story of the woman with migraines sounded almost exactly like what I've suffered, I felt led to share some things that might help her -  a lot better than Baclofen!

Cluster headaches.

Iv read that psiclobin could potentially be a cure /treatment. worth looking into.

That is if your open minded. Not to mention "in the right state of Mind"

Cluster headaches.

Iv read that psiclobin could potentially be a cure /treatment. worth looking into.

That is if your open minded. Not to mention "in the right state of Mind"
I haven't read anything about it but did see it on TV. Some guy would grow his own magic shrooms and consume it every month or two and avoid the headaches for the most part. Of course he hated to use them because it made him feel so high. That was his story and he stuck to it.

I also saw that show. the guy actually looked like he despised taking the fungus. but was actually suicidal before finding a treatment.

The lesser or the 2 evils i suppose.

My doctor gave me this GREAT compounding ltion that my local pharmacy made up for me. Its mass producer is NCP-7 I works wonders for pain.

It has Baclofen in it and also Gabapentin.

Its a GABA active muscle relaxant.  So if you have a benzo tolerance you can count that it's not going to help you much.

I have years of experience with it and I really don't know why I keep taking it. It does nothing. It causes a bit of an "out of it" feeling. I bump into walls a little more after I take it, which is 3 times a day via script.

When $hit hits the fan I take a benzo which works a hundred times better.

I'm gonna make a point to switch to flexiril the next time I go to the doc.

I have years of experience with it and I really don't know why I keep taking it. It does nothing. It causes a bit of an "out of it" feeling. I bump into walls a little more after I take it, which is 3 times a day via script.

When $hit hits the fan I take a benzo which works a hundred times better.

I'm gonna make a point to switch to flexiril the next time I go to the doc.
I tried some once and hated them, speaking of baclofen. I didn't feel a thing until the next morning when I could barely walk. It certainly made me understand why my friend had called them his "drunk pills" years ago. 

Talking about Flex~eril they made me sleep and sleep and wake up wanting to go back to sleep. I took two over a 48 hour period and missed a whole day. I had called in to work to let them know I was going to out for a day, showed up and they asked where I had been the day before. "I called and said I wouldn't be here", I told them. "That was Monday, where were you yesterday?" I thought they were kidding, but it made me sleep that long. It was over a decade ago and I haven't touched one since.

I tried some once and hated them, speaking of baclofen. I didn't feel a thing until the next morning when I could barely walk. It certainly made me understand why my friend had called them his "drunk pills" years ago. 

Talking about Flex~eril they made me sleep and sleep and wake up wanting to go back to sleep. I took two over a 48 hour period and missed a whole day. I had called in to work to let them know I was going to out for a day, showed up and they asked where I had been the day before. "I called and said I wouldn't be here", I told them. "That was Monday, where were you yesterday?" I thought they were kidding, but it made me sleep that long. It was over a decade ago and I haven't touched one since.
Haha. Actually sounds kind of fun! (But not really).

Any suggestions for a better Muslkle relaxant than Fx or Bcf? 

Does that include s0m@, or have you tried them? If so and the side effects (anything from mild shaking to total incapacitation depending on the dose) were too serious then perhaps mepr0~bamate is worth trying. From what I understand s0m@ is metabolized into mepr0 and, IME, it has far fewer of those side effects. Just makes me drowsy if I take a few of them. If you've never tried s0m@ it is by far the best imo. Just be sure to read all the posts I've made warning about the possible effects if too many are taken. I've personally been sent to the hospital after accidentally taking a few too many. Fortunately they have a pretty short half life and one straightens relatively quick if only 2-3 too many are used. 

Other than those I haven't taken anything else in over a decade. I recall Ske~laxin, Nor~flex and a few others but none of them seemed to work for me. 


Thanks for the info. I have zero exp w/ $om@. I'll check it out. I've skimmed the thread here but I'll go back to read your posts. I've always heard people say positive things.

I guess docs are weary to prescribe it now a days? I have an appointment coming up and I'm going to bring up the muscle relaxnts question. Get some more ideas. Baclofen just doesn't work.

I've been taking val the last few days which works great, but my tolerance skyrockets fast.


Thanks for the info. I have zero exp w/ $om@. I'll check it out. I've skimmed the thread here but I'll go back to read your posts. I've always heard people say positive things.

I guess docs are weary to prescribe it now a days? I have an appointment coming up and I'm going to bring up the muscle relaxnts question. Get some more ideas. Baclofen just doesn't work.

I've been taking val the last few days which works great, but my tolerance skyrockets fast.
Just be very careful, taking one as prescribed if you get them at all. I guess they are weary to R~X because of the abuse potential and inability to find them with a UA, or any DT as far as I know. If you are able to get an R~X scan it and, if you want, you can use the scan to get a big discount on them at SDS.

Just be sure before you try to use them as a recreational thing you slowly, very slowly, increase the dose. If you have never used them before you may get pretty sleepy after taking one. Most people tolerate one pretty well, it's the 2nd or 3rd that gets them in trouble. Hopefully you will get to try them, they are very good for muscle spasms.

I went back and read through your info. I'm gonna do some more reading online.

There are some nice prices on TT and a few others for sample packs if I can't get script. Thanks for the info. 

Hightide, if you have any recommendations on which vendor may be the best for a trial run please PM me.

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Lots of these medications that are available for muscle relaxation actually do their stated jobs quite effectively.  However, with things like carisporodol and diazepam you can 'feel' it working which gives it an added placebo bonus even if they have the same effects.  Try the caris when you talk to your doctor it certainly feels like its working.  I don't know the frequecy of your drug use with things like benzos, but if you have a benzo tolerance you will experience a cross tolerance with carisporodol to some degree and lots with bacolfen because baclofen and benzodiazepine drugs have very similar actions in the brain, or rather they do work at some of the same sites.  So that could be effecting its overall functionality with you.  Also, considering you're taking it 3 times a day you really need to assume that you've built up a tolerance to its effects.

I don't know if you're a pain management case or not, but there are better ways to address it if there are.  Especially if, as you said, you aren't getting much effect from it.  Why keep putting it into your body?  Hell at least find something that helps you.

For me soma is way more effective than baclofen but docs are getting funny about prescribing it. My pain doctor told me my last appointment that he would no longer write foe soma. I have been on Soma for 13 yrs. I was very upset as it really works  to enhance the effectiveness of my pain meds.

@Boo Radley First I heard of a cream!

@HighTide - Sorry to hear that the Baclofen didn't help you at all.

I experienced same both then & now. I had taken 2 of them a day or so ago expecting I might be able to get some sleep. Noticed no easing of symptoms.

It is claimed that you need to take Baclofen for a "a few weeks" before realizing any benefits. Now I was fairly disciplined the first time I was taking it, however still no benefits.

Has anyone felt they were helped by this drug in tablet form? How about Baclofen implanted pumps?

Halflife, my crappy doctor scripted them for me and I took them for at least two weeks and they didn't do squat.  Now, keep in mind, everyone's body is different but for me....not a thing.

Baclofen is the best of the worst IMO, but it still takes alot to work, and is very sedating. I had xanaflex but I cannot even take the stuff as it is so sedating I cannot function.

@guestzerozia- I don't know about your explanation of the MR quality of benzo and $oma being placebo. It's not so much a placebo effect as it is just that $oma actually just works better. In fact, it is the only MR that does anything in reasonable doses, and doesn't require you sleep 16 hours a day. All others just don't work for severe spasm and tension. Maybe for minor injury, but not for severe chronic, daily spasm.

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  1. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  3. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  5. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  7. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  8. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  13. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  14. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  15. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  16. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now